10 largest people in the world
Many boys in childhood dreamed of growing tall and strong, becoming famous basketball players and throwing a ball into the ring with ease. But in fact, no one suspects how uncomfortable being a "giant". After all, such growth brings a lot of inconvenience and disease, from which, unfortunately, such people fight for every year of life. Today we talk about the ten highest people known around the world.
Bernard Coyne
Bernard was born in 1897 in an American town, having lived only 23 years. His official growth, which was recorded, was 249 centimeters. But there is evidence that claims that at death, his growth reached 254 centimeters. Bernard suffered from gigantism since childhood. In 1918, he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest person on Earth. He suffered greatly from liver disease, from which he died in 1921. Buried in Iowa in the USA.
Don Keller
Don was born in Montana, in the USA in 1921. He is the only known giant who had a twin sister, and who also lived to be 59 years old. Its growth reached 2.49 meters. At 10 years old, due to acromegaly disease, he began to grow very quickly. The difference in growth between him and his sister by the age of 30 was 75 centimeters, which led to another Guinness record. Don suffered from scoliosis in the last years of his life.
Vikas Appal
Vikas was born in India and was considered the tallest man in his country. He died recently - in 2007, during a brain operation (removal of a tumor). At the time of his death, he was 21. Vikas was not at all embarrassed to go out with an increase of 251 centimeters. He was an ordinary youth, had friends and acquaintances who had long been accustomed to him and treated with respect and compassion.
Sultan Kyosyon
The height of this guy is 251 centimeters. In 2010, due to the course of treatment, its growth was suspended. The sultan suffers from a pituitary tumor, which affects human growth. Despite this, in 2013 he successfully married a girl who almost does not reach his elbow. The sultan got a job on a farm, where he does work according to his height (cuts trees, twists light bulbs, etc.). Due to growth, he does not feel like a full-fledged person and feels discomfort in the choice of clothes and shoes.
Edward Beaupre
Edward was born into a large Canadian family in which there were 20 children, but of all he was only a “giant”. Initially, he was an ordinary boy, but already at the age of 17 his growth reached 210 centimeters. The guy grew up very friendly and calm, despite the pains in the joints due to his great growth, which caused him a lot of inconvenience and difficulties. Beaupre is one of the few large people with good physical strength. Due to the difficulty in finding work, he worked in the circus as a strongman. In 1902, Edward fell ill with tuberculosis, which did not respond to treatment. Two years later, he died of a hemorrhage in the lung. At the time of his death, Edward was 2.55 m tall.
Wayno Mullirinne
Veino Müllirinne is a man with a huge range of hands of 4 meters. In addition, Veino possesses the title of the highest fighter ever to undergo military service. Veino was born in the city of Helsinki in Finland. His height was 222 centimeters with a weight of 197 kg. For some time the guy stopped growing, but by the age of 30 he suddenly began to stretch. Wayno passed away at the age of 54. His height was officially recorded and amounted to 255 centimeters.
Leonid Stadnik
Leonid Stadnik was born in the Ukrainian village of Podolyantsy. Until the age of 12 he was an ordinary boy, he was distinguished only by a good development of his mind. Once he was diagnosed with a brain tumor.During her removal, the doctors made a mistake and affected the pituitary gland, after which the boy had a metabolic disorder forever. The stadnik began to grow sharply and by the age of 40 its growth was 257 centimeters. The man did not like the attention of others, the views of which he always caught on himself. Guinness World Records have been refused many times. Leonid Stadnik died in 2014 at the age of 44 from a brain hemorrhage.
John carroll
John began to grow sharply from the age of 16 for a reason still unknown. Some sources say that John’s height could increase by 15 centimeters in just a few months. He had huge inconveniences, pains and difficulties due to curvature of the spine. For this reason, it was not possible to fully measure its growth. According to official figures, the maximum growth was 263 centimeters. An American man died at age 37.
Joe Rogan
Joe is the title holder of the largest man of African descent. This guy was considered phenomenal because of the ratio of his height to weight. With a growth of 268 centimeters, its weight was only 120 kg. Born an African American in Tennessee in a large family. Its rapid growth has been developing since the age of 13. Joe could not move on his own, so leaning on crutches he reached the cart with goats and drove to the station to sell cartoons and postcards depicting himself. Joe refused to work in the circus, despite his cheerful disposition. He died at the age of 35-40 years (date of birth is not known).
Robert Pershing Wadlow
Robert is a gold medalist in the Guinness Book of Records. At 10, his height was already 198 centimeters with a weight of 100 kg. The reason for this abnormal development is a pituitary tumor and acromegaly. Robert's maximum growth was recorded shortly before his death and amounted to 272 centimeters. He managed to finish school, entered the institute and at the age of 20 he successfully got a job as a circus performer. For his sincerity and responsiveness he was nicknamed "The Good Giant." In 1940, Robert died in a dream at the age of 22. The popularity of the “Giant” from America is confirmed by the fact that more than forty thousand people came to his funeral.
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