The highest things in the world: TOP 10 champions

Our planet knows a lot of all kinds of records and eventually new ones will certainly appear. But not only athletes show extraordinary results. There are many objects, things and creatures in the world whose characteristics are simply amazing. In this article, the reader will be presented with the "highest" record holders.

Tallest tree

The largest tree on the planet is officially considered the evergreen sequoia, which in 2006 was named Hyperion. Its height reached 115.6 meters. The thickness of the trunk at the chest level of an average person is 4.8 meters. Woodpeckers, which damage its wood, slow down the further growth of Hyperion.

In practice, it is considered to be giants trees whose height has reached 60 meters or more. Mostly on this list are mountain pines and common spruce trees with a height of about 70 meters. For example, Lason’s false cypress grows to 80 meters.

Fir trees are also distinguished by their height. The Douglas Fir, called “Doerner Fir”, is the second tallest tree. Its height is 99.5 meters.

The highest building

The construction of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is recognized as the tallest building. He was introduced to the world in 2010. The shape of the tower resembles a stalagmite with a height of 828 meters, 180 of which fall on the spire. He completes this high creation of architecture. The Burj Khalifa contains 163 floors.

Tallest man

A native of Turkey, Sultan Kesen, whose age is 35 years old, is recognized as the tallest person on the planet. His height is 251 cm.

But throughout history, the highest was Fedor Andreevich Makhnov, whose growth reached 285 cm and weight 182 kg. A man was born in 1878, and his mother died during childbirth. Grandfather raised a boy. By the age of 7, it became clear that he was ahead of his peers in growth. Fedor was 2 m tall when he was 12 years old. In addition, the boy also had tremendous physical strength.

The head of the circus from Germany, who was driving through the boy’s village, noticed a young strong man and persuaded his relatives to let him go with him. By his coming of age, Makhnov had already mastered circus art and the German language. The guy reached his maximum growth at 25 years old. In the circus, he showed the audience skills in all sorts of ways - bent horseshoes, etc. After 9 years, Fedor Makhnov became wealthy people and returned to live home. He married a rural teacher, and they had 5 children. At 34, Makhnov died for unknown reasons.

Tallest animal

This rightfully includes giraffes. It is believed that they appeared 25 million years ago. The grassy and wooded savannas of Africa and southern Sahara became their habitat.

The growth of an adult giraffe reaches 6 meters or more. The neck is 2.5 meters long. Due to the nature of this part of the body, the animal’s body is structured in a special way. It consists of 7 vertebrae, which have an unusual shape. This structure of the neck of a giraffe appeared during evolution - during hunger, drought and competition for food, one had to reach the highest branches of a few vegetation. Newborn giraffes have an absolutely normal neck, but as the animal grows, it begins to stretch and begins to reach the level of its adult counterparts.

Highest waterfall

In the state of Bolivar, which is located in the tropics of Venezuela, there is the highest Angel Falls on the planet. According to various sources, its height is from 979 to 1054 meters. In free fall, the water is 807 meters.

The discoverer of this natural miracle was the pilot James Angel, who flew over the water mass in 1933.

Some droplets of water, while in flight for a relatively long time, have time to evaporate, as a result of which fog forms, which spreads several kilometers from the waterfall.

Tallest tower

The record holder, similarly to the tallest building, is located in Dubai. The completion of this grandiose structure is scheduled for 2020. The tower will be 100 meters higher, the mentioned building "Burj Khalifa."

The tower resembles a minaret and symbolizes the union of Islamic culture with modern technology. This unique building contains restaurants, cafes, tourist points, viewing platforms. Balconies will be able to move out of the facade of the building, which is supposed to become a symbol of the country and will attract even more tourists from around the world.

Highest country

Nepal, which is located in the mountains, is the highest country. Fans of Tibetan medicine, meditation and esotericism come here from all over the world. From here it is easiest to get to Mount Everest.

The lowest point of the country is located at a level of 70 meters, and a small part of its territory is located at an altitude of more than 3000 meters above sea level, which makes Nepal a champion in its category.

Tallest statue

The record holder among the many statues on the planet was the Buddha of the Spring Temple, which is located in the Chinese settlement of Zhaoqun. The height of this creation is 128 meters. In addition, the statue was erected on a 25-meter pedestal, and the resulting structure in 2010 was supplemented with steps. As a result, the total height of the work reached 208 m, after which the Buddha statue replenished the list of the Guinness Book of Records.

The construction of the statue required 15,000 tons of special steel, 33 tons of copper, about 108 kg of gold and as much as 18 million dollars, and the construction of the entire structure - 55 million dollars.

Highest bridge

It is located in the south of France. Its name is Millau. One of the racks of the structure is 20 meters above the Eiffel Tower and its height is 343 meters. Due to harsh climatic conditions, the construction of the bridge lasted 20 meters. Millau is 32 meters wide and 2,500 meters long. There are 7 legs in total.

The highest mountain

Two nominees claim this title at once:

  • Mauna Kea;
  • Everest (Chomolungma)

The height of the highest mountain Everest on the earth's surface is 8,848 meters above sea level. And the volcano Mauna Kea from the base to the top has a height of 10,203 meters. Its visible part is 4,200 meters above the water, and 6,000 meters are sunk in the Pacific Ocean.

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