Amethyst. Properties, value, who suits the mineral
Amethyst is a type of quartz. Its colors range from purple, bright purple to pale pink. Being in the sun, the stone begins to turn pale, sometimes it becomes completely transparent, but later its color is restored on its own. This is the distinguishing feature of amethyst. Amethyst has the main feature - an unusual and pleasant color. By nature, it is mostly purple. Green amethysts are a rarity.
Amethyst's magical power
By their magical properties, amethyst is considered a stone of purity and harmony. He personifies the strength of mind, purity, spirituality. Amethyst is associated with all the pure and bright qualities of a person.
The stone has the following magical properties:
- Protects its owner from bad habits. Its name translates - "not drunk." Therefore, it is believed that it helps a person not to get drunk.
- The stone is able to restore, and also helps to develop and preserve memory. He casts out evil thoughts from his head, eliminates nightmares.
- Eliminates unwanted conflicts, both at home and at work, helps to forget old grievances. It is recommended for people who often have conflicts with their bosses.
- Amethyst directs a person on the right path, opens his soul. Its purple hue reveals the laws of the universe.
Most often, this stone is worn by women, but its magical properties are the same as for men.
Color greatly affects the magical properties of the stone. Pink amethyst is not subject to horoscope. Its magical properties attract love. It strengthens existing feelings and attracts new ones. Such a stone represents trust, and in some cultures it is considered a symbol of sincerity.
Some believe that amethyst should always be carried with you. Others are sure that if the stone is with its owner during conflict situations, all negative will remain on it and there will be a high probability of the quarrel resuming after some time. Therefore, it is believed that after a tense situation, the stone should be washed in running water, and best of all in an open source - a spring or stream. After such manipulations, the amethyst energetics resume. To clear the mineral from negative, you can leave it in the winter for several hours in the cold.
Thanks to amethyst, supernatural abilities are revealed in a person. The stone directs a person to the right path prepared for him by fate. One who wears an amethyst may dream of relatives who are no longer alive or unusual dreams who, with their advice, will tell you what to do. It is believed that the mineral strengthens this connection with the other world.
The healing properties of amethyst
Mineral specialists, lithotherapists, claim that amethyst increases the production of various hormones.
In addition, the stone has many healing properties:
- the mineral improves oxygen saturation of the blood;
- normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
- helps in the treatment of skin diseases;
- normalizes the endocrine glands;
- helps with insomnia;
- eliminates bruises;
- helps in the treatment of joint diseases;
- accelerates the healing process for viral diseases and colds;
- with nervous overload gives a sedative effect.
Amethyst has a very wide spectrum of action. To improve sleep, it is customary to put the mineral under a pillow. With a disease of the kidneys, liver, and cardiovascular system, water insists on it.
Stone value
This mineral personifies the internal state and spiritual world of a person. He can change fate and direct life in a completely new direction.For a person, amethyst opens up new possibilities, and it happens that new abilities.
Wrong thoughts do not go to the head of the owner of this stone. Air is a mineral element. Therefore, like the wind, the energy of a mineral can be volatile. Amethyst does not tolerate a careless attitude towards himself. Otherwise, it simply collapses. The most important purpose of the stone is the purification of thoughts and destiny from everything unnecessary.
Amethyst in Astrology
For travelers, amethyst is considered the most suitable talisman. He will always tell you the right way and way. In connection with the variability of light, this belief arose in antiquity.
Amethyst patronizes air signs. Among his favorites are Libra and Gemini, whom he will help in absolutely any business. He will help Aquarius develop intuition and make them more successful. The twins who will wear this mineral will be able to discover new abilities, and their life will become more harmonious.
Aries Amethyst will protect against negative emotions, and Sagittarius will allow to resolve conflict situations. Taurus and Capricorn amethyst will be favorable in building a career or study. Virgo will help you gain spirit.
The stone will give self-confidence to scorpions, Pisces and Cancers, and it will relieve various diseases.
But for Lviv amethyst will be neutral. Representatives of this sign need to select stones with a stronger energy.
It is believed that if you put a stone on yourself on the third and seventh lunar day of the month, it will help to get to know the right people who will leave a mark on the fate of a person.
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