Hardware pedicure: pros and cons, execution technology

Hardware pedicure has long ceased to be considered a whim. Today - this is what every person needs, regardless of age and gender. Indeed, in addition to the grooming of the nails, it helps to prevent and solve problems with the feet. Therefore, right now we offer to understand the features of the procedure and the technology of execution.

What is hardware pedicure?

Intensive training, uncomfortable or cramped shoes, as well as excessive sweating - all this inevitably affects the state of your legs. Therefore, such a procedure as a pedicure is necessary for every person. Initially, it began to be made in Germany. Then such a procedure was considered medical and was used solely to remove corns, corns or microcracks. However, now it is most often made for aesthetic reasons in beauty salons.

Unlike the classic pedicure, in this case only a special device with several nozzles is used. Each of them has a different purpose, so it is very important to choose the right option.

Diamond cutters are most often used in work with rough skin. Also, they often polish their nails. Ceramic, in turn, is the best solution for treating cushions and cracked heels. There are also silicon-lipid cutters, which are rarely used. Most often only in cases where the skin is too dry and rough. Perhaps the most popular are silicone cutters. They are designed to polish the nail plate. Whichever of the presented options of nozzles was used, in no case should there be painful sensations.

Hardware pedicure: advantages and disadvantages

First of all, it is worth noting that this procedure is absolutely safe and gentle. The process does not use cutting objects, which means that painful sensations are impossible. In addition, this type of pedicure completely eliminates damage to the nail plate. And this, you see, is a significant advantage. Moreover, the correct technique of hardware pedicure will never lead to delamination. On the contrary, the nails will be strong, smooth and well-groomed. As for the skin, the procedure allows you to treat corns and other injuries.

It should be noted that, unlike the classic pedicure, for the hardware you need only the device itself and a set of cutters. Therefore, it can be done even at home. This is a great option for those who are not able to visit the salon or do not want to spend too much time. But still, we recommend that you undergo special training in order to learn the features of working with each mill.

It is believed that due to this type of pedicure, the skin will grow back more slowly. This is true, so you will not need to visit the salon so often. In turn, this saves you time and money.

Unlike the classic pedicure, the softened cuticle is not removed in the hardware. It is just trimmed with nozzles. Therefore, be sure that the master does not injure her.

Hardware pedicure has some disadvantages. One of the main many consider the duration of the procedure. This is especially true for working with heavily roughened heels. Of course, this type of pedicure does not require steaming, instead a remover is used. Nevertheless, the total duration is often not less than an hour.

It is also worth noting that the hardware pedicure procedure is not recommended for owners of too thin a nail plate and sensitive cuticle. Otherwise, it may be harmful.

Technology of performing hardware pedicure

Before proceeding with the processing of nails and feet, it is very important to apply a disinfectant. First of all, the master always processes his hands and only then the client’s feet. At home, you also need to apply the product on your hands and feet.

The next step is applying a remover gel. It is designed to soften the skin as quickly as possible. Often it is applied no more than ten minutes. Residues are cleaned exclusively with a disposable towel. Immediately after this, the cuticle is processed by one of the nozzles.

Then the master begins to work with the nails. That is, it adjusts the length and gives them the necessary shape. To make them smoother and shinier, a special polishing cutter is used.

Only after this begins work with the heels and the skin of the feet. Often, different cutters are used for processing, depending on the specific situation. By the way, too rough skin cannot be processed using the apparatus. For this, special pedicure machines can be used.

After the procedure, a cream for relaxing the legs, as well as a special cuticle oil, is necessarily applied. This provides hydration of the feet and their relaxation. In beauty salons, sometimes they offer to do massage as the last stage of a hardware pedicure.

For those who plan to do hardware pedicures at home, we recommend taking into account some nuances. Firstly, carefully consider the choice of device. The fact is that there are a large number of very different models. But they are all divided into professional, as well as those intended for home use. Of course, in the first category more powerful devices. But at the same time, using them is much more difficult. Therefore, we still recommend looking at the devices from the second category.

The next thing to learn is the rules for using cutters. If you are new to this business, we still recommend that you sign up for a course with an experienced master. So you will know absolutely all the nuances and protect yourself from mistakes and injuries. In addition, often at such courses it is supposed to refine the theory. That is, you can practice on models.

Hardware pedicure is a great alternative to the classic version. As you can see, this procedure has much more advantages, so it is rightfully a favorite for many girls.

What kind of pedicure do you do?

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