Publications from Neko

Lunar staining calendar 2019. Auspicious and unfavorable days

Various manipulations with the appearance for modern girls have become commonplace. The simplest and most affordable way to transform is hair dyeing. For the first time, women began to do this more than 4 thousand years ago. In those days, ash, herbal mixtures, sour milk, lemon juice, cinnamon and other products were used for this. Today in the arsenal of fashionistas is a huge number of cosmetic products, which [...]

Lunar calendar of weddings for 2019: Auspicious days for marriage

A wedding is a very important and important event that you need to prepare for in advance. There are many traditions and superstitions. Some of them are associated with the choice of the date of the celebration, some recommend focusing on the church calendar, the second pay attention to feng shui or numerology, and others look at the lunar calendar. The influence of the moon on the wedding date People have long noticed that [...]

Sultanite: properties and significance of the stone, compatibility with the zodiac signs

Jewelers characterize sultanite as a chameleon mineral. That's because, depending on the lighting, it can change its shade. This is its value - the specific ability to transform, unusual beauty, which strikes with its brilliance and a variety of shades. Even in ancient scriptures, the first mention of sultanite was found, and even then the stone was actively used in jewelry. Them […]

Love Horoscope 2019: Forecast for All Signs

The symbol of 2019 will be a yellow pig, which accepts a strong and harmonious relationship between lovers. Therefore, lonely people will certainly think about finding a life partner, and couples will finally want to build their nest. Love relationships will be protected by the totem of the year, which will protect them from confusion and misunderstanding. Astrologers are sure that 2019 can be a real year for lovers [...]

Haircuts lunar calendar for 2019. Favorable days for visits to the hairdresser

Scientists have long proved that the moon has a huge impact on the human body and all the processes that occur in it. Our hair did not stand aside. Ordinary inhabitants also note that sometimes after a haircut their hairstyle looks simply gorgeous. But there are times when going to the hairdresser becomes a disappointment. Astrologers claim that the Moon’s phase, which [...]

The magical properties of stone malachite: a description of who suits the sign

This mineral is also called peacock stone or a mineral of health. It has a green tint that varies from very light to dark, saturated. This layered mineral served as a raw material for the production of copper. After a while, people began to use this gem to create beautiful jewelry, bowls, caskets. What is this stone? This is malachite! They decorated buildings, household items. In the Hermitage [...]

Tiger's eye: properties, types, what they use and for whom the mineral is suitable

One of the varieties of translucent quartz is the tiger's eye. This natural stone of a brown shade has golden stripes in its structure. The composition of the mineral contains iron oxide, which provides such unusual inclusions. For this reason, it becomes very similar to the tiger's eye. The mineral was discovered by the Sumerians, who began to use it to decorate the statues of the gods. Archaeologists have discovered sculptures, [...]

TOP 15 real-life biography films

Biography films include high-profile and best scenes about world-famous people who happened in reality. Pictures based on real events will undoubtedly leave a mark in the heart of the viewer. Gangster (2007) The film takes place in 1968, in America. The criminal boss works as a driver Frank Lucas. This kid is inconspicuous and unknown to anyone. Soon, the boss of Frank [...]

The funniest comedies: TOP 15 films that will cheer you up

The article will examine the funniest comedies that can be watched by the whole family and get a lot of positive emotions. Comedies such as Bruce Almighty, Police Academy, Home Alone are not on the list. Everything has already been watched by these films, therefore it is better to devote your attention to more popular and new films. Eurotour (USA, Czech Republic) 2004 An entrepreneurial young man Scott needs only [...]

Amber: healing and magical properties of stone

Amber is the most unusual and mysterious stone. Some of its instances are a real rarity. In addition, this stone is quite accessible to a person with any income level. In places where the mineral is mined, people do not consider amber precious. They even use it in the soldering process as a rosin. Amber consists mainly of carbon, which is not [...]

Beautiful tattoos on the forearm for girls and guys

Among the popular parts of the body where it is customary to apply tattoos, one can distinguish the forearm. Thanks to its shape and size, almost any image will look good here. As a rule, girls choose a tattoo in the form of a flower, while on the forearm of a man you can often see a sword, cross or abstract ornaments. Advantages and disadvantages of tattoos on the forearm Specialists claim that [...]