Does it hurt to get a tattoo?
The process of applying a tattoo in itself is very serious and should be carefully considered. For many people, the hesitation begins with thinking about how painful it is to get a tattoo? Sometimes it is this issue that becomes an obstacle to drawing a picture on the body. In order not to destroy your dreams and fulfill them with pleasure, you need to first decide on the place of application. Indeed, very often pain sensations depend on this. But, nevertheless, the selected part of the body is just one of the criteria for assessing pain during the procedure.
Qualification and experience of a tattoo master
The qualifications and experience of a tattoo master is the most important factor, because experience can affect the pain during tattooing. The tattoo artist should not only be able to transfer the drawing to the body, but also know the method of applying painkillers, if necessary, pause so that the client can rest a bit and tune in to continue the procedure. Also, the master should have general knowledge about needles and types of machines, since different types of tools need to be used for different drawings. This greatly affects the perceptibility of the process.
Where it doesn’t hurt to get a tattoo: places of application
The perception of pain depends on the part of the body on which the tattoo will be applied. First of all, I would like to say that the main role is played by the number of endings of the nervous system in a particular area of the body, as well as the weight category. The more meat or fat between the bones and the skin, the less pain. It is no secret that it is easier for women to endure pain than for men. Let's take a closer look at the most painful places for women and men when applying a tattoo.
Pain areas for tattooing in men
It is very painful to perform a tattoo on the head, neck, ribs, hands, on the inside of the hips, on the knees, ankles and feet. Tolerable sensations when drawing on a man’s chest, shoulder blades, abdomen, hips and lower leg. And the pain on the shoulders, forearm, lower back and buttocks is not felt at all.
Sensitivity of pain on parts of the body of women
The most painful places for women are the neck, chest, head, spine, hands, inner thigh, knees, ankles and feet. Mild pain when sketching on shoulder blades, ribs, abdomen, hips, legs, and under the knee. Sensations of slight tingling are felt on the forearm, back of the neck and shoulder, back and buttocks.
Pain threshold during a tattoo procedure
As you know, each person has his own degree of perception of pain. It is believed that the male sex more easily tolerates discomfort, and less painfully perceives pain. So they are mainly interested in the issue of pain when performing a tattoo, of course, for a girl. But in any case, tolerance for pain is developed over time, it can even be trained. When in the case of applying the first tattoo there was hellish pain, then the third one will not bring any discomfort at all.
How much pain to endure when applying a tattoo: the duration of the procedure
Definitely, the duration of the process depends on the size of the tattoo: the larger the pattern, the more time you will have to spend on the armchair. In order to more accurately draw the smallest details or paint over a specific piece, the master will have to work on a skin area. It is precisely such moments that involuntarily lead to irritation under the influence of a needle, as a result of which pain sensations intensify. Therefore, large-scale drawings and distribute the tattoo master for several visits. At any time, you can interrupt and continue applying the picture when the skin heals slightly.
Morale: a comparison of pain
Morale is one of the main factors that affect pain when a tattoo is applied to the body. If fear and doubt are still present, then you need to overcome it. Most importantly, it is not worth thinking about and tuning in to pain for a long time. Tattooing is not the most severe and painful sensation compared to those that a person experiences throughout his life: hair removal, muscle pain after a hard workout in the gym, after all, childbirth. That's how you need to adjust your brain, and then it will not be so scary and painful, because the main thing is to support yourself mentally.
Making a tattoo: methods of distraction
Typically, a tattoo session lasts several hours, and when a person is not busy, then he voluntarily begins to concentrate on his feelings. So the best thing in this situation is just to be distracted by something neutral. Believe me, the master will only be happy with such a decision. You can entertain yourself by watching a movie or series, reading a book, or just listening to your favorite music and get distracted. So do not be shy to use your favorite methods for maximum relaxation, the main thing is that they do not distract the tattoo master.
Anesthesia technique
In some tattoo workshops, clients are offered general anesthesia for the duration of the tattoo. This procedure is associated with a possible risk, so if possible it is better to avoid it, since there is no strong need for it. To date, every tattoo artist in use has special ointments and gels for tattoos based on painkillers. They not only reduce the sensation of pain, but also soften skin irritation.
General well-being in the tattoo parlor
The most important thing before visiting a salon where you will apply a tattoo is to have a good night's sleep, have a tight lunch and take a relaxing shower. In no case do not go to the master hungry, tired and sweaty. It is strictly forbidden to take alcoholic beverages before starting the procedure. All this is not only unpleasant for the master, but also greatly affects the sensations of the procedure, as well as the healing process after applying the tattoo.
Given all the above factors and rules, the process of applying a tattoo will be less painful. So you can safely look for drawings to perform the desired tattoo.
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