Holidays in the village of Nebug 2018: prices, accommodation, pros and cons of the resort

Nebug is one of those resorts that can be called ambiguous. On the one hand, this is the most ordinary village in the Krasnodar Territory, ...

Inexpensive rest in Peschanoy 2018. Cozy idyll on the Crimean coast

The village of Peschanoe is located in a cozy place of the Crimea, only 30 km from Sevastopol. Rest here can be called calm and peaceful, ...

Holidays in Olginka in 2018: prices, recovery, entertainment, reviews

Around the large cities of the Krasnodar Territory there are a lot of small well-groomed and beautiful resort villages that will not leave ...

Sevastopol - a city worth a visit to a traveler

Sevastopol is a holiday city that was founded in the late 18th century on the Black Sea. For a long time it was the main base of the Russian ...

Rest in Adygea 2018. Travel to the fabulous places of the republic

Adygea, despite its modest size, was able to collect a huge number of natural attractions. The territory of the republic ...

Succo 2018 - an inspiring vacation in the picturesque region of the Black Sea coast

In a narrow valley near Anapa, the resort village of Sukko is located. From all sides the area is surrounded by mighty forests, and the resort itself ...

Hosta is an ideal place for a budget holiday in 2018

The most comfortable and quiet village of Greater Sochi is Khost. The famous Matsesta health resorts are located here, many are concentrated ...

Rest and recreation in Taman 2018

Taman - can not be called a popular resort. The infrastructure here is not very developed, in the village there are no discos, night clubs and others ...

The best place for a relaxing holiday is the resort village of Vityazevo

Near Anapa is a well-maintained and quiet village of Vityazevo, who gladly opened his resort embrace for a meeting ...

All about rest in Tuapse 2018: prices, accommodation, beaches, pros and cons

Resort Tuapse is associated with golden pebble-sand beaches and the sheen of metal port cranes. The city has industrial ...

A delightful vacation in Georgia 2018: gorgeous views and a special flavor of the country

Many tour operators call Georgia one of the most promising areas. Rest here belongs to the budget category, therefore ...

TOP 15 most beautiful lakes in the world

Nature always has a positive effect on the mental balance of a person; it pleases the eye and attracts it to itself. It instills a kind of comfort into the soul ...