Elections 2018. How did you remember the debates of candidates for the presidency of Russia

In the 2018 presidential election, 8 candidates will apply for the highest position of the state. Each of them was given the right to participate in the pre-election debate in order to summarize his program, answer questions and debate with his opponents. What did the audience remember the debate?

Sobchak brought to tears

During the speech of Ksenia Anatolyevna at the debate, each of her opponents considered it necessary to insert his own word, which brought the only female candidate to tears. Sobchak, in turn, drew the studio’s attention to this and promised to file a corresponding complaint with the Central Election Commission. At the same time, she turned to the presenter with a request to provide her with additional time for speaking. However, Vladimir Solovyov refused, citing his lack of such authority.

At the same time, the remaining participants in the discussion continued to shout, preventing Sobchak from expressing his point of view. And after she turned to the audience with a request to vote on March 18 precisely for her candidacy, Zhirinovsky suggested sending Ksenia Anatolyevna to a madhouse. Therefore, when the time for the speech was given to another candidate, namely Maxim Suraikin, she continued a skirmish with Vladimir Volfovich and other opponents.

Sobchak complained about the rudeness of the other candidates, calling them spoilers and demanded to return all her time, because she could not say a word because of their constant cries. In the end, Ksenia could not stand it and, crying, left the studio, blaming all the women present in the persecution.

This conflict between Sobchak and Zhirinovsky was not the first in the debate. Earlier, on February 28, during a verbal skirmish, Zhirinovsky called her obscene words. For which he received a glass of water in the face from Sobchak. On March 1, they began to exchange views on each other's relatives, and after 5 days, Zhirinovsky again without words, called Sobchak, calling her crazy and not worthy of such a high position.

Live Fight

This election campaign was rich not only in verbal skirmishes, but also in assault. So, one of the ethers ended with the use of force. This happened after a woman was brought into the studio who began to accuse Grudinin of having a presidential candidate evicted her along with minor children from the apartment. Suraykin helped her get here, for which she was accused by journalist Shevchenko of violating the rules for holding these debates.

The verbal skirmish that began between Suraikin and Shevchenko turned into a battle with fists. Suraikin promised to break the jaw of a journalist and moved towards him. But, in time, the ripened guard pushed the attacker Suraykin and brought him out of the studio.

Why did Grudinin leave the debate?

The fight on the air was preceded by another event - Grudinin left the studio, seeing his former employee in it. It was Lidia Filkina, who worked for many years in his company, who accused the politician of having deprived her of housing.

Before leaving, the candidate spoke out about the event, calling it a circus and a booth. In his opinion, the candidates are not allowed to express their opinions and discuss with each other normally.

Experts, who were later asked to comment on what happened, noted that in this way Grudinin showed himself to be a useless politician who simply turned out to be unprepared for debate. Therefore, realizing that now one of the skeletons would be taken out of his closet, he chose to retire. Naturally, as for a politician, it looked unsightly.

Another expert, in turn, noted that in this way Grudinin showed his insolvency as a presidential candidate. After all, an unbalanced person who could behave in this way cannot be trusted with such a high post, nor a button, nor even a black suitcase.

Cold shower for Zhirinovsky

Each of the television debates had moments that were subsequently remembered by the audience. But one of the highlights was a glass of water, which Ksenia Sobchak poured into the face of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

This happened during the speech of Sergei Baburin, which, out of habit, intervened Zhirinovsky. Sobchak, in turn, asked Vladimir Volfovich to calm down and listen to his opponent, however, in response to this remark, he swore obscenely to Ksenia Anatolyevna.

In order to somehow reassure Zhirinovsky and finally stop the flow of abuse at her address, she found nothing else but to throw a glass of water beside him in the face. At the same time, she once again noted that the party leader should not be expressed live. Leading Vladimir Solovyov also tried to call on the raging Zhirinovsky, however, while the LDPR leader did not express everything he thought about those present, he did not calm down.

Apologies to Xenia

Ksenia Sobchak had to listen a lot of barbs and accusations against him during the debate. Especially the only woman candidate got from the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. But still, on the eve of March 8, she waited for an apology, although not from those from whom she had suffered the most.

Apologized to her Pavel Grudinin, who nevertheless returned to the studio after his departure. Using the word provided to him, he congratulated all the women of the country on the upcoming holiday, confessed his bright feelings and handed Sobchak a bouquet of flowers. Of course, they could not help but exchange cute taunts at each other. Having handed over the flowers, Grudinin hastened to leave the studio again.

After all the speeches, the experts noted that there was not a single candidate in the studio who really would be worthy to take this post. They all turned out to be bad speakers and polemics. Each of them prefers “one-man performance”, but any questions that are uncomfortable for them immediately cause a storm of indignation and other unpredictable actions.

Perhaps the lack of experience is to blame, or maybe each of the candidates had other reasons to behave in this way. But be that as it may, the audience could see each of them and make their own opinion, which will help to make the right choice on March 18, 2018.

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