Varieties of blue minerals - properties, photos, compatibility with the zodiac signs

At the mention of blue, we imagine the sea and the sky. Its shades embody purity and spiritual development. In nature, there are quite a few sky blue minerals, each of which has its own characteristics and significance. Thanks to them, a person is able to reveal various talents and develop intuition.

The magical properties of blue stones

Experts recommend choosing such gems for purposeful and active people, because it is believed that the blue stone allows you to liberate yourself, develop oratory and sociability, gives strength and power. But indecisive and weak spirit such minerals can only do much harm.

The healing properties of blue stones

Lithotherapists are sure that stones of blue shades help to strengthen the immune system, therefore, first of all, they will be useful to those who are often sick. Such minerals have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Varieties of blue stones

In nature, there are a large number of blue stones. Among them are ornamental, semiprecious and precious minerals.

Cornflower sapphire

This stone is shrouded in legends. In ancient Rome, it was called the symbol of the sky. The Egyptians made figures from the mineral, symbolizing power and power.

It is believed that sapphire is able to tune in a positive way, protects against negative energy and makes it possible to adequately assess any situation. Stone can attract love. And in families where there is this gem, peace and mutual understanding always reigns. Stone experts believe that sapphires can cure asthma and stop the development of cancer cells in the body. Those who suffer from insomnia are recommended to put a sapphire crystal under their pillows at night.


Despite the fact that this stone is precious, its price is affordable for many. Therefore, topazes are often used to make jewelry. The mention of this mineral is found in the legends of ancient India. It got its name thanks to the island of Topazionis, on which it was first found.

The gem gives its owner psychological peace and spiritual harmony, protects against neurosis and stressful situations. In addition, the mineral is able to make life more comfortable, attracts financial well-being. In alternative medicine, topazes are used to treat the liver, gall bladder, spleen and thyroid gland.


From Latin, the name of this mineral is translated as “sea water”. Aquamarine is one of the most beautiful and non-standard gems. It is both transparent and dense. It seems that the mineral glows from the inside and shimmers in the sun, but it is impossible to look through it.

Aquamarine has a number of magical properties. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, helps to cope with depression and nervous strain, and soothes. Previously, sailors took an aquamarine crystal with them to the ship. It was believed that he was able to protect them from the storm and other elements. The healing properties of this mineral are also known: vision improvement, the elimination of toothache and the treatment of skin diseases. Moreover, the stone can even heal from a distance.


This stone is mined in Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. Its name is translated as “spine”, and all because the mineral has an angular and sharp shape. Since the gem is quite rare, its cost is very high. You can meet him in private collections, expensive jewelry and church paraphernalia.

Spinel is called the stone of happiness and love. The gem can be stored at home or carried with you constantly. In any case, he will always protect his owner from various negatives. In addition, spinel has healing properties and helps strengthen the immune system.


Despite the fact that the stone is considered semiprecious, it can seriously compete with topaz, sapphire and aquamarine. In nature, you can find a huge number of shades of this mineral, which makes it possible for jewelers to use it to imitate many other gems. Therefore, it is often used as a substitute for expensive stones.

Zirconium is called a stone of happiness and joy, as it is able to raise a person’s mood and dispel negative thoughts. Lithotherapists use the mineral to combat liver and thyroid ailments.

Moon rock

The scientific name for this mineral is adularia. The mystical and mysterious gem got its name thanks to Mount Adul, next to which it was first mined. This transparent blue mineral was called lunar because its overflows can make you think of something unearthly and seem to transfer its owner into space.

Various magical properties have always been attributed to Adular. It was used to contact with otherworldly forces. He is also able to attract love and protect against depression. Specialists in stone therapy recommend wearing it to those who suffer from epilepsy or have experienced a nervous shock.


Chalcedony was a favorite stone of the ancient Romans, who considered it a symbol of love. After all, he was able to arouse in a person true feelings, able to withstand any test and go through decades. It was first found near the city of Chalcedon, which gave it its name.

The mineral is able to cheer up. He helped sailors survive long and painful campaigns. Today, chalcedony is used in the treatment of various psychological abnormalities. He is able to rid his master of nightmares, stress, depression and insomnia.

Ornamental Blue Stones

Due to the low cost, products from ornamental minerals are available to everyone. At the same time, they should not be considered simple and unworthy of attention. Some minerals are so extraordinary that they can give odds to the most expensive gems. Among the ornamental stones with a blue tint can be distinguished:

  1. Turquoise. For the first time, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt began to use it as an amulet. Most blue stones have an attractive pattern, while homogeneous minerals are considered more valuable. Turquoise is used to treat migraines. The gem is able to increase attention and freely achieve the tasks.
  2. Amazonite This is a translucent mineral of a pale blue hue. Even our ancestors made from it, both decorations and crafts for the home. Amazonite protects the body of its owner from aging, neutralizes harmful radiation, relieves headaches and cramps. Mages use it to open the "third eye."
  3. Apatite. This mineral is quite fragile, but still it is often used as a substitute for expensive stones. Apatite is also called a prophetic stone, since the owners of the gem are able to predict the future, and those who put the crystal at night under their pillows may have a prophetic dream.

Compatibility of blue stones with zodiac signs

Astrologers are sure that choosing any stone as a talisman should be based on its compatibility with a particular zodiac sign:

  • Sapphire can be worn by everyone except Capricorn;
  • aquamarine - the best mineral for Pisces;
  • absolutely all signs are allowed to wear topaz, but best of all he will have a relationship with Scorpions;
  • spinel will become a real defender of Dev;
  • Chalcedony has no contraindications for use, however, it is best suited for people born under the sign of Capricorn, Gemini or Leo;
  • zirconium is the best option for Sagittarius, and Pisces and crayfish need to beware of it;
  • moonstone should be chosen by representatives of watermarks (Scorpio, Fish and Cancer);
  • apatite in harmony with all signs except Pisces;
  • Amazonite is recognized as the patron saint of Taurus;
  • Turquoise can be worn by everyone.

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