Rhinestone: The magical properties of the stone, which suits the sign
Rhinestone is a variety of quartz and one of the most popular semiprecious stones in the world. In ancient times, people believed that it was petrified ice, because even in the sun, this stone always remains cold. In addition, natural crystal is very hard and if held with a sharp object, there will be absolutely no trace on the surface.
Crystal Varieties
Like other minerals, rock crystal can have different shades:
- Citrine is a gem that has a hint of lemon to amber, which reminds citrus.
- Rauchtopaz is a smoky stone that in its color resembles topaz.
- Morion is a black or dark brown stone popular among magicians. This mineral is used to communicate with the other world.
- Venus hair is a very rare quartz. Its difference lies in the fact that a careful examination of the stone gives the impression that there is hair inside. Although studies have shown that these are simply particles of crystals of tourmaline, goethite or rutile. This gem is popular with collectors.
- Amethyst is an opaque stone, the shade of which can be from purple to blue. Very often minerals with veins are found, which makes amethyst as attractive as possible.
- Pink crystal is considered a health stone that can give strength.
The magical properties of crystal
Since ancient times, people believed in the magical properties of rock crystal. It is believed that this mineral is able to reveal the gift of clairvoyance in people. Therefore, sorcerers and magicians often use a crystal ball for rituals. From it they read information about the past and future of a person. An ordinary person can do the same. To do this, the ball needs to be placed in a dark room for a while. After that, put it under a direct ray of light and carefully peer with the mineral. So you can see the events that should happen in the future.
But people who want to discover the gift of clairvoyance do not have to buy a ball of crystal. Jewelry with this mineral is also suitable for this purpose.
Those who are often tormented by nightmares are advised to put a mineral under their pillows at night. Rhinestone is able to absorb negative energy, transforming it into positive. Thus, the owner of the stone receives vitality. It is believed that this mineral has a positive effect not only on its owner, but also on his family. Crystal protects the house from quarrels and can restore harmony and love.
In addition, the mineral helps to attract happiness and financial well-being.
The healing properties of crystal
People from ancient times believed in the healing properties of crystal. Today, many scientific studies confirm this. All types of crystal have healing properties, but green minerals are considered the most healing.
The stone is able to heal wounds, as it has a disinfecting property and helps restore soft tissues. It can simply be kept near a damaged place or lowered for some time in water, which is used to treat the surface of the skin. Such water can be drunk to get rid of toxins and toxins. This will help with poisoning.
With a bruise, it is enough to attach a stone to the affected area for several minutes. Since the crystal has a cooling effect, the pain will quickly disappear and the person will feel relief. Also, the mineral helps to reduce body temperature, if you attach it to the forehead.
Rhinestone also has a sedative effect, protects against mood swings and depression. It is recommended to be worn by people prone to short temper.
Chinese doctors use the mineral to massage. By acting on special points with a crystal ball, the work of internal organs can be improved.
Who needs crystal
Rhinestone has many useful properties, but despite this, it is not suitable for everyone. The exception is pink and green stones. All other types of crystal need to be selected carefully, paying attention to the zodiac sign of the future owner.
Since the mineral has a sedative property, it is advised to acquire fire signs - Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. With the help of stone, representatives of these signs will be able to avoid temper and nervousness. Crystal will help representatives of water and air elements balance their emotions.
Crystal will allow twins to cope with the duality of their nature. Using a mineral, representatives of this sign will cease to doubt and gain self-confidence. Aquarius gem will contribute in finding new friends.
People with a rich imagination need to abandon this stone, since it is able to make real liars out of them.
Esotericists recommend wearing crystal on the right side for men and on the left side for women. The stone will be most effective if you place it at chest level. It can be brooches, pendants or necklaces. But in the ring, they are advised to wear it carefully and not often.
How to distinguish natural crystal from a fake
Under the guise of rock crystal, glass is sometimes presented in stores. Over time, the fake can become cloudy or cracked. But you can recognize fake crystal. To do this, you need:
- Hold the stone in your palms for several minutes. If it becomes warm, you can be sure that it is a fake. This stone does not heat up, as it has low heat conductivity.
- Looking through the stone at the light, in real rock crystal, you can see small air bubbles or other inclusions. The fake in turn will be transparent.
- The authenticity of the mineral can be verified by drawing a sharp object (knife blade, glass shard, etc.) along its surface. There will be no traces on the real crystal.
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