Horoscope for 2019 for Leo: love, finance, health

In the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, the zodiac sign Leo will be in the center of attention of friends, relatives and new people. Representatives of this zodiac sign promise a promotion horoscope. This year there will be a lot of work, but do not forget about your family, health and relaxation.

At the beginning of the year, Leo will be busy working with old problems and affairs. The team has a tense atmosphere. Look at colleagues who favor the authorities and take an example from them. In this case, the career will go up. Extreme caution must be exercised with competitors.

In the spring, the industrious Leo needs to remember the rest. Temperamental and charming representatives of this zodiac sign need to go out more often, and not just focus on work. Horoscope predicts a good time for family Lions. Adventures and household chores are expected in early summer.

In order to attract the attention of business partners and the opposite sex, you should visit a beauty salon and think through your wardrobe to the smallest detail. The saying that they are greeted by clothes this year will be especially relevant.

Crazy fatigue will come to Leo in the fall. The conclusion suggests itself - it's time to go on vacation. When choosing a destination for relaxation, do not listen to advisers.

At the end of the year, Pig say thank you. For the fact that on your way to the intended goal it eliminated all obstacles, guarded peace of mind, and gave moral support. For the work done, you will be truly proud of yourself.


Like a pig in oranges, a lion will end up in flirting and romance novels. The love horoscope recommends first of all to pay attention to the appearance of the fans and their temperament, and not to reliability and intelligence. If you want to stay single and lonely, you can continue to chase adventures. Listen to your heart and the advice of the Yellow Earth Pig. Together, they will tell you who is most suitable for creating a family.

Lviv, who did not waste optimism and feelings, is waiting for a meeting with fate. You will entrust your heart to a person with whom it is easy, comfortable and interesting for you to communicate.

When searching for the second half, you should not turn to fortune-tellers and psychics. The heart does not deceive, trust it. Understand yourself, do not resist fate and carefully listen to intuition, and the mistress of the year will arrange a real casting for you.

Family horoscope

2019 will be a very busy year. The family will have to distribute responsibilities, sort things out. In order not to destroy what you built and not to lose the most important and valuable find a compromise. It is not disputed that if Leo wants to be happy, then he will be so. Even if you have to work in three factories and not sleep at home. And in this case, conflicts and troubles await you with the second half. The situation may come to a standstill, so you need to find time for the family.

In 2019, the horoscope predicts Leo a lot of household chores, expansion of housing, the birth of a child. There is enough finance for everything. Try to solve money problems on your own.

This year, Lions can plan everything they want and enjoy family life. In marriage, no particular difficulties are expected.


The horoscope recommends Leo in 2019 to engage in personal business. Representatives of this sign must be modest in requests and economical. Buying everything in a row - you can stay with empty pockets. The pig will approve participation in charity events and help to deal with competitors. Take care of the well-being of close relatives. They will be grateful to you and will not remain in debt.

Earned money must be correctly distributed. Try to pass the test of wealth with dignity.Do not forget to set aside a certain amount for a rainy day.

In 2019, it is not recommended to change the scope of activities and take additional responsibilities. At the end of the year, a big deal is expected at a bargain price. Everything will come true, provided that Leo will not lie on the couch in the evenings, but will find a side job.


While maintaining calm and regular monitoring of his condition, Leo will have no reason to worry about health. Possible emotional changes, gastritis, colds.

A sparing diet will help to avoid liver and stomach diseases. Try to eat healthy foods. In the diet must be vegetables and dairy products. Do not forget about physical activity, visit the gym.

This year, a lion should avoid stressful situations, run in the mornings, move more, keep himself in good shape. The more Leo's pep and optimism, the more attractive he will look. In the winter season, it is worth saving your throat. You also need to give up snacks on the run.

Lion woman

The fairer sex of this sign will benefit from their self-confidence and ambition. 2019 will be successful periods for them. Not without problems, but they are quickly resolved. The main thing is not to moping and not whining.

In the first half of the year, conflicts in the family are not ruled out. In the second half of 2019, communication with relatives will become more harmonious, the situation will normalize. It is necessary to be softer, more compliant, more restrained. Then the Yellow Earthen Pig will give you a year in which you will have a productive and wonderful time.

Lion man

To the Male Lion, the year of the Yellow Earth Pig seems a little boring and even. During this period, you can get a good income, make a dizzying career. All this will come true with excellent self-control. The family should not be a king and an egoist, because it will not lead to anything good, and relations will deteriorate. The horoscope predicts a man this year apathy, fatigue, energy decline. But they will pass when you get to work. The incentive will be original and profitable projects.

This year will accompany the man in opening his own business. Money will not come immediately, but in the future income will be tangible. Relations with the second half of Leo can hardly be called gentle and cloudless. In the year of the Yellow Pig, Leo in the family is dominated by rudeness, jealousy, and even divorce is possible. The situation can be corrected if you sometimes keep silent, learn to negotiate or simply endure.

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