Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2019: health, love, career, finance

By their nature, Sagittarius is short-tempered and impulsive. And their energy has a wonderful effect on relationships with people, well-being, and makes others envy.

Everything that was accumulated by excessive labor can disappear overnight thanks to the nervousness and tactlessness of the representatives of this sign. These qualities can alienate close relatives and friends. In the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, Sagittarius will be no less energetic and active. But it so happened that the mistress of the year does not really favor people who were born under this sign. All the time there was a confrontation between the elements of Fire and Earth. Therefore, in 2019, a variety of unpleasant situations can arise at the fire sign of Sagittarius.

Steep character Sagittarius can offend anyone. But after a moment, he already sympathizes with someone, kindly helps and gives the “last”. Of course, he will not give up the latter, but in order to have enough help he will. Sagittarius is a person who seeks profit in everything. And there is no doubt that for those given "last" he will receive much more. Of the negative character traits of this sign, there is also boasting. Such a trait can sometimes play a cruel joke. You should not once again draw attention to yourself. Envious people to be careful with and so many.


For representatives of this fire sign, the horoscope of rainbow paintings does not draw. In terms of overcoming difficulties for Sagittarius, he will be quite difficult. The nervous system will be subjected to the greatest load. This should be prepared in advance. Prepare infusions of medicinal herbs, special sedatives. You do not need to abuse them, but you need to have it at hand.

The digestive system will also be at risk. Uncontrolled jumps in weight may occur due to metabolic disturbances. It is worth worrying about the liver. Constant loads, stressful situations, the use of alcohol and unhealthy food negatively affect this organ and lead to its destruction.

It is necessary to monitor chronic diseases. It is necessary to carry out aromatherapy with vegetovascular dystonia. This is a painless and enjoyable procedure. The aromas of citrus, lavender and coniferous trees will help to forget about the disease. In other more serious cases, you should immediately consult a doctor, because the treatment of complications is a longer and more expensive procedure.


The beginning of the year does not promise unmarried women and bachelors special trials. Sagittarius greatly appreciates his freedom and does not want to share it with anyone. Several novels during the year, the stars still predict. There is a chance to find your soulmate at the end of the year.

Sagittarians in a relationship will be under fire. The fiery sign will be under the fire of its soul mates. There will be a check for fidelity and strength. The question itself will arise: why such love is needed? Along with this question, another question arises: is it necessary to let go of love? If you decide not to change your partner, then you need to work on your regime. It is necessary to give part of their freedom for the sake of a loved one.


Sagittarius is not the best character in 2019 for the mistress of the year. In the literal sense of the word, you have to gnaw out your place at work. Sagittarius knows how to cling to every opportunity, but nevertheless, you must always be on alert. Opponents can snatch your tidbit at any time. Such a scenario is not terrible for those who have regular jobs and stable earnings. Nothing will happen to them. But caution will not hurt anyone. In 2019, fraud and betrayal may lie in wait for you.

Individual enterprises will experience difficult times under the supervision of Sagittarius. Hope for someone's help is not worth it. From difficult situations during the year you have to get out on your own. Fight for the existence of the business to the end. Do not give up. No one promises huge profits, but at least everything will remain intact and not lost.


Sagittarius in 2019 will not lose anything, but will not receive a serious increase. During the year you need to be more economical. Losing money is not worth it. But it is also not recommended to deny yourself the pleasures. The money at Sagittarius will be enough to go to the resort during the holidays, treat yourself to the purchase of clothes or delicious food. Moreover, everything that you spend during the year will be replenished. Some Sagittarius are not excluded to get more. Adventures in 2019 should not be considered. Reject all illegal offers right away, because luck in 2019 is not about Sagittarius.

Woman - Sagittarius

This year, the representatives of this zodiac sign will have a hard time. The horoscope predicts that the Sagittarius Woman at work will have difficulties in the form of confusion or confusion. In this case, you should not make decisions instantly, but you should first observe the situation and weigh all the points. There is no doubt that a woman born under the constellation Sagittarius will make the right choice. Sudden decisions will only hurt.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig is a family year. Relationship problems, of course, will be, but in general the current year will only strengthen family ties.

For single ladies, the horoscope predicts a new relationship. Sagittarius-Lady as an object of adoration will find his man.

Man - Sagittarius

What is it?! - The Sagittarius Man will be indignant. This is not surprising! The forecast does not predict anything particularly good. Only a small reward for his hard work. At the beginning of the year, it is necessary to "lay low" and take an expected position. Spontaneous decisions can harm a career. A thorough analysis of the situation and observation of competitors will help with the selection of a worthy solution.

In order to prove itself, the current year fits perfectly. And only at the end of 2019 will it be possible to reap the benefits of their labor. The best period will be the last months. At this time, relations with close people, friends, and colleagues will improve, additional profit from own business will come, salary increase.

At the end of the year, you should also pay attention to your health. Constant light loads do not hurt. Lack of sleep and stress will be troubling. Tinctures of medicinal herbs, special decoctions will help.

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