Gradient Manicure 2018

Finding the right marigold design is sometimes difficult. After all, there are many options that are relevant in 2018. We recommend paying attention to gradient manicure.

Gradient Manicure Options

The main difference of gradient manicure is a smooth transition of one shade to another. But nevertheless, the sphere of nail art is developing rapidly and now there are several options for this design. Therefore, deciding in favor of one of them can be difficult.

First of all, it is worth noting that a different number of shades can be used in the design. A combination of two tones is considered classic. However, now the masters offer a more interesting solution. For example, two, three or even four shades in one design. Of course, this option looks best on long nails.

If desired, you can use not only colored varnishes, but also combine them with glitter. This design looks very unusual, but at the same time elegant. That is, this is a great option for an evening out or some kind of event.

Horizontal gradient

Perhaps the most popular for a long time is the horizontal transition of shades. This means that the gradient is assumed to be within the framework of one marigold. Nevertheless, even in this case there is room for creativity.

Do not make all the nails the same, because you can show originality. For example, make the transition of shades on several fingers from top to bottom, and vice versa on the rest. It looks rather unusual.

Also, a horizontal gradient can be used as an accent. That is, all nails, except one or two, must have a uniform coating. The most appropriate in this case will be pastel colors. However, other options are possible.

Vertical gradient

This coating is especially popular among girls with short nails. The thing is that with its help you can visually adjust them and make them longer. In addition, the vertical gradient looks really beautiful and allows you to create a stylish, unusual design. Most often it is used for the transition of shades.

In addition, such a coating can be not only on each nail. Interestingly enough, the gradient looks on the hand as a whole. To do this, five shades of varnish in one color scheme are needed. Each of them is alternately applied to the nail. Due to this, an interesting, original design is obtained.

Gradient manicure at home.

Despite the fact that such a design looks very beautiful, you can make it even at home. Of course, at first you will have to practice a little, but the result is worth it. To begin with, we note that gradient manicure involves a transition of tones. Their number may be large, but for beginners it is better to choose two or three tones. It is believed that this is the best option.

In the process of creating such a design, varnishes, sponge, base and top coat are required. First you need to prepare the nails and give them shape. Then you need to apply a base coat or clearcoat. This will help protect the nails, strengthen them, as well as make the manicure more resistant. Only after this layer dries, do we apply the main varnish. White is best suited for this, as it blends well with almost all tones.

On a smooth surface or mirror, apply a little light varnish, and then any other shade that you like. The main thing is to apply them so that the edges of each color are in contact and even find a little on top of each other.

We take a small sponge or a simple sponge and apply it to the varnish. Immediately transfer it over one of the nails with patting movements. You need to do this quickly to get the most beautiful effect.For each nail, you need a new piece of sponge.

After all the nails are decorated, we are waiting for their complete drying. Gently clean the cuticle and skin from varnish using a special liquid and a cotton swab or brush. We cover the nails with a layer of top coating. If desired, at this stage, you can add decor in the form of a small rhinestone or beads. Stylish, gentle gradient manicure is ready.

Gradient Manicure Ideas

Of course, such a design in itself looks very attractive. But this does not mean that you should not experiment and try something new. Therefore, we offer several ideas, among which you can find something suitable.

French manicure

This type of design will always be in trend, regardless of trends and current innovations. All because he looks very neat and unobtrusive. Thanks to this, such a manicure will be appropriate in combination with any way and at any time of the year. In addition, it can be done not only on long nails, but also on short ones. Agree, this is a significant advantage for many.

But even classics can get bored over time. That is why we propose a little diversification of the usual option and make it gradient. You can choose both light and bright shades. It all depends on personal preference.

Pattern design

Gradient manicure looks self-sufficient. But sometimes I want to supplement it a little. In this case, we suggest paying attention to various drawings. After all, with their help, you can set the character of the design. For example, choosing a laconic drawing with neutral shades of varnish, a manicure will look delicate and even romantic. In turn, combining geometric lines with bright colors you will get a bolder, bold design.

As you can see, gradient manicure is a great alternative to a monophonic coating. After all, you can experiment with it, creating interesting and unusual design options.

And what kind of manicure do you prefer to do in everyday life? Share your opinion in the comments.

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