Garnet. The magical and healing properties of the mineral, the types that suit the sign

Pomegranate has many names - bechet, mealybug, venice, carbuncle, anthrax. In Ancient Russia, this stone was considered an exquisite decoration, the Romans called it fire, and in Ancient Hellas it bore the name - a coal. Anyone who wants to wear this stone will have to put his soul into it, love it, and only then the mineral will bring prosperity and health to its owner.

Types of pomegranate

Mankind knows many varieties of pomegranate, the most popular of them:

  1. Hessonite. This mineral resembles amber, as it has a honey-yellow or orange color.
  2. Uvarovit has a granular structure and is considered a fairly rare type of pomegranate. Its shade is emerald green.
  3. Andradit. This type of stone is named after the scientist who discovered it. The mineral has a cloudy structure. There are andradites of dark yellow, brown or red shades.
  4. Grossular The stone has green shades from greenish-brown to light green and looks like gooseberries.
  5. Spessartine. It has smeared shades - yellow-brown, pink, reddish.
  6. Almandine. The variety of colors of this type of pomegranate is simply amazing - purple, brown-red, cherry, raspberry. Its name is associated with the city in Asia Minor - Alabanda.
  7. Rhodolite. This mineral is very rare and has a deep pink tone.
  8. Pyrope is rich in red. This option just corresponds to the well-known idea of ​​this stone.


Everything that nature gives influences a person. Garnet stone was no exception. Since ancient times, people have paid attention to its healing properties, which are based on the principle of homeopathy, when it is customary to treat the like.

Ancestors to protect against bleeding and wounds carried a stone of a blood-red color. Used it to strengthen immunity. Many centuries passed, but the attitude towards this stone remained almost the same.

The mineral is recommended for headaches, fever and just to maintain health. Pomegranate has properties that can withstand the inflammatory processes that occur in the human body. In case of violations of the digestive tract and endocrine system, they also turn to the help of the gem. It helps with allergic and skin diseases. And just like millennia ago, one expects from him the ability to heal mental and bodily wounds.

Magical properties

Burning passion - that's what pomegranates have been called for centuries. In world literary novels, this stone is associated with a high, but as it often happens, tragic feeling. He is recognized as a symbol of passion and love. This charming mineral has supernatural properties that are clearly manifested in the life of its owner.

Our ancestors always believed in the magical properties of stone. Between themselves, the healing and magical abilities of garnets are very closely related. The mineral patronizes the circulatory system, so it has the color of blood. In order to impress a girl and express her feelings to her, a young man must give his beloved a product with a red gem. The presented pomegranate symbolized fidelity and love.

A piece of pomegranate must be carried with a young lady who wants to find her fiancée. The mineral is suitable for people who are constantly on the move and prefer active pastime. Pomegranate does not tolerate laziness and apathy. To such people, he can only do harm.

Products already owned by other people should not be purchased, as they can lead to negative consequences.This gem retains memory of its owners and is able to transmit energy even after years. Jewelry obtained from other hands can bring problems that the previous owner had. On what kind of gem is better to wear, there are no indications. Only intuition will help here. Taking the stone in hand, you must listen to yourself. It is worth giving preference to another stone, if the soul does not lie to this gem. In the event that a suitable stone was not found at all, it is worth completely abandoning the purchase.

Who should use pomegranate according to the zodiac sign

Pomegranate protects many zodiac signs. For Capricorn, it is an ideal stone that gives this sign energy. The mineral helps to make the necessary and interesting acquaintances, to reveal talents, and to move up the career ladder.

The blood-red mineral is able to pacify the contradictory nature of Scorpio. He directs to the new heights the natural passion of this zodiac sign.

Aquarius is changeable and variable, as this is the natural state of water. A beautiful garnet stone will help concentrate on the goal and stabilize the representatives of this sign. It contributes to the return to the real world of dreamers.

Pomegranate is also suitable for Sagittarius, which is bestowed with wisdom, warns against spontaneous and rash acts, increases the sensuality of passionate fire.

This stone is also suitable for Gemini. The mineral helps these windy people in development and improvement, gives them additional energy. Tends to constancy of people who love constant change and wanderers.

Weights of grenades betray confidence in their abilities. The gem of dark red color in the life of this zodiac sign plays a big role. It helps people decide on the direction in life.

Most of all pomegranates helps Virgo. He gives this sign high feelings, fills their lives with new emotions, makes it possible to know the harmony and delights of love.

This wonderful stone does not fit such signs as Cancer and Fish. These people often stomp in one place, have doubts. The mineral will create discomfort for them with its energy and constant pushing forward.

When choosing jewelry, in addition to the zodiac sign, it is recommended to pay attention to personal qualities.

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