Flu 2018. Latest News

So the next time has come for flu and other viral diseases. According to world statistics, the situation is currently mildly epidemic. The most dangerous strains are - Hong Kong, Brisbane, Michigan.

The incidence of influenza in Russia

In 2017, about 35 million people were ill with this disease in the world. The following people are most affected by influenza:

  • pensioners;
  • pregnant women;
  • children aged 5 to 16 years;
  • patients with chronic pathologies;
  • patients with pathologies of the respiratory system.

Information on the mortality and morbidity of Russians from the flu epidemic is sometimes not available. Because of this, doctors cannot prevent an epidemic. The reasons for the lack of such information are as follows:

  1. Before the start of the epidemic, a certain period of time passes and at the initial stage, doctors do not determine the flu, i.e. make the wrong diagnosis.
  2. Many people do not seek professional medical help, believing that it will soon pass by itself and are self-medicating.
  3. The cause of death is sometimes indicated by pneumonia, and one of the complications of influenza is pneumonia.

This year Russia is planning a radical change in the approach to maintaining disease statistics. So, in some cities of the country, at the beginning of the epidemic, out of several thousand patients with SARS, they are diagnosed with the flu. But in the end, all cities are very vulnerable. And only timely vaccination of the population can minimize the spread of the disease.

Forms and types of flu

In 2018, the types of influenza - A and B. Michigan and Hong Kong - the subtypes of influenza A are dangerous. They are dangerous for both humans and animals. Yamagata and Victoria are subtypes of group B. Their symptoms are less severe and they only affect humans.

Whatever the type of flu, the patient will have the following symptoms:

  • Strong headache;
  • fever;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • body aches;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • blood pressure is below normal;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • dry cough, which may be accompanied by chest pain.

The incubation period lasts 1-2 days. If therapy is started at the very beginning, then the disease recedes within 7 days.

The difference between flu and colds

Influenza differs from a common cold by the following symptoms:

  1. A cold manifests itself gradually, and the flu quickly provokes signs of an ailment. A man goes to bed healthy in the evening, and already at night his temperature rises, his head hurts and nausea.
  2. Due to the intoxication of the body that the virus causes, a person may have stool disorders, vomiting and nausea.
  3. With influenza, the patient's body temperature is between 37.8 and 41 ° C.
  4. Muscle pain, migraine, pain in the eyes, sternum are signs of the flu. With a common cold, such pain is extremely rare.
  5. Runny nose and sore throat appear later, perhaps even after a few days. This is a consequence of a weakened immune system, which leads to the attachment of a bacterial infection.

Forecast for spring 2018

At the beginning of the year, a critical situation was observed in the UK. Adverse weather conditions (rains, strong winds and dampness) only contributed to the aggravation of the situation. The country recorded more than 130 deaths caused by an influenza epidemic.

In France, the flu killed about 40 people, in Ireland 15 people. Also at the beginning of the year, an epidemic was declared in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, and Finland. The most common Yamagata virus. Due to its ability to constantly modify (mutate) this virus is difficult to diagnose.

Untimely vaccination or not done at all aggravates the situation, just like an untimely appeal for help to a medical institution.This year's flu epidemic may be the largest in the past 50 years.

The National Immunobiological Company reports that the Russians are threatened by the Michigan type of flu, which has become a type of swine flu. Outbreaks of it were noted in 2009, as well as in 2016. It is very dangerous, as it causes complications, as a result of which a large number of deaths are noted. Inoculation in time is one of the main ways to avoid this disease. Doctors advise you to do these flu shots in advance. Most vaccines contain more than one antigen, which in turn allows you to protect yourself from several varieties at the same time. Therefore, the opinion of those who argue that due to the inability to predict the name of the upcoming virus is erroneous, early vaccination is useless.

The flu epidemic begins annually in late winter - early fall. This is facilitated by weather conditions. With warming, people begin to take off their outer clothing and hats in advance, their immunity after the winter is weakened, the air in the street becomes dry and has a temperature above 0 degrees. - the main causes of the disease.

German experts who work at the Institute of Infectious Diseases claim that the massive flu disease this year is caused by inconsistencies in the behavior of the virus.


In order not to get sick or at least easily transfer the disease, the following measures must be taken:

  • in an epidemic, use a medical mask;
  • to be vaccinated;
  • take drugs that increase immunity;
  • eat right;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle - sports, hardening.
  • Avoid crowded places.

Influenza is a serious disease that can provoke various complications, which can be very dangerous. Therefore, it is so important to seek medical help in a timely manner, at the first sign of infection. And in order to protect themselves from the flu, doctors recommend a preventive vaccination.

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