Ideas for a personal diary 2019: the most original and vivid examples in the photo


  1. How to keep a personal diary?
  2. Personal diary
  3. Photo ideas for personal diary 2019

Every day we meet with many people, share emotions about the past vacation or about pressing problems. At the same time, plans, goals, personal feelings and experiences sometimes do not want to be discussed with anyone. In this case, you should definitely keep a personal diary. Moreover, now there are many decorative elements with which you can lead it especially beautifully. We’ll talk about the most interesting ideas for the diary right now.

How to keep a personal diary?

Surely every girl visited the idea of ​​keeping a personal diary. However, when the notebook is purchased, and it's time to fill it in, thoughts seem to disappear. Those who are faced with such a problem are primarily recommended to relax. Do not treat the diary as a regular duty. It is better to look at various ideas and determine for yourself the most suitable ones.

Morning Pages and Thanks

In the bustle of everyday life, many forget about themselves, their desires and thoughts. In this case, keeping morning pages is a good practice. Thanks to this, you can concentrate on what is really important to you. In addition, the mood will be good, which in general has a favorable effect on life.

Thanks pages can also be maintained. Write literally a few points for which you are grateful for your life. Such morning practices help to become a little more relaxed and calm person.

Thoughts about life

If your environment does not really have a close spirit, then it is best to write your thoughts in a diary. There are no clear rules or guidelines for filling out. Just write everything that worries you, saddens, pisses you off, or vice versa, inspires and pleases.

This especially helps in difficult life situations. After all, you can write down the question and analyze in detail the advantages and disadvantages of your future decision. All this will help to determine priorities and make the right choice.

Well, of course, you can try to maintain a page with the results of the day. Choose any event that brought you joy and is remembered. Write it down in detail and do it every day. If the mood is bad, just re-read your own pages with the results of the day. Be sure that this will definitely cheer up and morale. Well, of course, the realization will come that life is not in vain, but every day is filled with pleasant moments.

Motivation and favorite quotes.

Sooner or later, every person needs motivation. Therefore, in your personal diary, you can select several pages and write down everything that inspires you there. It can be vivid excerpts from your favorite book, an interesting quote or the phrase of a best friend. The main thing is that all this has a beneficial effect on you and makes you go forward in life.

Plans and goals

Surely you know that successful and effective people like to plan their lives. Such a habit helps to build a competent strategy and achieve even the most daring desires. If this example inspires you, it's time to start compiling a list of plans in your diary.

We recommend choosing real, achievable goals and gradually raise the bar. It is very important to understand exactly what you want. If necessary, you can divide one big goal into several steps with specific deadlines. Such an approach will definitely help in its achievement.

Well, and, of course, do not forget to mark all that has been achieved. Highlighted items will more and more motivate for further actions.Use colored markers or bright pens for this.

Various ideas

In the excessive flow of information that falls on all people every day, it is difficult to keep your own ideas in mind. Do not try to remember everything at once, it is better to use a personal diary. Write literally all the ideas that come to mind in it.

Make lists according to categories such as home, creativity, work, relationships, or any other area of ​​life. Such an approach will help you find the right idea at the right time.

Lists of recommendations

Literally every day we get a lot of recommendations from people around us. Some of them do not cause special emotions, while others carry away. Therefore, we propose to have several lists of recommendations in your personal diary. This can be a section with books, films, cozy cafes or beautiful places in the city. You can also record upcoming purchases, gift lists, or your little wishes. Such lists will definitely come in handy in the future.

Success and achievement

The compiled lists of goals and plans are very motivating. But nevertheless, it is worthwhile to keep separate pages of achievements and successes in various life spheres. They can track sports progress or increase the amount of running time. You can also celebrate the drunk norm of water or the next day without coffee. Praise yourself even for such small achievements, and then the desire to change your life and add bright colors will only increase.

Personal diary

As mentioned above, the design of the diary includes not only text. Complement it with drawings on any subject. After all, this not only makes the diary visually more attractive, but also develops you as a creative person.

And it doesn’t matter at all what exactly you plan to draw. This can be an illustration of a fascinating trip or a desired trip to the sea. Cartoon characters or favorite pet. Even a simple smile or abstract lines on a piece of paper is already a manifestation of creativity. Do not be afraid to experiment and draw from the heart.

Photo ideas for personal diary 2019

As you can see, the process of keeping a personal diary can be especially exciting. After all, it allows you to not only throw out negative emotions, but also create something unique, interesting with your own hands. Be inspired by ideas and be sure to try to implement your favorite options.

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