Amber: healing and magical properties of stone
Amber is the most unusual and mysterious stone. Some of its instances are a real rarity. In addition, this stone is quite accessible to a person with any income level. In places where the mineral is mined, people do not consider amber precious. They even use it in the soldering process as a rosin.
Amber consists mainly of carbon, which makes up at least 70% of the total composition. This stone should be attributed to high molecular weight compounds, since hydrogen and oxygen, as well as minor impurities of ash, sulfur and nitrogen, are present in its structure in equal parts.
Varieties of amber
The amber color palette stops not only in yellow. In fact, this spectrum is much wider - about four hundred tones. The leading positions are occupied by orange and yellow pebbles. The epithet "solar" refers to them. As a rule, their cost is low. The presence of extraneous inclusions in it, the size of the stone itself, and the method of processing it has a direct effect on the price of a stone. A gem with a high degree of transparency, having a color of wax is considered a classic option. The classics of the genre are also considered yellow-red minerals.
The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun and the Celestial Empire in special honor had a bracelet "Dragon's Blood." Amber blushed because in ancient times, tar was the victim of a forest fire. The red color of the stone is considered very rare. Therefore, incredibly lucky, the one who managed to become the owner of such an instance.
Fiction is considered "milk" amber. For certain reasons, the resin of coniferous trees was saturated with microscopic particles of moisture and air bubbles. Hence, such a coloring also turned out.
The appearance of green amber provoked the ingress of particles of plants and soil into the resin. The fruit of the optical effect is considered to be blue, since it has been experimentally established that there is no vivianite in blue amber.
The healing properties of amber
Since ancient times, people believed that in nature there are no diseases that amber could not heal. To this day, this opinion has been preserved. A clear confirmation of this is the use of this “solar” stone in folk medicine. The constant wearing of an amber necklace or bracelet helps to cleanse the body and speed up metabolism. Therefore, this stone should be paid attention to people who constantly monitor their weight and monitor the figure. Amber resin, which is a natural biostimulant, is sold in any pharmacy. It is recommended for people who are constantly engaged in mental work.
Those who are addicted to cigarettes are advised to purchase an amber mouthpiece. It reduces the risk of lung cancer and partially neutralizes the harmful effects of nicotine on the body.
Many drugs include amber. Tincture of this mineral is the most effective of them. She copes with colds, as well as with pulmonary ailments. But healing is not only stone. The smoke that forms when amber burns helps with asthma and relieves chronic coughs.
Magical properties
Since amber is called a sun stone, it is considered to be a symbol of happiness, fun and joy. The talisman with this mineral is recognized as a very powerful amulet that can add health and protect against ailments. Amber is considered a stone of creators and optimists. It makes a person successful, brings peace to the house, strengthens intuition. Amber has the following properties:
- Helps to survive the great sorrow that has fallen on the person’s head.
- The stone around itself cleans everything - the body, soul and even thoughts that it successfully clarifies.
- Mineral penetrates the soul. At the same time it gives a feeling of peace and warmth.
- For the house, one small pebble of amber is enough. He will protect the home from the attacks of intruders and all kinds of natural disasters.
- Amber as a talisman without fear can be chosen by pregnant women and nursing mothers. The stone will favorably affect the child, make the baby healthy and cheerful.
- By picking up a piece of amber, you can get a powerful charge of positive. An amber necklace will relieve thyroid diseases and provide its owner with a wonderful mood.
- Sun stone will allow any woman to stay youthful for a long time.
- The stone, which has not yet been machined, laid under the pillow will relieve during rest from bad thoughts and bad dreams.
Amber compatibility with zodiac signs
Every man can afford the purchase of amber jewelry and no woman can resist the beauty of the sun stone. But before wearing such a thing, you should definitely seek advice from astrology. The sun is the ruling planet of the stone. From this it becomes clear that amber is ideally suited to the Fiery signs of the zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
The favor of the sun stone can be used by representatives of other signs of the zodiac. The exception is Taurus. Representatives of this sign cannot properly respond to the mineral. It even distracts Taurus and can be annoying. The amber jewelry will not seriously affect your well-being, but there will be no benefit from it.
In general, for amber, all these zodiac divisions are very arbitrary. The stone is able to find its owner. A person will feel compatibility with him on his own. If it does not fit, then the desire to wear a gem will not appear at all.
You can envy the representatives of the fire element. Amber enhances the already tempestuous temperament of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The stone can be used in air and watermarks both as a treatment and as a decoration. The signs of the Earth do not differ in activity and enthusiasm. A stone can make them even more indifferent and lazy. Therefore, it is better for them to find talismans among other stones.
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