How to quickly sit on the twine: Recommendations and a set of simple exercises for a visible result


  1. Tips for fast results
  2. A set of exercises for a quick effect
  3. Types of stretching for longitudinal and transverse twine

Many modern girls dream of quickly and beautifully sit on the twine, while showing the great flexibility of their body. But professionals are advised not to rush and not to stretch the muscles through strength. You should not rush into stretching exercises. This will not bring the expected result, and besides, you will cause serious harm to your health. In order to quickly and efficiently sit on a beautiful twine, one must reach out regularly and this process cannot be approached haphazardly. If you workout daily, then you can easily sit on the twine. But note:

It’s unrealistic to sit on the splits after one day of training!

Even a week spent on this will not give you the desired results. But after a month of hard stretching exercises, you will easily surprise others with beautiful twine.

Tips for fast results

There is a set of exercises compiled by professional trainers. With these exercises you will quickly, safely and easily sit on the splits. If you have never performed a stretching exercise, we warn you that this procedure is a bit painful. We will give you some tips to keep these feelings to a minimum.

Tip number 1: Rely on your feelings and do not compare your achievements with the results of others. Remember, each person has an individual degree of flexibility. Therefore, it is necessary to perform stretching exercises with pleasure, and not to pull muscles by force. If chasing after someone else's results, you will begin to pull yourself through an unpleasant pain, but apart from injuries and sprains, you will not get anything good.

Tip number 2: When doing a stretching exercise, be sure to watch your breath. Breathing should be smooth and calm, but infrequent. As you exhale, try to act harder on the muscles. But at the same time, the body is as relaxed as possible.

Tip number 3: Stretching correctly - in a relaxed state and slowly. Focus all your attention on the muscles you are currently stretching.

Tip number 4: Any set of exercises should begin with a warm-up. To avoid unwanted injuries, it is definitely worth warming up the muscles before stretching, for example, performing cardio training within 15-20 minutes. Only then go directly to the stretch.

Tip number 5: Before and during exercise, follow the drinking regimen. Muscles are 76% water. If they are dehydrated, then they will not be able to properly contract and relax.

A set of exercises for a quick effect

All trainers unanimously claim that stretching exercises are good for the beauty and health of our body. Regardless of age or gender, you can end up with twine. The main thing is that you have a desire to achieve your goal. There is a set of basic exercises required for stretching.

First of all, you need to warm up the muscles. And the first exercise is the crease. We perform a fold in the standing position. You need to reach the floor with your palms and put them parallel to the feet, while keeping your knees steady, and breathing should be calm. If the level of physical fitness allows, then elbows are dropped onto the floor and a fold is made alternately to each leg.

The second exercise is the same fold, only performed sitting on the floor. Stretching is performed slowly, in compliance with the rhythm of breathing, and be sure not to bend your knees.

The third basic stretching exercise is half-twine. This exercise has three options. When performing a half-twine, we take one leg back. And the other leg forward. During the practice of the first option, the leg, which is located in front, should be bent and forms an acute angle. The next step, this leg should form a right angle and, finally, the third option is to bend the leg at an obtuse angle. With all variants of the exercise, the leg, which is located behind, should be straight. Each half-twine approach must be completed in 1 minute. The exercise is performed slowly and gradually, without any sudden movements.

Another mandatory stretching exercise is lunges. Alternately, with each foot we make lunges forward and put the foot at a right angle and, as it were, spring on it. But the continuation of the previous exercise is attacks on both legs in turn. That is, having lunged forward, without leaving this position, we slowly transfer the weight of the body to the other leg, while performing slightly springy movements. We are delayed in each position for 15-20 seconds. The exercise is performed calmly, we monitor our feelings. A prerequisite is minimal pain, even breathing and no sudden movements.

When performing all the stretching exercises, it is very important to consult a professional trainer, choose a set of exercises that will suit you and the most important thing is to set yourself up correctly.


Types of stretching for longitudinal and transverse twine

Choosing the type of stretching exercise, you need to decide what effect you expect from training. And what training opportunities you have. There are five main types of stretching or, in modern terms, stretching.

Dynamic stretch

The name of this type of stretch marks already speaks for itself. Dynamic stretching is performed at medium and even high speeds. This type of stretching is best done under the supervision of a trainer and be sure to follow his advice.

Active stretch

Active stretching can be done independently without the help of a trainer or partner. You can easily perform this type of stretch yourself at home.

Passive stretch

Passive stretching is a set of exercises that must be performed with the help of a trainer or partner who can carry out additional physical effects on the body. That is, when you perform these exercises, you only need to observe proper breathing and relax your muscles as much as possible. But all the same, when performing a passive stretching, the help of a professional trainer is recommended, who will not cause harm by his actions.

Ballistic stretch

Exercises that are performed with ballistic stretching are not always comfortable for the body and are performed quickly. If you are a beginner and just taking the first steps in the sports field, then it is better to abandon this type of stretch.

Static stretch

When performing static stretching, the main emphasis is on the slow execution of exercises and holding a certain posture for some time. This is the most comfortable set of stretching exercises.

Any business should be a pleasure, and not be a burden. Then you will get a wonderful result that will please you.

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