What professions will disappear in the near future?
In the modern world, IT-technologies are rapidly developing, all industries are being automated, robotic. People are slowly starting to be replaced by artificial intelligence. Therefore, in the near future, some professions may disappear, and people will have to learn new ones. For the employer, these innovations will bring a reduction in the cost of paying wages, and for employees of endangered professions - the loss of jobs.
In this article, we will consider the TOP-20 professions that will disappear in the near future.
Loan manager
Currently, any citizen can apply for a loan online, without leaving home. In particular, this applies to goods on credit. All banks switched to automated programs that will be able to independently verify the borrower in the Bureau of credit histories, other databases and decide on the possibility of issuing a loan.
Having entered the store, the buyer will be able to scan the barcode of the selected product and make payment for it electronically using specially software installed on the smartphone.
In places of public catering, the client can select his order from the menu provided on the touchscreen, pay with the same plastic card and will only have to go and get his order.
At the same time, staff costs are greatly reduced, owners of outlets do not need to listen to the constant requests of employees to increase wages.
Computer software can replace a person in a given profession. Already, programs allow you to cope with elementary tasks in accounting, auditing even for a novice. Undoubtedly, this profession will not be able to do without a person, but a reduction in the staff of accounting staff will be inevitable.
Security guard
Modern cameras can be equipped with motion sensors, thermal sensors. All information from them will go to a single point dispatcher. Well, in case of emergency - response groups will be connected.
Librarian / Archivist
Books of all libraries and archives will be digitized. And access to any book will be provided to any person from anywhere in the world via the Internet.
Mail forwarding is a thing of the past. Correspondence goes into digital space. The parcel delivery service will be handled by logistics companies. Also, automated parcel delivery offices will be created.
Keeping up with the postmen will leave the labor market and couriers. They will be replaced by drones, which will be able to deliver certain cargoes to the customer much faster and at a lower cost by air. Another plus of this shift is the environmentally friendly delivery, as this type of delivery does not lead to environmental pollution.
Driver / Driver
Management systems without human intervention is not a novelty now. Today there is a metro without a driver. Public transport, trains can do without drivers and drivers. Human intervention will only be necessary in force majeure circumstances.
Traffic police inspector
The rapid development of traffic flow control systems will lead to robotization and automation of traffic police functions. Security cameras, automated traffic lights, the ability to connect to drones via wireless communications will crowd out employees in this profession from the labor market.
Sales Manager
They will be replaced by Internet promotion systems, which, thanks to their settings, will be able to determine the needs of Internet users based on the attendance of the sites and Internet resources of interest to them.
Already, robots have been created that respond to voice and execute commands. They can follow a person and carry loads. Technology is developing rapidly and getting cheaper. Therefore, it is possible that such robots will become everyday helpers of a person who will surpass him in endurance, strength and speed.
All the same robots will be able to quickly serve customers in low-cost network cafes where service speed and accuracy of order execution are needed. This will not affect expensive elite restaurants soon, because no robots can compete in front of respectful, sincere, human customer service.
Customs Officer
All the same sensors, automated systems, scanning systems that surpass human abilities when inspecting vehicles, baggage can facilitate the work of workers in this field.
Unskilled cooks will not be needed. We are talking about the same type of culinary processes that do not require high abilities and skills - frying pancakes, meatballs, cooking hot dogs, burgers, etc. All this can be done more quickly by robots or automated machines.
Controller in transport
An electronic fare payment system will be introduced at the bus stop, and the scanning and control system will let people into the vehicle. This practice is already being applied in developed countries.
Museum Hall Caretaker
Navigate in the halls of museums will help special applications installed on your smartphone, and automatic security systems will monitor the order and security.
Support Service Operator (Call Center)
Special communicator programs will be able to answer users' questions, which will generate and generate an answer to an incoming question based on databases.
Car manufacturers complete cars with additional options - intelligent parking systems. Automation also takes place in parking lots - parking machines, automatic barriers, and security cameras. This profession will be a thing of the past.
Modern fingerprint recognition systems, retina, and the appearance of automatic keys make office and living quarters more inaccessible for attackers, and over time will crowd out these workers.
Tax inspector
With the advent of common automated computer databases, an automatic system will be developed for monitoring the movement of cash resources and paying taxes, both for individuals and legal entities.
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