New and promising professions in the future: TOP-10

It has long been proven in practice that more than half of graduates of higher educational institutions get a job in their specialty. The labor market is oversaturated by managers, lawyers, economists, and therefore many are going to get a second or even a third education with the hope of finding themselves in life from the point of view of a professional plan. Today we want to talk about those professions that in the near future will become the most popular. Maybe this will help someone with a further choice.

Augmented Reality Architect

The architect of augmented reality - it’s no longer difficult to guess on your own what such designers do. Their activity is to design and create a virtual environment. In fact, this work is very interesting and in demand, and professionals in this field are sorely lacking. Organization of trainings, exhibitions, presentations, games, entertainment is not complete without augmented reality. This specialty is in demand even in medicine. Great stakes are made on virtual reality, but the opening of such departments in Russia in higher education institutions is a big question.

Drone operator

The drone operator is the profession of the future. It is suitable for those who are madly in love with photo and video shooting, and also seeks to master the skills of controlling unmanned aerial vehicles. At first glance, it might seem that controlling drones is easy and simple, but in reality this process is serious and complex. Unmanned vehicles have great potential, are popular all over the world and every year their demand is growing. In practice, they are used for photo and video shooting from a bird's eye view. When choosing this profession, remember that in the near future many companies plan to organize the delivery of goods using drones. In the Russian Federation, there are very few unmanned operators, so if you have a desire to be in demand on the labor market, choose an innovative specialty.

3D clothing and shoe designer

A 3D clothing designer is a 3D printer specialist who has the future. Although this equipment has not yet taken root in the daily lives of people, it is actively used by many companies around the world. Previously, 3D printing technology was used for the sake of general fun, today entertainment has grown into an industrial scale. Instead of small toys and figurines, famous brands launch a series of printed 3D clothes and shoes. Of course, such work requires a certain literacy in design art and the skills to work with specialized software on a 3D printer, and there are only a few of them.

Smart City Engineer

The “smart home” system has been around for several years. It costs a lot of money, although the functions that rich people use are just pampering, simplifying life and without which it is quite possible to do. The technology of "smart home" allows you to create much more interesting and effective solutions. The task of a “smart home” is to learn how to interact with other “smart homes”, household appliances, and cars. And all this is the functionality of the architects of the "smart home". Proceeding from this, it can be said that these tasks are also included in the work of the smart city engineers who design the construction of new generation cities. The most difficult and very interesting work, requiring excellent technical knowledge, innovation and the ability to think widely.

Roboethics expert

If we take into account the fact that robotics is gradually gaining popularity in everyday life, in the near future there will be robots, waiters, robots, couriers, robots, handymen and many others. As a result, robots will become commonplace and will constantly interact with humans. Their development is planned to be equalized with full-fledged artificial intelligence. Here, to establish the rules of communication between people and robots, specialized experts in roboethics will be required.

Space guide

“Space guide ...” - you will think skeptically. Only now, some companies have announced commercial and sightseeing space flights in the near future. And I would very much like to believe that this will happen very soon. No one says that space flights will be a cheap pleasure, but the fact that the demand for space tours will be unequivocal is without a doubt. And comic flights will not do without accompaniment. Of course it will be a video guide or virtual. He will draw up a flight program and work out all the nuances of an interesting excursion.

Personal administrator

At first glance, the profession of a personal administrator sounds ordinary. But the essence of this specialty is much more interesting than the name itself. At the moment, the technology of interactions between the human brain and technology is very actively developing. Proper processing of human thoughts, storage of personal memories, protection and management of personal data - all this is the responsibility of a personal administrator according to the data.

Environmental Restoration Engineer

The most important future work for environmental restoration engineers. The current environmental situation on Earth leaves much to be desired, and therefore this profession has hopes for saving the planet. Just imagine that according to forecasts, the number of people living on earth will reach a crazy number - 9 billion. Restoring ecosystems, extinct species of flora and fauna is the destiny of the profession of the future.

Power Supply Developer

Developed countries are already switching to alternative sources of electricity: the sun and wind. And the forecasts of specialists are astounding: some countries can completely switch to alternative sources of electricity by 2020. The functional responsibilities of developers of energy supply systems include the development of powerful and ultra-capacious batteries for the generation of powerful energy, but for this you need to understand meteorology, chemistry and those parts for the development of consumer batteries.

Human figure designer

The world is already practicing the creation of human organs on a 3D printer, which are successfully implanted. Roughly speaking, in the future in case of loss of a leg, the designer of a human figure will create a new one. Of course, you need a professional who will recreate your lost foot shape to match the real one. Well, if you want some unusual and stylish design, then the profession of the future can also help you with this.

Of course, today we were able to highlight some of the professions of the future. New specialties are becoming increasingly relevant. And if you only plan to enter a university, then base your choice on the most interesting areas of the future.

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