The most popular professions: TOP - 10

Today, modern employers politely stack the resumes of economists and lawyers who, in order to get a diploma, have spent considerable financial resources, but are trying to find at least some kind of job. At the same time, employers are trying to snatch masters in engineering and logistics from each other. If you want to receive a popular specialty, and not a free subscription to an employment center, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the most popular professions in the CIS countries and abroad, not only today, but also in the near future.

Engineering Specialist

The specialty of the engineer is chosen not only by hereditary technicians, but also by those who try to keep pace with innovative progress. The rapid development of the construction industry and automation of production is just around the corner, and specialists who have received engineering specialization are literally moving ahead of the career ladder, right up to the top managers. Laziness in such professions is inappropriate. It is necessary to pay deep attention to all the subtleties of modern production. True, engineers today differ from the then-grandfathers of engineers by at least a knowledge of technical English. Possession of such skills will significantly increase quotes in foreign companies that take good specialists with arms and legs.

IT specialist

The number of programs for smartphones, tablets, computers and other equipment is estimated in the thousands, but this does not prevent users from waiting for new applications to appear, like children giving New Year gifts. Ensuring the market for software operability is a promising and highly paid business. An essential advantage of an IT specialist is considered to be additional skills in design art and the ability to create websites. The largest companies such as Google or Microsoft will be happy to hire such specialists.


To doctors at the moment, excessive requirements are put forward. If before Hippocrates had enough knowledge of anatomy, now you need to at least understand the basic sciences in the field of electronics and biotechnology. Modern medical clinics that purchase the same modern medical equipment give preference to choosing a doctor who is well versed in equipment. The specialty of the doctor guarantees good reviews from grateful patients and significant social guarantees.

Tourism manager

Every year, the craving for adventure and travel among people intensifies. Not so long ago, an average family had a desire to visit their own summer house, but today they are drawn to look at the green Himalayas or the Red Sea. Correcting the client in the right direction, suggesting the most optimal tour, providing a comfortable rest from everyday worries - all this can only be done by a professional tourism manager. The same profession is in demand in good hotels and hotels, where it is paid very well.


You can not even compare the most fierce battles in computer strategic games with real wars for the markets for the products of the manufacturer. Partnerships sometimes hide brutal games and tricks of competitors. Managing real product flows and wealth is not only interesting, but also very profitable. Good logistics should have a keen sense of economics, knowledge of transport infrastructure, and topographic literacy.


A specialist in the field of ecology is the real master of the world. People are so mired in garbage, exhaust and other mucks that they launched a natural self-destruction program.Today, tomorrow and in the near future, all the hopes of salvation are vested in ecologists. Only they know how to protect the Earth from environmental disaster and its sad consequences.

Nano technologists

Space technologies descended from inaccessible heights and were introduced into mechanical engineering, medicine, and even into the food industry. Every day, the range of use of robotics, microchips is expanding, which entails the need for specialists. The demand for nano technologists is justified and the number of zeros in the wages of such specialists has grown exponentially.

Power engineer

Mankind sacredly believes in the infinity of natural resources, but now these thoughts are broken on the bottom of dried rivers and oil wells. The energy of the planet is weakening every day, and therefore many forces are thrown into the search for alternative keys of energy and increase efficiency. The production of solar panels, individual heating and air conditioning systems requires innovation in approaches and solutions. Anyone who has received the specialty of energy, already has the full right to claim the title of ruler of the world.

Service specialist

Many women want a beautician, hairdresser and other service specialists to be nearby. Kindergarten and school must be near the house. According to statistics, a woman will not go to a beauty salon further than 2 km away. Such requests should be provided by service specialists in the field of beauty and education. Women trust the most expensive only to specialists, and therefore nannies, cosmetologists, hairdressers should have not only talent, but also a diploma of the best specialist with an excellent reputation.

Image maker

Good PR is required not only for representatives of show business. All serious ones use modern means of promoting their products or services on the market. Who can better write the right competitive words about the company and products than an image maker. This is a task for real creative and creative professionals, which is estimated by a solid salary.

Each specialty that we have brought today in the TOP-10 of demanded professions is unsweetened honey. But employers motivate those who have a diploma and a desire for development. And which of the above specialties would you like to receive?

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