What will be the winter of 2018-2019: Everything about the first snow, forecasts of weather forecasters and national signs

Weather is an issue that excites everyone. Everyone is wondering what to expect from tomorrow, what to wear in order not to freeze or fry, it will snow or rain. Therefore, everyone wants to know as soon as possible what kind of winter is expected, whether to expect a lot of fluffy snow, beautiful patterns on the windows and severe frosts. Winter is primarily associated with skiing, skating, sledding, playing snowballs. At this time of year, everyone can feel like a child and believe in New Year's miracles. Let's try to determine what the winter of 2018-2019 will be like, so that you know whether to stock up on warm sweaters or whether you can get along with light blouses.

What will be the winter of 2018: weather forecasts

Any forecasts are based on the same principle. Forecasters take into account seismic indicators and solar activity. But as everyone knows, in recent times, forecasts have become inaccurate. Even an estimated forecast for several days may differ from reality. A striking example of this was summer hurricanes. Quite often, metrologists were mistaken with the weather forecast, and did not foresee big showers and winds, which led to great damage, which could be warned in advance. Nevertheless, we still listen to weather forecasters and their verdicts according to the weather. At the moment, experts have already made a preliminary forecast for the next winter of 2018-2019. What month has prepared for us more severe colds and how will the weather change throughout the winter? The hydromet center promises that low frosts are not expected. But strong colds will last only a few weeks in the middle season.

What will be the winter of 2018 in Russia

Today it is very difficult to accurately predict what kind of winter awaits at various points in a huge country. Most regions of Russia can count on a fairly mild winter. Forecasters predict that the upcoming winter will be very similar to the one that passed. Most of Russia can expect traditional weather for them. No drastic changes and strong freezing temperatures are expected. However, severe frosts are expected in the northern and eastern parts of the country due to climate change. In the regions of Siberia, the Komi Republic and the Perm Territory, the temperature on the thermometers will reach -25-30 degrees.

All about the first snow and rainfall

Metrologists promise that the first rainfall in the central part of the Russian Federation in the form of snowfall will go in December. St. Petersburg, Moscow, the Volga region will see the first snowball in November. The approximate time is the middle or the end of the month. Even if such a forecast is not entirely correct, and in November you are not happy with the first snow, then you should not be upset. December promises to be very snowy. In the beginning, a large amount of snow is expected, but the temperature will be average, at the level of -11-15 degrees. According to weather forecasts, every winter month we will be pleased with snow, but do not expect long and heavy rainfall. In the territories of most regions, they are expected to be moderate. Compared to the new year, there will be fewer of them in the new season. The height of the cover will be about 50cm. After the first snow falls, warming will definitely come, the air temperature will be from 0 to 10 degrees. Metrologists do not report strong drifts, abnormal phenomena, snowstorms.

What the weather will be in winter 2018: waiting for frost

As already mentioned, the winter of 2018-2019 will be without severe frosts. Forecasters do not predict long colds, sudden changes in temperature. However, at the beginning of the winter season, you still have to freeze for a few weeks. In the first days of December, the temperature drops to -20 degrees.This is justified by the circulation of cold air over the Arctic. Further, the temperature will stay around -9-15 degrees below zero almost until January. In general, forecasters promise the winter of 2018-2019 is not too cold, the temperature will not drop below 14-19 degrees.

Weather on New Year's holidays in the central cities of Russia

On New Year's holidays, the weather will please the Russians. Snow is expected in most of Russia. On New Year's Eve in Moscow, they forecast -7 degrees of frost. On the afternoon of January 1, approximately -4. In St. Petersburg, it will be clearly colder, but not like in the northern part of the country, there the temperature will reach -21-26 degrees. And in the south, the climate is milder, because the maximum decrease in temperature will be only -5 degrees. In the central regions of Russia, the thermometer column for New 2019 will show about -10 degrees.

Weather forecast for national signs

In ancient times, when no one knew what the weather forecast and solar activity were, the weather was calculated according to signs. These signs have worked flawlessly and continue to do so today. The following signs will help determine what winter is ahead:

  • Hunters are the first to know about the onset of winter, starting from observations of bunnies in the forest. If the hare has changed into a little white fur coat, this indicates that winter is near and snow and frost will soon come.
  • Bullfinches inform about the approach of severe frosts. Once they appear on tree branches, you can safely wait for the arrival of winter.
  • Geese are also heralds of cold weather. After all, they are the very last of the birds fly to warmer climes. If the flocks of geese fly away, then frost sets in.
  • If migratory birds gather in flocks and fly very low, this means only one thing - winter will be snowy and very cold.

You can find out what winter will be like by summer signs:

  • If summer is hot and dry, then winter is expected to be snowy and cold. And if the summer was rainy enough, then in the winter there will be a thaw.
  • Arid and warm September gives us a little respite from the cold. This means that winter will come late.
  • Mushroom pickers will also be able to tell about the weather in winter: if mushrooms grow plentifully, then winter will be long and frosty.
  • Leaves from trees that fall late and quite rapidly show that winter is to be cold.
  • A good harvest of mountain ash and acorns prophesies of a long and cold winter.
  • Thin peel on vegetables closer to the autumn period - to a warm winter.
  • Mosquitoes in late autumn are very early frosts.
  • After the first snow falls, count 40 days and you will know exactly when to expect large and severe frosts.
  • If the first snowball has covered trees with leaves that have not fallen, get ready for severe frosts and fierce February.

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