Amazonite stone - properties, types, compatibility with the zodiac signs
One of the varieties of potassium feldspar is amazonite. The mineral has green hues due to the content of lead ions in its composition. This ornamental stone is assigned to the moonstone class and has unique magical properties.
There are several versions of the origin of its name. According to one of them, the stone is named after deposits located in the Amazon. But only the mineral is not mined in these places. According to the second version, the stone received this name in honor of Amazon women who loved green.
Amazonite was found among the treasures of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Only in this way remains a mystery where at that time this stone was mined and what it was called. And this is not the only secret associated with the gem.
Varieties of stone
Amazonite can have a diverse palette of shades. Due to this, its main color also changes. The color of the stone disappears when heated to a temperature of about 300-500 degrees. Subsequent exposure to the stone by x-ray or radioactive radiation, the color is restored. And it disappears irrevocably when the crystal is heated above 600 degrees.
There are 2 types of amazonite:
- Krupnoperitovy. It has a turquoise hue. White albite growths that are present in the structure of the stone create a clear pattern on its surface.
- Fine peritite. It has a bluish-green color. The pattern of white pertites on the surface of the stone is not so clear.
The healing properties of stone
It has been observed that amazonite promotes rapid cell regeneration. Therefore, it should be used in the postoperative periods, after sprains, fractures and other injuries. In general, the stone normalizes the work of the whole organism. Thanks to the mineral, all systems and organs of a person begin to function better.
Amazonite also has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. With him, you can forget about mental torment, mood swings, depression. Sleep is normalized, a person becomes noticeably calmer and more balanced.
Diseases of the throat and pathology of the endocrine system due to the healing properties of the gem proceed without complications, and recovery occurs as soon as possible.
Amazonite is an excellent protection against the negative impact on a person of household appliances - a TV, a computer. Malicious radiation cannot pass through the protective barrier created by the mineral.
The aging process with stone is significantly slowed down. In women, the gem is very popular. It helps to cope with the problem of overweight people, as it contributes to a better metabolism in the body and the absorption of food.
Nails, hair, teeth with a mineral are noticeably strengthened. Existing cosmetic problems disappear. Amazonite also has a positive effect on the skin. All sorts of rashes disappear with it, and the skin acquires a smooth and healthy appearance.
The magical properties of amazonite
Awakening the gift of clairvoyance is considered the main meaning of amazonite. For this, he is very appreciated by shamans, sorcerers and magicians. The mineral is actively used in carrying out rituals and ceremonies, with its help there is communication with spirits.
The stone is able to provide answers to many questions, and also develops the intuition of a simple layman. Amazonite gives its owner self-confidence, courage. A person ceases to be afraid to take responsibility in making responsible decisions. The sense of causeless anxiety disappears, the stone drives away disturbing thoughts.
In addition, amazonite serves as a shield that protects its owner from evil forces. He protects the house from scandals and quarrels, and keeps good relations of spouses for many years.Amazonite brings peace, harmony and happiness to the family.
The mineral is an excellent assistant in getting rid of negative character traits - pride, aggression, ambition. The owner of the stone easily finds a common language with the people around him, outbursts of anger "quench." There is harmony with the world and yourself. Mineral prevents misconduct.
In the fairer sex, amazonite reveals maternal feelings and femininity. A person becomes aware of his true origin.
Compatibility of Amazonite by Zodiac Signs
Amazonite can be worn by anyone. There is no categorical prohibition on the wearing of a stone to any zodiac sign.
Ideal gem is suitable for Taurus and Aries. He will give physical strength, courage and wisdom to these signs. The positive traits of a person’s character are strengthened, the negative ones disappear. The mineral helps to establish friendships and create a strong family. It improves financial position and attracts luck.
To enhance health, it is recommended to wear amazonite to Libra and Virgo. With its help, the problems of the gastrointestinal tract disappear, digestion improves, bones and blood vessels become stronger.
Pisces can also use this stone. The most effective mineralaffects the functioning of the nervous system. Unreasonable experiences and fears will disappear. Thanks to this miraculous mineral, representatives of this zodiac group will become more confident and calmer. The endocrine system will improve significantly.
With the support of the stone, Aquarius and Gemini can easily overcome all the difficulties that may arise on their life path and achieve their goals.
Amazonite at all times was considered a very strong amulet. Our ancestors said that the healing properties of a stone depend on its color. The stone with a dark saturated shade has the maximum power. This stone fits all the signs of the zodiac. These properties are no longer possessed by any natural mineral.
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