
Turquoise. Features, properties, varieties of mineral

Turquoise is considered an ornamental semi-precious stone. The mineral consists of potassium, zinc, copper and other elements. In ancient times it was called the "stone of happiness." At all times, it was believed that this mineral has magical and healing properties. According to myths, turquoise was considered the bones of people who died from unhappy love. Their heart could not stand the torment of unrequited feelings. But in fact, there is nothing in common between human bones and gems, and the myth of lovers is a beautiful fairy tale.

Varieties of stone

The natural flare of the mineral is mysterious. It is not clear which shade of the stone is stronger. There is the following classification of turquoise color:

  • color "Electric";
  • sky turquoise;
  • thrush eggs;
  • very dark;
  • cyanogen;
  • blue turquoise;
  • aquamarine;
  • turquoise pearls;
  • bright;
  • dark;
  • light coloured;
  • turquoise.

Jewelers have warned that the color of stones may change over time. After some time, the blue mineral is able to acquire a greenish tint, etc. Human skin secretes fat, which negatively affects the stone. Therefore, a color change may occur if the product is improperly maintained and aged.

The healing properties of stone

Healers and healers for many centuries, the healing properties of the mineral are not in doubt. They affect the human structure only at the bioenergy level. The stone has long been used for healing from various psychological ailments. Turquoise helps normalize sleep, get out of depression, remove sudden changes in mood, relieve nervous tension.

For lung diseases, wearing turquoise is also recommended. She fights pathogens, removes sputum, cleanses the body. The common effect of the mineral also extends to colds. It should be worn with flu, sore throat and other viral ailments.

Gems improve the absorption of food, accelerate the metabolism. Therefore, experts in lithotherapy recommend wearing turquoise to everyone who wants to lose weight. The gem also has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract; it is recommended for gastritis and ulcers. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and increases the body's defenses, accelerates the healing process of wounds and helps stop bleeding. Beads and necklaces from turquoise relieve migraines. They effectively relieve pain, its re-occurrence is very rare.

The stone is an indicator of an upcoming disease. In the case of penetration of microbes, viruses or other pathogens into the human body, turquoise immediately changes its color. Thus, the owner of the stone, having noticed such changes, can start treatment in a timely manner. The stone is not able to harm the body, so it has no contraindications regarding use.

The magical properties of the mineral

Esotericists have no doubt the magical properties of this stone. Turquoise can protect against evil eye, spoilage and evil spirits. They say that a gem protects a person from various accidents, including those that can lead to death. Once upon a time, Turkish soldiers, going to battle, took with them exactly the turquoise stone. He gave protection to them and their horses. This gem is also very popular among travelers. He protects his master from accidents on the road.

In man turquoise reveals the gift of foresight. Upcoming events can be predicted with the help of a mineral. He can give answers to some difficult questions. Helps to avoid making unacceptable errors, indicates the correct solution.

In general, stone magic is very powerful.In addition to the energy level, it also affects the physical. The gem develops mind and memory, increases strength.

With the help of the mineral, the latent potential of a person is discovered, which in the future can be easily realized. Turquoise inspires creative people to various achievements.

The mineral strengthens business, friendships and love relationships. It will help to avoid conflicts, find a common language with people, the tense atmosphere is discharged, people respond more easily to what is happening.

With turquoise, a person has leadership qualities. A gem accompanies career advancement.

Turquoise compatibility by zodiac signs

The choice of a reliable mascot should occur exclusively according to the horoscope. This is a proven method, not a fashion trend. To whom turquoise is suitable, astrologers know for sure.

With turquoise stone, Taurus is fully compatible. Thanks to the mineral, representatives of this zodiac sign are able to reveal their potential. Sometimes the whole life of a person due to its use is completely changed: internal balance is acquired, there is a deliverance from all negative emotions.

Sagittarius turquoise fits perfectly. This zodiac sign with a stone becomes more self-confident, quickly moving up the career ladder. On the love front, Sagittarius also succeeds. Mineral protects the sign from mental wounds. Astrologers advise representatives of this sign to wear a stone of light colors.

To become more collected and confident gem will help Capricorn. With turquoise, this sign will determine exactly what he wants and will be able to find the right path in life that will lead to the goal.

The stone will help Aquarius to establish love and friendships, make them wiser.

White gem is suitable for Virgo, Aries and Pisces. He will direct Aries along the right road, protect him from accidents, and relieve phobias. Wearing jewelry with this stone Virgo is recommended only on the road. The mineral is not suitable for everyday wear. Turquoise fish will help to avoid conflicts, relieve them of anxiety.

Turquoise green tones will make the judicious, calmer Scorpio. The stone will save a person from negative emotions.

Turquoise will protect Gemini from the duality of nature. It will help a person find himself in this world and hide him from troubles.

Turquoise and Crayfish will make more balanced. With a stone, representatives of this zodiac sign will be easier to perceive reality.

Turquoise blue shade suitable for Libra. With a stone they will feel more confident.

Turquoise is contraindicated to lions. The stone makes the representatives of this sign unbalanced and can even cause a disease.

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