Chalcedony: varieties of the mineral and its features
Minerals, which are a variety of quartz, have one common name - chalcedony. The fine-fiber original structure unites them all. They also have identical magical and healing properties. The only difference is in color.
How chalcedony is formed is still unknown to science. Some minerals have been used as charms and adornments for several centuries. Previously, the bas-reliefs of buildings were created using chalcedony. The stone is named after the ancient Greek city of Hakidon. The first stone deposit was discovered here. After that, gems began to make jewelry.
Types of stone
Until today, chalcedony is in demand and popular. The following types of it exist:
- Agate. A stone with a dense structure, having blue, violet and blue hues. There may be specimens that include several shades and various inclusions at once, the amount of which is directly related to the degree of ingrowth of quartz.
- Cornelian. It is most popular. Jewelry with it is in demand around the world. The structure of the stone contains red, brown and yellow inclusions, which are caused by the presence of iron oxide in the mineral composition.
- Chalcedony onyx. This mineral is formed by the plexus of chalcedony and quartz strata. It has red inclusions.
- Chrysoprase. This mineral contains nickel. The green shade of the stone is formed precisely thanks to this chemical element.
- Morolith. Very rare species. It contains chromium oxide. This determines the shades of the stone, which range from emerald to light green.
- Sapphirine. Among jewelers, this semi-precious stone of light blue color is very popular.
- Jasper. There are stones of a light and pale green hue.
- Moss Agate. The stone is very similar to moss. In nature, there are different shades of it.
- Cacholong. It has a second name - milk opal. It has light shades and a porous structure.
The magical properties of chalcedony
Untreated stone has strong magical properties. It is such a mineral that is recommended to be used as a talisman.
Powerful owner protection is the main value of this amulet. He will protect from gossip, slander, curses, corruption and the evil eye. Any negative directed at the person will be safely reflected. On the road with a chalcedony, the traveler can be calm. Therefore, the most popular mineral among tourists is precisely chalcedony.
Sailors in ancient Greece always took this stone with them in swimming. The mineral was also very popular among the Mongols. With his help, they defended themselves from witchcraft and evil forces. Currently, the value of chalcedony has not changed, and it has not lost its popularity.
Chalcedony is especially valuable for women. The attention of the opposite sex to the owner of chalcedony is noticeably increasing. The stone helps to find your love, increases the attractiveness of women.
With chalcedony, peace and peace reign in the family. The mineral, laid under a pillow at night, normalizes sleep, gives prophetic dreams and drives away nightmares.
The mineral strengthens the positive character traits of its owner and relieves him of the negative. It also reduces aggression and quenches anger. Favorably affects the activity of the brain - improves memory, sharpens the mind, calms, grants wisdom.
With chalcedony it is much easier to survive difficult life moments. It helps to steadfastly overcome and pass all tests.
The healing properties of stone
Chalcedony has always been attributed healing properties. First of all, it favorably affects the nervous system.Mineral relieves mood swings, gives calm, eliminates a depressive state. With a stone, a person does not show aggression towards others, he becomes calmer. This has a positive effect on communication with people and the human psyche.
Those suffering from hypotension and hypertension should carry chalcedony. The stone helps to normalize blood pressure, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Pathologies of the endocrine system are also subject to the mineral. Hormonal background with chalcedony will always be stable.
Zodiac sign Chalcedony compatibility
Astrologers assure that all zodiac signs can use chalcedony. At the same time, for some signs the stone is ideal, but for others, the properties of the gem are not fully manifested.
Sagittarius will immediately find a common language with chalcedony. They fit together perfectly. The mineral gives Sagittarius confidence in his own abilities, helps to combat negative emotions. The results of such compatibility are overcoming any obstacles and achieving goals.
Ideal for such a stone and Cancer. With him, representatives of this zodiac sign will succeed in love affairs and will receive strong protection. With the help of stone, Cancer will create a strong family in which there will be no quarrels and quarrels.
Gemini will become more balanced with the mineral. They will not be exchanged for nothing and will be more focused.
Orange-colored chalcedony suits Lions. The stone will cool their ardor and reveal hidden talents.
Multi-colored varieties of stone suitable for Capricorn. With a mineral, they will improve their material condition and solve financial problems.
Aries chalcedony will strengthen positive character traits and will become an assistant in the fight against negative emotions.
Green and yellow shades of chalcedony are best chosen by Virgo. The mineral has a positive effect on the emotional state and health of representatives of this sign. Blue, white and pink stones are suitable for Libra and Taurus.
It is possible to wear chalcedony to other signs of the zodiac, however, it will not exhibit any magical properties.
Chalcedony is able to provide a person with protection from evil forces. Wear a stone should be as close to the body as possible. One must believe in the magical properties of the stone and not show it to others.
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