Coral - color, variety, properties and value of the mineral
Warm seas and oceans are a forge for the production of stone of indescribable beauty - coral. Petrified water polyps are the basis of such magnificence. From the ancient Greek "collarion" came the word "coral". So called marine polyps.
The composition of the coral includes aragonite and calcium. It is an opaque, very brittle mineral that can be destroyed by acids or high temperatures. Coral can be semiprecious and precious. The lower the porosity of the mineral, the higher its cost.
Types of Coral
The color scheme of coral is very rich and has more than 2,000 shades, which depend on the composition of the stone. Only 16 species of coral are used in jewelry and only some of them are very popular:
- Blue coral. It is the rarest specimen. A stone in blue has a maximum price.
- Rose Pallido. This is a coral of a pale pink hue.
- Rose vivo. Mineral with a bright pink tint.
- Pelle d’angelo. It has a pink color with a characteristic silver-pearl sheen.
- Bianco is a white coral. It is used exclusively in jewelry, as it is extremely rare.
- Secondo color - orange-pink stones.
- Akkbar is a black stone. There is no calcium in it, and horny substance is present in its structure.
- Rosso is a bright red coral. It is very similar to a bush in which leaves have fallen. The stone is quite expensive. For this reason, it is often faked. To determine the authenticity, it is necessary to dip the coral into milk. Counterfeit will not change the color of the liquid, while a real natural stone will color it in pink.
- Rosso Skuro is a coral of a dark red hue.
- Arkisuro carbonetto is a brown stone.
As a rule, jewelers use small corals of bright colors to work.
The healing properties of stone
Since ancient times, coral is in demand among healers from different countries. So, even in ancient Rome, healers used stone to accelerate bone fusion and healing of wounds. Sore spots were treated with powder, which was obtained from it. He also helped with the bites of poisonous insects and snakes. Modern lithotherapists have no doubt in the disinfecting and healing properties of stone.
Natural coral heals nervous tic, normalizes sleep, helps to get out of depression, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Lithotherapists advise wearing coral beads for sore throats and colds. Speakers, educators, singers should also wear such beads.
Blood with natural stone is renewed, and blood circulation improves. It helps with diseases of the circulatory system, anemia, diabetes mellitus, gives a tonic effect, helps to focus, improves memory.
Careful attention should be paid to coral for people who are struggling with extra pounds, as their appetite decreases. In addition, it helps to remove toxins from the body.
Stone is a beacon of disease. You should carefully monitor it and if cracks or dark spots are noticed on its surface, then this will be a signal of an emerging disease.
The magical properties of coral
Sorcerers, shamans and psychics are convinced of the magical properties of coral. But in every country, stone has a special meaning. To find happiness and prolong life, the magical properties of the stone were used in ancient Greece. Experts advise wearing coral jewelry. They will protect their master from curses, love spell and corruption.
In India, the magic of stone protects a person from danger. Coral gives its owner wisdom and strengthens his intuition.
Esotericists always try to carry a piece of coral with them to enhance their psychic abilities. Travelers and wanderers are advised to take this natural stone with them on the road. He will always point the way home, protect from inclement weather, any manifestations of cruelty, theft and violence.
The soft energy of the gem is suitable even for babies. He will protect the child from the evil eye.
The stone attracts luck to the house. But for this it is necessary to carry out some ritual. You should pick up raw coral in your hands and go around the whole house with it clockwise, touching it to all windows and doors.
Both women and men can feel the power of the stone. White corals, which are more suitable for ladies, will add to them sensuality, tenderness and femininity. Coral red should be chosen by men. They will add courage and masculinity to them. With the growing moon, the power of the stone is activated. The magical powers of coral become dangerous with the full moon. During this period, it should be hidden away.
Zodiac Sign Coral Compatibility
Ideal for Pisces coral. This zodiac sign needs to wear brown and red stones.
The zodiac sign Cancer is also suitable coral. Astrologers advise them to stop their choice on pink stones.
Feel free to use the Taurus and Aries coral. He will bring good luck to Taurus, and he will be a protective amulet for Aries.
Sagittarius and Libra should not refuse jewelry with coral. The energy of the stone will protect them.
Establishing contact with the surrounding mineral will help Libra. It also protects against the negative magic effects of Gemini.
It is not forbidden to wear jewelry with coral to Scorpions and Lions. The stone will be a bracing agent for Leo. But they should not wear coral all the time. Pink and red tones of stone will bring luck to Sagittarius.
Jewelry with coral is not recommended to wear Capricorn and Virgo. They are contraindicated even slight contact with the stone.
Coral should be handled carefully, as it is a fragile mineral. It must not be left for long periods of time under the direct rays of the sun, dropped or hit. Cleaning the gem should occur without chemical-based products. Observing all the rules, the stone will serve its owner for a long time.
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