Opal - extraordinary beauty and amazing properties of the mineral

The beauty of opal gemstone is simply mesmerizing. Inside it, color shimmers are observed, from which it is sometimes impossible to look away. They can be compared with the flickering stars in the night sky and such beauty will not leave anyone indifferent.

Scientists have proved that petrified trees under the influence of a vacuum formed in the earth after the eruption of a volcano turn into opals. The first gems were mined in South Wales and in the Czech Republic. Australia is currently the record holder for the extraction of this beautiful mineral. Astrologers, esotericists and scientists today have studied the significance of these gems and their properties.

Types of stone

Opals are divided into semiprecious and precious, which are also called simple and noble, respectively. In appearance, they differ. Translucency or transparency with a rich tone are the first signs of a gem. Semi-precious stones are opaque and have an unsaturated color. Each of these two categories of opals includes several types of stones.

Precious opals

  1. Cat's eye - a stone of yellow or honey tones. The vertical strip located inside the stone makes it look like a cat's eye. Hence the name of the stone.
  2. Black opal. It has a dark color. A rich black mineral is very rare therefore it is considered the most expensive type of gem.
  3. Jirazole. It is also called solar opal. This is a stone with a beautiful blue tint.
  4. Royal or royal opal. This species has the most unusual colors. In the center, the stone is red, and towards the edge it has a green tint.
  5. Harlequin. The stone is very beautiful due to various impregnations in its structure.
  6. Peruvian or blue opal. It comes in various colors - from deep blue to turquoise.

Semiprecious Opals

  1. Cacholong is a white stone.
  2. I sank. It is also called chrysopalus. The tone of the gem resembles a ripe apple.
  3. Water opal or hydrophan has a porous translucent structure.
  4. Opal Jasper. It contains iron oxide, due to which the mineral has acquired brown-red and bright red tones.
  5. Opal agate. This is a stone that includes agate stripes.
  6. Opal Onyx is a mineral of yellow tones with stripes of rusty red color.

The healing properties of opal

Opal is very popular in folk medicine due to its medicinal properties. It is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system and for the treatment of eye diseases - glaucoma, cataract. For mental disorders and migraines, the same opal is used. It relieves nervousness, irritability, depression, with a stone it is easier to survive stresses. The gem helps to cope with anxiety, insomnia, phobia, clarifies the mind.

In general, a stone positively affects the general condition of a person and his health. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to wear opal during the onset of colds. The stone has a positive effect on the state of the reproductive system, so women use it to fight infertility.

The magical properties of opal

In rituals and rituals, shamans and sorcerers from different corners of the planet use opal. Because of their cosmic pattern, this stone is put by experts in the ranks of the most powerful talismans. It is used as protection against black magic, blows of fate, as an assistant against evil eye. Opal makes its master more organized and disciplined. With such an assistant, at home and at work, order and cleanliness will reign.

Minerals should be made friends with scattered and forgetful people. He is able to control the consciousness of man, developing his positive qualities.

A rare black opal can harm its owner.This is especially true for people with a mild character. And white opal will teach its owner to live in harmony with the environment. Such a mineral is a supporter of positive magic.

Hope and faith - these meanings of the stone are fundamental in the countries of the East. East African women used opal as a talisman, while men adorned their spears with gems. The crowns of the Roman emperors of Europe were decorated with large gems. This mineral is considered a symbol of gifted, creative people.

Various color impurities are corrected in the magical treatment of opal. Tolerance to other people enhances the white appearance of opal. Those people who by their occupation communicate a lot, such a mineral is extremely necessary.

Opal Zodiac Compatibility

The properties of opal for Scorpio will be revealed at 100%. In any business that a person with such an “assistant” will undertake, he will be able to succeed. Scorpio stone will protect against evil spirits and any negative effects.

A gem of any color is suitable for Pisces. But there are cases that the stone acts negatively on the mind of the representatives of this sign. In this case, the wearing of the stone for a certain time must be stopped, after which the opal can be used again.

Gems of red tones are recommended for Capricorn and Virgo. Stone develops hidden potentials in people. Light tones of opals can make Gemini and Virgo more calm, and the stones of fire tones will awaken activity in them. For Aquarius and Taurus, minerals of blue shades will be suitable talismans. Cancers are advised to wear black gems.

All fire signs, except Sagittarius, opal is contraindicated. Representatives of this sign are an exception to this rule and can safely wear opal. For energy, this stone is not suitable for Aries and Lions.

Only natural stones have healing and magical properties. In artificial gems there is no real power and beauty of opal. This is just a decoration. Happiness and luck will be brought only by natural transparent stones, which have clear boundaries in which hundreds of amazing glare are reflected.


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