Properties and value of rhodonite stone
Manganese silicate is considered a semiprecious stone, which was called rhodonite. In places where sedimentary rocks containing manganese come into contact with magma, this mineral is formed. It has an extensive color scheme. Basically, there are instances of raspberry, cherry, pink shades that have interspersed in various shades. But there are gems and other flowers.
The largest deposits of this mineral are in the Urals. It was here that the largest and rarest specimens of rhodonite were found.
Translated from the Greek language, the word "rhodonite" is translated as "rose." In the time of Ancient Russia, this beautiful stone was called the orlets. And all because small crystals were often found in the nests of eagles. And then people began to attribute magical properties to rhodonite, believing that thanks to these stones, eagle chicks grow up powerful and strong. Subsequently, the stones began to be put in cribs and cribs of children.
Types of mineral
The raspberry, cherry, pink mineral with gray spots is considered a classic of rhodonite. There are gems with other characteristics. In nature, the following varieties of this mineral exist:
- Cobalt Orlets. Very beautiful stone with a purple tint. More recently, it was discovered in the Urals. But, despite his youth, he is a fairly popular mineral.
- Fowlerit. Classic stone, only has a splash of brown and yellow.
- "Ribbon" rhodonite. In its structure has two stripes of brown or gray shade.
- Bustamite. The mineral is pink. In its structure there is a dendritic pattern that has a black tint.
- "Funeral" rhodonite. It has a black color. Used for the manufacture of tombstones and mourning plates.
In nature, there are other types of rhodonite. The most expensive and valuable are considered translucent stones with a bright crimson hue. Jewelry is made of them and they look unusually beautiful.
Magical properties
Esotericists do not doubt the magical properties of rhodonite. In every country, stone has its own meaning. In the countries of the East, in particular India, stone is used to awaken love feelings. He tunes in a positive way and drives away negative thoughts. The stone warns against committing bad deeds and helps to embark on the right path in life.
In European countries, they claim that rhodonite gives talented people inspiration, reveals creative abilities in a person. Among artists, singers, actors, writers, the mineral is very popular.
Shamans, psychics and sorcerers actively use stone in their activities. Rhodonite helps them with meditation, cleanses the mind of negative thoughts.
This magical mineral does not allow a person to fall into despair, helps to find harmony with the world. In any difficult situation, the stone will tell you how to find a way out. The owner of rhodonite strengthens such traits as compassion and mercy.
With mineral, laziness is not afraid of man. The gem encourages action, so it is recommended that passive people carry it with them. The energy of the stone will push them to action.
Some consider rhodonite to be a female stone, as it makes the fairer sexier and more attractive. With him, they will always be in the spotlight.
A talisman with this magic stone in the form of bracelets or rings should be worn on the left hand. Thus, his connection is found with the human brain, especially with its departments responsible for creative abilities.
The healing properties of rhodonite
The mineral also has healing properties.The gem is especially effective in the treatment of eye pathologies; it can be used to improve vision. Mineral for this is applied daily to the eyes.
The state of the nervous system with rhodonite is significantly improved. Specialists in stone therapy noted that the properties of rhodonite help to cope with depression, and unstable emotional background due to the gem comes back to normal. A person with a stone is not afraid of nightmares and insomnia. To do this, it should be placed under the pillow before bedtime.
In the countries of the East, the gem is actively used in the treatment of cancer pathologies, including malignant ones. It is noted that the work and condition of the heart and liver with a stone improves significantly.
Periodically applying a stone to the temples helps prevent and cure sclerosis. Elderly people are advised to use the medicinal properties of rhodonite for prophylactic purposes. The gem will give a boost of vitality and vitality, can prevent some pathologies that are characteristic of older people.
Zodiac sign compatibility of rhodonite
As a talisman, rhodonite is not suitable for every zodiac sign.
It can be worn by Libra. The mineral will help the representatives of this sign achieve their goals and give confidence in their own abilities.
Also, as a talisman, rhodonite is suitable for Gemini. The stone will contribute to improving memory and developing intuition. The gem will help to realize oneself in the chosen profession and to climb the career ladder in the shortest possible time.
Fire signs such as Sagittarius and Aries rhodonite are not recommended. Given signs of the zodiac, you should look for talismans that are more compatible with their energy.
The remaining characters can choose rhodonite as a talisman. But they do not immediately feel its effect. In addition, you should get used to the energy of the gem. Therefore, at first you should not wear a talisman with rhodonite constantly.
Rhodonite is a very beautiful stone that can improve a person’s physical as well as spiritual state. But wearing a gem is not always recommended.
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