Shungite - healing and magical properties of stone

A natural shungite stone is often used as a talisman. The mineral was first discovered many years ago. It is also called the Aspidian stone for its black color. In Zaonezhie is the village of Shunga, where a large deposit of this gem was discovered. Here is a stone and began to call shungite. In its pure form, the mineral is very difficult to find. In some rocks, it is only one of the constituent elements.

Types of stone

In nature, the following types of minerals exist:

  1. Matt gray stone. It has a loose structure. The carbon content in it is from 63 to 65%.
  2. Shiny stone. It has a solid and dense structure. Carbon contains up to 99%.

In addition to this classification, experts subdivide the mineral into subspecies, depending on its carbon content.

The color scheme of the stone can vary from light gray to black. In any particular color, the mineral may have a uniform shade or contain light streaks. By its properties, shungite resembles activated carbon. It has good electrical conductivity due to its high carbon content. Currently, the scope of stone is very extensive.

Healing properties of stone

Many decades ago it became known about the healing properties of shungite. To speed up the healing process, people carried this mineral with them. Currently, doing this is not always recommended. The energy of the mineral negatively affects the kidneys. For this reason, this body begins to function poorly.

It must be clearly understood that treatment exclusively with shungitis will not replace full competent therapy. The stone only increases the body's resistance to various infections, enhances the effect of drugs. The disease can aggravate, and the condition of the body may worsen if the treatment of the disease is based only on carrying a gem in your pocket. Proper therapy is needed in combination with the healing properties of the stone.

The unique chemical composition of the stone determines its healing properties. The composition of the mineral contains some oxides and salts of chemical elements. Of particular value for therapy is not only shungite, but also the water on which it is insisted.

Nature has provided man with shungite springs with mineral water. It is recommended to use such water in case of violation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, digestive organs. With an exacerbation of any chronic diseases and during the development of inflammatory processes in the body, it is not recommended to drink such water.

It was established that people who consumed shungite water for a long period of time were able not only to improve the condition of their body, but also to completely recover from some diseases.

Infused with shungite water helps with allergic reactions, hypothermia, colds. Non-healing wounds, skin diseases are also recommended to be treated with such water.

Indeed, the benefits of shungite to human health are simply invaluable. But with low blood pressure or kidney disease, treatment with this mineral is contraindicated.

The magical properties of shungite

There is no negative energy in the gem. It has long been used for rituals. Using a stone, you can determine whether a person is cursed or damaged. To communicate with spirits, magicians actively use talismans from this mineral, and the stone itself can become a portal to other worlds. But uninitiated people can not conduct such rituals. Otherwise, for them, it can end in disrepair.

The amulet is able to protect its owner from evil spirits, damage, the evil eye and curses.The mineral is able to identify any negative, after which it repels it, thereby preventing harm to its owner. The energy of the gem delays the negative radiation of household appliances. Pyramidal shungite just “specializes” precisely in this. Some people in their professional activities spend a lot of time in front of a computer, from which harmful radiation comes. To reduce this effect, it is enough to place a pyramid of shungite in front of the monitor.

In the same way, you can protect your home from the penetration of evil spirits into it. To do this, put a pyramid of this mineral near the front door of the apartment or house.

A person can increase his self-esteem with the help of a mascot from shungite. Stone makes its owner strong and confident. A person becomes tougher, he does not agree with the wrong opinion and always defends his point of view.

In love, a talisman made of stone brings good luck. But it is recommended to wear products that have a round shape. Bracelets and beads will also work. You will succeed in winning a person you like if you periodically wear such an ornament.

People whose business lives are advised to wear a talisman with a cubic stone. It contributes to the multiplication of capital, and also brings success in business. The gem gives a feeling of joy and fun, helps to overcome depression.

Who should use shungite according to the zodiac sign?

Astrologers advise before buying a certain stone as a talisman to familiarize oneself with whether this choice is suitable for a person at the energy level. Such an amazing gem as shungite has a very soft character. It can be worn by representatives of any zodiac sign, except for one.

Capricorn and Gemini such stones are ideal. The mineral will bring good luck in the business sphere and in love, protect from evil spirits, increase self-esteem.

It is not recommended to wear the Raku gem. But in any case, when choosing a mascot, you need to listen to your own feelings. A stone is suitable when it attracts to itself, even if it is a representative of the zodiac sign Cancer. After all, astrologers are also people, and all people tend to make mistakes.

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