Coil stone - properties, varieties, which suits the zodiac sign
Serpentine belongs to the common mineral called serpentine. Most often in nature there are stones of yellow-green and dark green color with existing inclusions. This coloring is very similar to snake skin, which gave rise to many legends and myths around this stone.
In the Urals, people thought that stone was pieces of snake skin that guarded the treasures of the local mountains - the Great Snake. In the 3rd century BC The first mention of this stone is recorded. Magical rites with the help of this stone were carried out by the Indians.
This mysterious mineral has magical and healing properties. It is successfully used for the treatment of certain pathologies, as well as as a talisman.
Types of stone
The stones in their structure are very diverse. Therefore, the color palette of the coil is extensive. The following types of mineral are available:
- Ophite. Very similar to jade and has a smooth green tint.
- Vernantite. The main background of the stone is dark green, on which there are inclusions of calcium.
- Ricolith. The stone is dark green with a splash.
- Williamsit. The mineral has a green background with a blue tint.
- Bonevit. It has a pale green tint.
A true mineral is inherently opaque. But there are translucent specimens.
Magical properties of the coil
Since ancient times, the stone was used by representatives of black magic. But this does not mean that the stone carries a negative energy. The coil has the ability to clean the surrounding space from negative energy and gives protection to its owner from evil witchcraft. It follows that the sorcerers and black magicians wore a serpentine to protect themselves from other witchcraft and to conduct the purification of the space before the rituals.
Currently, people use the mineral to protect against envy, gossip, curses, spoilage, the evil eye. This is a wonderful assistant in achieving your goals. The coil protects the house from rampant elements, robberies, fires. The dwelling is maintained in a friendly atmosphere, scandals and quarrels bypass it.
For people seeking self-development, a coil will always help. It improves memory, grants wisdom, a person begins to understand his true destiny.
The physical condition of the owner of the gem is significantly improved. With this mineral, a person swims better, runs faster. It is recommended to wear the coil to people whose work is associated with physical activity, as well as athletes.
The stone helps to realize yourself in the chosen direction and climb the career ladder in the shortest possible time.
Sometimes this beautiful mineral is called a tempter. Therefore, he can do his master a bad job. In the Bible, the Serpent was a tempter and not without reason a stone is similar to the skin of this creature. The crystal is able to push its owner to vicious deeds and lead him astray. Thus, the coil tests a person for strength by sending and presenting him various tests. If they are passed, the gem will support its owner in everything, give him protection and become a reliable talisman.
Anyway, the magical properties of the coil are quite insidious. Like a snake, the energy of a stone can lie low and wait, and when a person weakens, striking him. Only people with a strong character, will and endurance are recommended to wear such a mineral.
The healing properties of the mineral
Even in traditional medicine, the therapeutic effects of the coil are recognized. It is also called a pharmacy stone. It is scientifically proven that the mineral enhances the properties of medicines. They make containers from stone that store medical supplies and tools.
With frequent headaches and migraines, a gem should be carried with you. It normalizes blood pressure indicators, eases the condition with spasms of blood vessels. Patients are advised to wear earrings with a coil or periodically apply it to the head.
The stone effectively helps with the healing of soft tissues and bones in fractures. It should also be used for dislocations, cuts and bruises. In such cases, the mineral must be worn in the form of a bracelet or in a ring.
For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood, kidneys, it is also recommended to use a coil. The inflammations present in the body are removed, the body's defenses increase, the blood is freed from harmful impurities, the nervous system returns to normal. Insomnia, depression, stress are eliminated with the stone, and the emotional background returns to normal.
For children, the coil energy is most suitable. Even the smallest child can wear this crystal. It favorably affects the development of the baby and its normal growth.
Stone experts say the gem can even neutralize snake venom.
Zodiac Signature Coil Compatibility
Any talisman must be chosen according to the zodiac sign.
A good friendship will turn out at the serpentine with Virgo. Representatives of this sign will find harmony with the outside world and themselves, comprehend all the secrets of the universe. With the help of a gem, they will be able to develop intuition and creativity. The path to spiritual development will open, and the opportunity to improve will appear.
Capricorn is also suitable for a talisman in the form of a coil. He will push the representatives of this zodiac sign to physical development, and help them in this. Stamina and strength with the mineral will increase markedly in a short time. Self-confidence will appear.
It is not recommended to use the Pisces coil as a talisman. This zodiac sign is most susceptible to temptation. With stone, the positive aspects of a person’s character are weakening, but the negative traits are amplified.
For the remaining signs of the zodiac, the gem will be neutral. They will not be able to feel any influence of the mineral on themselves.
The coil is considered a beautiful stone, a strong, but quite dangerous and not fully understood talisman. Weak people are not recommended to wear it.
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