Books for learning English: TOP 10 most popular publications

Knowledge of English is a must in our lives. Lessons with professional English teachers are believed to be the most ideal way to learn quickly. But this method is not suitable for everyone, as it is very expensive. But on this occasion, do not be upset. You can learn a foreign language yourself. There are a lot of self-taught books that serve to obtain and improve knowledge. Moreover, in most cases, CD or DVD discs are offered in the kit with the book, on which lessons are presented for better assimilation of information.

Bulger Anthony, "English is easy today"

This book is similar in its construction and principles of teaching a child. Enough 30 minutes of lessons per day for a good result. After a short period of time, the result will be noticeable. This book contains tasks of a different nature: listening, practice correct pronunciation, written exercises. The vocabulary learned through this book will help you speak “fluent” English. The author gives a guarantee that after two months of classes in the book, the student will freely begin to understand foreign speech. Many teachers recommend this book for learning and mastering a foreign language. English lessons are based on oral and written exercises. The description in English of life situations gives features to this course of language learning. This method of study will help in the future when relaxing at a resort or traveling. The tutorial comes with an exercise CD.

Dragunkin A., “A new cool English tutorial”

The book is able to arouse the interest of the reader with an unusual form of presentation of the rules. The author of the book suggests starting his first acquaintance with the English language with the practice of pronunciation. This book serves as an excellent guide to a foreign language. Those who try to learn a foreign language on their own will give the highest mark to such a publication. This book is perfect for any level of training and different age categories. You can already communicate in English after studying two or three independent lessons.

Bonk N., Levina I., Bonk I.: “English step by step”

This book provides an opportunity to learn pronunciation, grammar and phonetics. 1200 units of vocabulary will be able to learn the student through the passage of a course of study. The disc, which is an annex to the book, will contribute to the study of a foreign language. The textbook serves as an assistant not only during self-study, but also for learning English together with the teacher. The course is designed for a couple of years, but if the classes will be more persistent and intensive, then you can learn the language faster. On the pages of the textbook, the authors cited examples of the important foundations of the English language in an accessible form for development and perception. This guide is ideal for beginners. The material is readily presented, starting with a simple lesson and ending with a difficult task. The book contains a large number of tasks: questions and answers, translations of text and sentences.

"NEW: Tutorial of the English language", A. Petrova and I. Orlova

Such a self-instruction book will provide an opportunity to learn a foreign language for those who are not familiar with it. In the book, for a more simplified learning of the language, such helpers are used as tables, diagrams, exercises, which will surely serve the student for mastering the knowledge acquired by him.

English Grammar in Use, R. Murphy, M. Hewings

For self-mastery of the English language, this textbook is best suited.Publications are considered universal, as they are used for any purpose: grammar, the study of English business. More than 100 lessons are presented in each edition. The sequential lesson is located on two pages (practice and theory). For a more detailed acquaintance with the exercises, you can use the additional disk, which is attached to the book.

"English language. Grammar ”- a wonderful collection of exercises by Y. Golitsinsky

The manual of Yu. Golitsinsky is considered an effective English textbook. It took 25 years to create this collection. Such a manual will provide an opportunity to reach heights in English lessons. This is the book in English that most people prefer to have at home as a reference book.

A. Dragunkin, “Optimized universal textbook”

This manual is very different from other English textbooks in their unconventional and original reporting. With such a book, learning will become an interesting game with which the student gains as much knowledge as possible. Those who just want to refresh their knowledge will also be interested in using the book of A. Dragunkin.

Grammar in English

Grammar is an essential element in a foreign language. Therefore, when getting acquainted with the English language, it is necessary to study grammar as carefully and seriously as possible. For an in-depth grammar of learning English, the following tutorials can help:

  1. Izrailevich E.E., Kachalova K.N. "Practical Grammar" - The course of exercises of grammatical material is presented in two volumes, as well as original examples are given to it. The contents of the textbook gathered literally all sections of syntax, punctuation and morphology.
  2. Evans V., Dooley J., Osipova M. "Round up" - The publication consists of six books written in English. In these books, each new lesson is expressed in clue tables, exercises for fixing and repeating material. Benefits are made in an interesting, colorful design. They will be very interesting not only for adults, but also for children. In the annex to the books are a disk and a training manual for the teacher. The manual contains tips and recommendations for exercises.
  3. Murphy R. "English grammar in use" - foreign language teachers believe that Murphy R.’s textbook is the best grammar student. This publication consists of three levels: in-depth, medium, easy. A detailed study of these levels will provide an opportunity to study in detail the grammar of the English language. Three editions are composed in the same way: even pages contain topics, examples and concepts, the odd side contains exercises on the topic covered.

When learning English, following the rules and recommendations of supporting literature, you will very soon see the fruits of your labors. Self-education has not yet bothered a single person, because it is very useful and exciting.

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