Original contests for the New Year 2018

Absolutely everyone is waiting for the New Year, not just children. Indeed, on this day the most cherished dreams and plans come true. But for the celebration to be really fun and positive, it is very important to come up with a script in advance. Try to trust this to very creative people or professional presenters. Since they will fill it with not only cues and congratulations, but also with interesting contests.


Pantomime or Crocodile

Surely, everyone knows about the existence of such a game. But on New Year's Eve we offer to diversify it a bit. Thanks to this, it will be more interesting and thematic.

For her, it is necessary to prepare funny songs that are known to most of those present in advance. In addition, you will need two hats. Instead, you can use even simple boxes of small size. Also prepare small pieces of paper.


On different leaves you need to write the names of songs, as well as the names of animals. Their number should be the same. And the number of tasks should correspond to the number of people who will participate.


When everything is prepared, the first participant goes to the center and randomly draws leaves from each hat. It is very important to follow the rules in the process. That is, it is impossible to describe the animal in words, but you can make sounds or show with movements. In addition, all these actions should be matched to the rhythm of the music so that everything looks like a funny dance. Invited guests must guess the name of the animal as quickly as possible. If it took no more than one minute, then the participant automatically gets to the next stage.


The next step assumes that the participants will still show the selected animal, but without using different sounds. This time it will be more difficult to do, but those who manage to demonstrate their abilities will go to the next stage.


The most difficult thing is to show a new beast without using any part of the body. It can be a hand, a leg or even a head. It is determined by the remaining guests, but not the contest participants. It is at this stage that the winner is determined, to whom the prize is awarded.


"Dog racing"

This competition is suitable for an adult company. Since the Yellow Dog will be the symbol of the year, several contests on this subject can be done.

To conduct a "dog race" you will need several people who must line up. Starting from the first, everyone needs to name one of the well-known dog professions and take a step forward. The answer is given no more than 10 seconds. If there is no option, then the person remains in his place, and the move goes to the next participant. The person who will be ahead of the rest by the end of the competition will win.




"Ice Way"

This contest is perfect for corporate parties, as a fairly large number of people will be required to participate in it.


It is also necessary to prepare props in advance. To do this, on A4 sheets, you need to print in advance the images of the hole, emoticon, gift, skates and stool. It is advisable to make several copies of each figure. As a prize, you can purchase several boxes of chocolates to be enough for all participants.


In the room where the event takes place, free up a space of several meters. The larger it is, the more interesting and fun the competition will be. In random order, pre-prepared drawing sheets must be glued to the floor. They should not be too close together. Repeat images only if the space for the competition is quite large.


So, invite those who wish to participate and divide them into two teams. They should be on opposite sides. From each team you need to choose who will be the “skater”.That is, this blindfolded person will have to go all the way. At this time, team members must give tips so that their person comes to the prize first. But it is very important to establish a prize only after two “skaters” are blindfolded.


After everything is prepared, give a signal along which each of them will begin to walk and try to find a prize. At that moment, when a team representative steps on a piece of paper with a drawing, one of its participants must quickly complete the task. The team whose player first comes to the prize will win.


Each of the printed drawings has its own meaning. If a player steps on a sheet with a stool, then someone from the team should stand on a chair and recite a verse. It depends on how quickly the task will be completed, how soon the “skater” will move on.


A sheet with an ice-hole pattern means that if this team wins, it must give part of the prize to its rivals. If a team member steps on a "smile", then someone from the team should quickly tell a funny story from life or a joke.


Picture gift obliges opponents to give you something of their own. It could be another box of chocolates, a bottle of champagne, or even a Christmas tree toy.

The last figure of the skates will be the best. Since it significantly increases the player’s chance of winning. After all, a team member can stand next to the prize and shout the word “prize” loudly.

If desired, the competition "ice path" can be adapted for the children's matinee.


"Ball of desires"

This competition always pleases guests at any event. But on New Year’s, this is a really great idea. To do this, you need to write small desires on small leaves in advance. Each of them must be placed in a balloon.


To participate in the competition you need a few people. Initially, their task will be to burst their ball without the help of hands. After that, everyone will have a task in their hands, which must be completed. You must do this one at a time, trying to demonstrate yourself as vividly as possible. The winner is determined by the applause in the hall.

The given examples of contests are just a base. Therefore, if you wish, you can complicate them, come up with additional details and change tasks. It all depends on the imagination and ingenuity of the leader. But in any case, fun in the New Year 2018 will be provided!


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