
The healing properties of stones: the most useful and effective minerals

For centuries, the healing properties of stones have been studied. Modern lithotherapists confirm the therapeutic characteristics of minerals and successfully use them in the fight against various pathologies.

Esotericists, in turn, are confident that not only the body can be cured with the help of natural minerals. They help restore peace of mind, bring good luck, relieve stress.

The properties of stones are used for both internal and local therapy:

  • use as talismans, charms, amulets;
  • insisting water on a stone;
  • massages.

Stone therapy is a good support in the fight against certain psychological and physical ailments. The healing properties of stones should be used under the supervision of a specialist in conjunction with traditional medicine. What stones are considered the most useful and effective?


The gem is able to transform negative energy into positive and give it to its owner. Relieves stress, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Vision improves with prolonged wearing of agate.

Agate beads should be purchased for people suffering from diseases of the thyroid gland, respiratory organs: bronchitis, asthma. Jewelry with this natural gem on the left hand will help with constant headaches.

The treatment of osteochondrosis is promoted by a blue mineral. To eliminate pathologies of the pancreas, cardiovascular system, liver - a stone of a green tint.

A gem is recommended to be worn by confident, ambitious people.


This beautiful stone enhances brain activity, strengthens the endocrine and immune systems, relieves stress, and helps in the treatment of insomnia and nervous disorders.

The therapeutic properties of amethyst positively affect the work of the bladder, liver, biliary tract, kidneys.

Turquoise (Stone of Happiness)

The stone is actively used in the treatment of viral and infectious diseases, thyroid gland, lungs, heart, liver, eye diseases.

Turquoise is considered an excellent assistant in the fight against neurological and skin diseases, rheumatism, arthrosis, allergies. The stone should be closely monitored. If he changed color - a person should consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

A wonderful amulet will be turquoise, framed in gold, in the form of a bracelet. This jewelry should be worn on the wrist of the right hand. It is not recommended to use such charms for the deaf, blind and elderly.

Hematite (Blood)

The name of the stone speaks for itself. It is more used in the direction of hematology. With its help, the work of the spleen, kidneys, liver, and circulatory system improves. Mineral improves metabolism, normalizes blood pressure, has an effective effect on varicose veins and hematomas.

In the old days, hematite powder was considered a good hemostatic. Brooches, necklaces, bracelets and other stone jewelry should be worn next to pulsating vessels.


This stone is considered a filter of the whole organism. It stabilizes the nervous system, activates the circulatory, immune and lymphatic systems. It is considered an antipyretic and an excellent assistant in the fight against sore throats, as well as with prolonged headaches.

Pomegranate strengthens will, courage, sexual desire, appetite. Excitable people it is contraindicated. The same applies to people who are prone to hypertension and fullness.


It is considered a stone of purity and purity. Often used in the treatment of gallstone disease and hepatitis. Extends the life of its owner.With inflammatory processes in the body, it is recommended to drink "pearl water." Such water is prepared as follows: 5-6 pearls are placed in a vessel filled with clean water, after which it is left to infuse overnight.

It is recommended to wear pearl rings on the right hand, preferably on the ring finger.


This mineral is represented by nature in a luxurious dark green color. On its surface there is a characteristic ornate pattern. The stone has a unique property. It absorbs illnesses, negative emotions and energy.

The coil increases the effectiveness of medications several times. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it with people who are being treated and taking medications.

The mineral relieves the condition in case of failures in the digestive system, high blood pressure, and kidney disease. The stone is very calming if you periodically iron the surface of the gem.

Lapis lazuli

In nature, violet, gray, blue and blue opaque stones are found. The stone helps to cope with insomnia and nervous exhaustion. Gives a person self-confidence and gives him energy.

Mineral protects against errors by carelessness, helps the emergence of new ideas.

Moon rock

This is a very good sedative. Helps in the treatment of pathologies of the ureters, bladder.

Moonstone will allow its owner to develop imagination and intuition. All optimistic people bring good luck.

The gem goes well with silver. A moonstone framed in silver should be worn on the right hand or in the breast pocket near the heart.


This red-orange stone is considered a great helper in the search for love. For women, it is very useful - it has beneficial effects on hair, teeth, skin, regulates hormonal balance.

It is useful to hold a stone at the temples for headaches. Carnelian is very reassuring if put on the eyelids of closed eyes. It also helps to normalize blood pressure, improves blood circulation.

For emotional and irritable people, it is an invaluable mineral. He stops his owner from committing rash acts, and prevents the manifestation of aggression.

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