The best Russian books: 7 works of amazing literary heritage
For many years Russian literature has had its reader all over the world. Russian books are popular not only in Russia. A lot of Russian classical literature was translated into several languages, so the works won worldwide recognition.
“Two Captains” by Veniamin Kaverin
The work “Two Captains” brought the author the highest award of the time - the Stalin Prize. Although the work was written in those distant times in the USSR, in a country that no longer exists, the novel is still very popular and not only in Russia. The work is filled with patriotism, adventure and vivid events, where two fates of the most worthy people of that era intersected. The hero of the novel, captain Tatarinov, organized a dangerous and exciting expedition to the northern shores, but went missing. The boy Sanka Grigoriev, to whom letters of the members of this expedition accidentally got, this story has not been haunted since childhood. Having matured, Sanka decided to follow the same path as the brave navigator with his expedition. In the novel, the author describes human qualities that are revealed in a particular life situation. In addition, the story has heroes who have real prototypes. Based on the stories of these heroes, the work really and reliably describes the circumstances of the expedition to the land of permafrost.
Dead Souls by Nikolay Gogol
Nikolai Gogol called his work a poem, and the world saw it back in 1842. “Dead Souls" is rightly called the encyclopedia of human characters, representatives of various social strata of the century before last. The hero of the work is an incorrigible adventurer by the name of Chichikov. He gathers around himself people of various classes who embody bright and eloquent images of human nature. This remarkable creation is the immortal and best Russian literary classic, which gives the reader the opportunity to recognize the diversity of human passions. Dead Souls is an actual work in the modern world.
Amphibian Man by Alexander Belyaev
This work is one of the best Russian science fiction books. Amphibian Man is a book that has gained immense popularity among the Soviet reader and remains popular and readable today. In fact, Belyaev's work is the standard of his genre. The book is based on the experiment of Professor Salvator, as a result of which a dying little boy gets a unique opportunity to breathe under water. Ichthyander became a full-fledged inhabitant of the sea. But human insidiousness will wish to turn his abilities in his own interests. The bright line of love organically fits into this work and will bring sensuality to it. The opposition of the main character to evil and his struggle for love and life attracted and will attract the reader.
“Dog Heart” by Mikhail Bulgakov
Mikhail Bulgakov is a brilliant writer who possessed a unique ability to embody the spirit of the times in his heroes. “Dog Heart” is the personification of the essence of society at the beginning of the last century. The protagonist of the work, Professor Preobrazhensky, performs extraordinary surgical operations. Another such operation led to the fact that a dog with a transplanted pituitary gland begins to develop and acquire a “human” image. The new citizen, named Polygraph Poligrafovich, begins its vigorous activity. And only a professor can curb a creature that he himself created. But how to do that?
The Quiet Don, by Mikhail Sholokhov
The heroes of the novel are Don Cossacks, who built their lives during the war of 1914-1918 and the ensuing civil armed clashes. The book reveals the formation of a new government and global social change. The main character of the work, Grigory Melikhov, solves not only social problems, but also life, love, and everyday life. The descriptions of those foundations and confusion of the heroes of the work captivate the reader and do not let go until it is completely decoupled. Reading the novel, it is easy to lose that side of fiction that connects the reader with reality. This work has been translated into several languages of the world and is one of the best Russian works of recent times.
“The Master and Margarita”, author Mikhail Bulgakov
“Master and Margarita” is one of the most popular Russian literary masterpieces, which is known throughout the world. The author worked on creating this wonderful work for the rest of his life. The story described in the book captures the reader from the first lines and does not let go throughout the entire work. “The Master and Margarita” has conquered the whole world and retelling its contents simply does not make sense, since the name alone already causes many admirers of Russian literature delight and admiration. The mystical story with the participation of representatives of the other world attracts and fascinates the reader. Although the book raises the theme of the life of Muscovites who lived at the beginning of the last century, the relevance of these events will be in demand for more than one century. And extracts from the text of the book will be quoted by contemporaries for a long time to come.
Crime and Punishment, by Fedor Dostoevsky
“Crime and Punishment” is a philosophical novel of all times and peoples of the great Russian writer. This work has long been included in the Russian school curriculum. Definitely, the work of Dostoevsky has a huge impact on the formation of human qualities and internal views. Therefore, it was not in vain that he was included in school studies. The protagonist is a student who has overcome the threshold of morality, humanity and has committed a crime. At the same time, he is trying to mentally justify himself. So does he have the right to commit such an act and does the crime justify his thoughts and reflections?
This is not a complete list of the best Russian works. But even what we presented gives readers the opportunity to be proud and admire the rich and amazing Russian literary heritage.
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