Lunar calendar 2018: auspicious days

Today, it is quite popular to plan your affairs according to the lunar calendar. It is known that the celestial luminary has 4 phases: Full Moon, New Moon, Waning and Waning Moon. The first two of them usually do not recommend planning something important or new. While the latter two, on the contrary, are considered as most favorable for any business and undertakings. What days in 2018 will be considered the most favorable?


What days of January should you plan important things to do:

  • 4 January. The luminary today will be under the control of Leo, and at the same time it will decline. Therefore, astrologers say that he will be calm, but not boring. A change of scenery will bring positive emotions.
  • January 9. Thanks to the union of the Moon with Libra, the day favors relaxation or creativity. Therefore, even feeling tired, one should be active.
  • January 11, the waning moon will be under the influence of Scorpio. This period is suitable for reflection and seeking inspiration.
  • January 14th. This day is ruled by Sagittarius, distinguished by its energy. The day is favorable for competitions and any hard work.
  • January 17th is considered one of the most favorable days since the beginning of the year. Thanks to Aquarius, he will be productive and will succeed in any undertakings. A positive attitude will be with you a few more days.
  • January 25 is a good time, both for work and leisure, including romantic.


  • On February 2, the Moon will be in a waning phase and thanks to Virgo, it will achieve high results in school or work. Today you can safely take on any business.
  • February 6. The day is suitable for self-knowledge, so you can do long-delayed personal affairs, change your image or realize any plans.
  • February 13. The day promises to be calm and fruitful. However, you should not load yourself with work. Try to find time for relaxation.
  • February, 15. This day precedes the New Moon, so it will be conducive to any energetic pursuit.
  • February 21-22 - good not only for work, but also for romantic feelings.


  • March 1. Virgo will make this day very productive. But it’s better not to try to plan things for the future, but to focus on current tasks.
  • March 7 will help everyone find a business that will appeal to him, be it a job or a hobby.
  • March 8-9. Sagittarius will manage this period and help you achieve great success. At this time, they recommend rethinking their lives, and for single people to search for their half.
  • March 13-15. Success in this period awaits those who do not try to be too persistent in everything.
  • 20th of March. The day, though promising to be difficult, but eventful, especially in the financial sector.
  • March 22-23 - quite favorable, especially in love.


  • The period of April 2-8 will be stable and will allow you to tune in a positive mood. Do not miss this opportunity.
  • April 10-11 - the days can be called very productive.
  • April 16-18 - the period is suitable for creation. At this time, you can try to find yourself and understand others.
  • April 20 is better to devote to rest. However, you should not lie on the bed all day. Stars offer to arrange an active holiday in a pleasant company.
  • On April 25-26, astrologers position themselves as the most successful this spring.


  • May 1 - astrologers claim that the day will pass almost unnoticed by everyone. At the same time, it is important to refuse deception and not to make promises you are not sure about.
  • May 2 are ideal for a change of scenery. Any trips and business trips will be favorable. Harmonious at this time will be love relationships. Days are favorable for confession and marriage.
  • May 15.The energy of the day is suitable for any undertakings. Now you can go to the gym or do healthy eating.
  • May 16th - ideal for self-knowledge. Great thoughts can help you become better.
  • May 31 - astrologers advise you to stop and look back, having analyzed everything that you managed to do in the last 3 months.



  • June 4-6 - during this period you can experience a change of mood. However, do not wait for the negative, since there are no significant changes.
  • June 11-14 - this period is best spent for your favorite pastime. Therefore, if you do not have a hobby yet, at this time you can find it. On June 14, the Moon will patronize lovers.
  • June 18-20 will be the most positive in recent times. Virgo will help in resolving financial issues. But love affairs should be postponed until later. In order for your luck to be favorable, you should be honest with everyone, including yourself.
  • June 26-27 - days are good for any business. At the same time, Sagittarius will make sure that you can make the maximum amount of what you plan. Do not put off anything in the long box, and solve any problems on the spot.
  • 30 June. This day is favorable for the completion of the work begun. Astrologers are sure that now you can decide on any adventure. Nevertheless, you should leave some time for relaxation.



  • On July 4, intuition will play you a useful service. Perhaps you will experience an unprecedented craving for new knowledge or you want to become more beautiful, stronger and more successful.
  • The period July 10-11 is a period that can be described as a time of moderate egoism. Therefore, now it is absolutely not necessary to think about others, but to devote free time to your beloved.
  • July 18-19 are good for solving love affairs. In this case, everything will depend on how you yourself are committed to success and whether you are ready for change. The period is quite dynamic and full of emotions.
  • July 24th. A day is good for any business. Everything that will be started on this day is doomed to success. In addition, you can wait for the birth of new ideas.


  • August 4th Taurus will favor good mood and good luck.
  • August 7. This day will be ruled by the constellation Gemini, which will be able to smooth out all the negativity. Today it is better to leave time to rest and try to forget about all the troubles of the last time.
  • August 9th. The day should be devoted to the completion of the work begun. Cancer will favor this and give you unprecedented disability.
  • 12th of August. Those who have not been able to start a business for a long time due to lack of motivation will be able to find it right now.
  • August 16-18. This period is very favorable. You can feel the moral strength and escape from the hustle and bustle.
  • August 28 is a good time to end summer affairs.


This month there will be a maximum number of favorable days.

  • September 1. On this day, numerous things will be waiting in the wings. But you have enough strength and time for everything.
  • September 2. Lonely people can go in search of their half. Those who already have a couple should spend a day together.
  • September 4, you can devote all your time to doing what you love. If something causes you unpleasant emotions, then try not to come back to this today.
  • 10 September. The energy of the day will be conducive to any work.
  • September 12-17. This period will help to adapt in a yet unknown environment: at a new job, in a new house or team. Any incidents at this time should be regarded as a necessity.
  • September 20th. The day is good for communication. Those who are developing their own business should try to establish as many useful contacts as possible today. You can safely share your knowledge and experience with others.
  • September 30th. If you have lost motivation or faith in your own strength, then today you can regain them. Negative thoughts should be ignored. This will only benefit.



  • October 1st. The first day of the month must be devoted to creation. Good day for love achievements.
  • October 6-7 - the time of increased working capacity. There are great chances at this time to meet useful people.In addition, you can find the work of your life.
  • October 10 - allows you to find friends, and with the old to strengthen ties.
  • October 16th. On this day, you need to remember that revenge is a very bad thing. So that people do not have high demands on you, try to be softer with them.
  • October 25-26 is a time of a positive attitude and good emotions.
  • October 30 will give you some original ideas. However, it is better not to trust intuition today.


  • November 6th. You can go from planning to action. Today you can safely flirt with the person you like.
  • November 8 is a positive day on which you will have the opportunity to solve many problems.
  • the 13th of November. Today, finance will come first.
  • November 14-15 are productive for creative people, especially if their thinking can be called non-standard.
  • November 21. Suitable for solving any issues.
  • November 24th. At this time, the moon will be in a waning phase, but, despite this, the day promises to be calm.


  • December 4-5. The moon will decrease in this period. Therefore, one should not engage in active labor. It is much better to devote this time to finding the causes of your problems and solving them.
  • December 8th. But on this day, on the contrary, the moon will favor active endeavors. The day is suitable for solving any problems and fighting for their rights.
  • December 11-14. Perhaps during this period you will pay attention to what you did not notice before. This is a time of spiritual development.
  • December 27-28. The days are suitable in order to complete the work begun and to summarize the outgoing year.

Astrologers are sure that people who follow the auspicious days that the Lunar calendar gives them can always easily solve even the most difficult life tasks.

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