2018 haircut lunar calendar
Beautiful, healthy hair is exactly what many girls dream of. Of course, many factors affect their condition, starting with genetics and ending with too frequent use of hair dryers and ploes. Therefore, sometimes it takes a lot of time to restore. But if you want to speed up this process a little, we recommend that you pay attention to the phase of the moon before going to the hairdresser. Just choosing the right day can significantly accelerate hair growth.
January 2018 lunar haircut calendar
In the early days of the New Year we do not recommend radically changing the haircut. These days it is better to make a mask for nourishing hair at home or visit a beauty salon for this.
Categorically it is not worth visiting a hairdresser in the period from January 9 to January 14, as well as on the 25th. It is believed that a haircut on any of these days can slow hair growth.
Haircut February 2018
This month the situation will not change too much. However, if you want to update the tips a little, then try to do it on February 11, 12 or 13. Be sure that this will positively affect the condition of your hair.
It is best to change the usual image with the help of coloring or an unusual haircut on February 5, 6, 8, and also on February 27 and 28. These days it will be possible to realize any idea, and the result will be really amazing.
On neutral days it is better not to visit even the most experienced master. If desired, you can make a light peeling or mask for restoration. This will give the hair a special softness and shine.
Best haircut days in march 2018
With the advent of spring, almost every girl thinks about at least a little change in her hair. And it's really great, but it's better not to do it in the first five days of the month.
The most favorable for cutting and coloring will be the period from March 7 to 10, as well as the 14th and 15th. Therefore, if you decide on a change, be sure to sign up to your master.
The rest of the days are best for cutting tips.
April 2018 lunar haircut calendar
Unlike the previous month, April will be full of suitable dates to update your image or even dramatically change. For girls who dream of perfectly straight hair or mischievous curls, we recommend that you sign up with the master for any day, starting from the 18th day and until the end of the month.
Suitable for coloring exclusively April 3 and 10. These days it will be easy to create the perfect hair color and make a suitable styling. Therefore, be sure to implement what you have in mind.
Haircut in May 2018
A visit to a beauty salon is always a special event for every girl. After all, you can relax, sign up for several procedures and go out completely different person, changing the haircut or hair color. Great for this on May 1, 2 and 16.
However, if your main goal will be procedures for the care, restoration or alignment of hair, then there will be several more days for this. Choose any date from May 15 to May 23. On other days, it’s better not to visit a hairdresser at all.
Auspicious haircut days in June 2018
According to the lunar calendar, it is better to renew the ends of the hair on June 5 or 12. It is these days that will help accelerate their growth. And this, you must admit, is very important, especially if you want to grow long hair.
No less favorable days for a haircut will be the periods from June 1 to 4, as well as from 14 to 20. If you want to cut your hair a few centimeters or make an unusual bang, feel free to sign up with your hairdresser.
Neutral days are recommended to devote to hair care. For example, professional masks will help restore curls and soften the tips.
Best haircut days in july 2018
According to experts, in July, the most suitable days for a hairdresser-stylist are the following dates: July 4, as well as the period from 16 to 24 days.
If you signed up for another day, we recommend that you postpone the recording, as a haircut may be completely unsuitable. So try not to experiment.
Haircut in August 2018
The last summer month will be one of the most favorable for haircuts and coloring. For hair to grow quite quickly, cut the ends on August 4, 16 or 17. These are the most suitable days.
More radical changes should be planned for August 7, 9, 12, and also from the 21st to the 30th. The rest of the days will be neutral, and the haircut will not affect hair growth or their appearance in any way.
September 2018 lunar haircut calendar
For girls who have been thinking about a haircut for a long time, we recommend that you fulfill this desire in the first four days of the month. They are ideal for such a change in image.
Refrain from visiting a hairdresser or beauty salon in the second half of the month. It is believed that this is an unfavorable period. And the haircut at this time may be completely different from what you expect. The same goes for staining.
October 2018 lunar calendar for haircuts
October is exactly the month when the hair needs extra careful care. Therefore, we recommend you visit a beauty salon and do restorative procedures. Ideal for this is 1, 6, and also on October 10.
As for haircuts, plan a trip to the hairdresser for any date from October 10 to October 19. Believe me, you will definitely be satisfied with the result.
Haircut in November 2018
The best days are for making a new, unusual haircut - November 6, 8 and 11. These dates are ideal for making such an important decision. If you wish, you can also do additional hair care procedures.
On neutral days, it’s best not to do anything with the hair. Enjoy pleasant chores or relax with your family.
Favorable days for haircuts in December 2018
In anticipation of the upcoming holidays, every girl wants to look amazing. To do this, it is not necessary to change the length of the hair. But if you finally made such a decision, then it is worth planning for December 8 or for the period from 11 to 14 days.
In turn, the most unfavorable will be December 16th.
Of course, hair is exactly what people often pay attention to when they get to know each other. Therefore, care for them should be especially careful. As for haircuts, then pay attention to the lunar calendar and then even the most daring experiment will be successful.
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