Lunar calendar of weddings for 2019: Auspicious days for marriage

A wedding is a very important and important event that you need to prepare for in advance. There are many traditions and superstitions. Some of them are associated with the choice of the date of the celebration, some recommend focusing on the church calendar, the second pay attention to feng shui or numerology, and others look at the lunar calendar.

The effect of the moon on the wedding date

People have long noticed that the moon, or rather, its phase can have a huge impact on human life:

  1. New moon. In such a period, human energy is very much weakened, therefore it is subject to influence from the outside. Astrologers advise on such days to avoid any physical and psycho-emotional stress. Therefore, it is better to postpone the wedding to a more favorable time.
  2. Moon Growth Period. It is this period that experts consider the best time for a wedding. The body is now more active than ever, so family life, begun on the growing moon, will be full of love and understanding.
  3. Full moon. At this time, the human psyche is very unstable, and all feelings are sharpened to the limit. Many in this period experience aggression and a deterioration in the general condition of the body. The full moon day is categorically not suitable for a wedding.
  4. Moon Waning Period. At a time when the luminary is entering a waning phase, it is recommended that all the work begun earlier be completed. But now they do not advise planning new ones. The same applies to the beginning of family life.

Unwanted periods for the birth of a new family are also considered days of solar and lunar eclipses. Even the wedding, which took place on the eve of the eclipse, is regarded by astrologers as something bad. Experts are sure that the newlyweds will be haunted by setbacks and various trials, after which not every family can survive.

When planning a marriage, you need to familiarize yourself with the information regarding the movement of the planet Venus, which patronizes the union concluded during its direct course. If it moves in the opposite direction, then this can negatively affect the newly created family.

You should not play a wedding at a time when the moon is in certain zodiac constellations. First of all, they include the constellations of Virgo, Aries or Scorpio. In addition, astrologers claim that 4, 5, 7, 10 and 11 months after the newlyweds' birthday are suitable for creating a strong family.

Lunar calendar of weddings for 2019

In 2019, astrologers recommend choosing these days for marriage:

  • In January, the most favorable will be the 7th, 11th and 18th. They will become neutral on January 10, 15 and 20. But January 1-6, 23-24, 28, 30 and 31 will be unsuccessful for creating a young family.
  • The best days of February are the 8th, 10th and 17th. It is also permissible to play a wedding on February 6, 13, 15-16 or 18. 2-3, 20-23, 27-28 days of the month are not suitable for such a significant event.

  • If you plan a wedding on March 8, 10 or 15, you can be sure that the life of the young will turn out perfectly. Neutral will be 11-12, 16-18. A negative will be 1-2, 5-6, 28-29 March.
  • Among the favorable days of April can be distinguished 7 and 19 number. Neutral 11-12, 15 and 18. And astrologers do not advise planning an event on April 4, 20, 23-25 ​​or 30.
  • Our ancestors believed that it is better to refuse a May wedding altogether, since this was considered a bad omen. But astrologers are sure that on May 10, 17 and 19 in 2019 you can safely get married. The family born at this time will be strong and harmonious. The dates will be neutral on May 6, 9, 16 and 26. But marriages made on 1-2, 4, 21-23, May 29-30 can really be shaky and unhappy.

  • With the beginning of summer, the number of weddings is increasing significantly.But to make the family really strong and happy, it is better to do it on June 16 or 17. The 5th, 7th, 9th and 14th days of the first summer month are also suitable. But such days of 2019, as 3, the period 18-19, 22, 26, and also on June 29, it is really better not to choose for such a significant event.
  • In July, it is best to marry on the 8th, 12th or 14th. The 7th, 9th, 19th and 16th of the month are also suitable. And among the adverse dates in 2019, experts call: 2, 18, periods 20-23, 25-27 and July 31.
  • In August, it is best to plan marriage on the 5th of the month. It is permissible to play a wedding on the 6th, 9th, 11th day of the month, as well as the period of 14-15th, 18th or 23rd. But dates such as 17, the period 19-20, 24, as well as August 27-31, are best avoided.

  • The family created on September 1, 6 or 13 will be strong and friendly. The neutral days of this month are considered to be 5, 11-12, 29-30. But the marriage on September 17-18, September 24-26, must be abandoned.
  • Those who plan to join their hearts in October should consider organizing a wedding on the 4th or 11th. It is permissible to marry on October 8, 10, 13 or 20. And the most inappropriate will be 16-17, 19, 23-24 and 28 days of the month.
  • In November, those who want to get married can choose the 8th or 10th day. If you cannot get married these days, you can do this on the 2nd, 6th, 11th or 28th. But the marriage concluded on 14, 19-21, 25-26 and 30 November may be unsuccessful.
  • Among the favorable dates of December, astrologers distinguish: 1-2 and 8 days of the month. They will be neutral on the 6th, the period from December 9 to 10, on the 13th and on the 20th and 27th. And on December 14, 17-19, 21, 25 and 26, they are categorically not suitable for the celebration.

Folk wedding signs

Our ancestors believed that some months in a special way affect the families created during this period. For instance:

  • if the wedding is played in February, the young will live together happily ever after;
  • the whole life of those who unite their destinies in June will be like a honeymoon;
  • those who get married in August will be able to become true friends and partners to each other;
  • the wedding in September promises a quiet and measured life;
  • couples who get married in November will not have financial problems;
  • Families formed in December will grow stronger every year.

Choosing a wedding date, modern youth is guided, first of all, by their own preferences and circumstances. In this case, feelings, mutual respect and the desire to find compromise solutions in any situations should come first. Psychologists, in turn, are convinced that a mutual desire for strong and harmonious relations is able to overcome any signs and superstitions, increasing their chances of a happy family life.

Have you paid attention to the lunar calendar when planning the date of your wedding?

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