Moon rock. The magical and healing properties of the mineral

The moonstone has a second name - adularia. The mineral consists of thin structural plates, because of which it has a light blue tint. Once in Russia, this stone was also called tuasin, which in Persian means peacock. And all because the overflow of stone is very similar to the color of the tail of this bird. It was believed that the moonstone brings good luck to its owner and he is not afraid of any problems and difficulties with this gem.

One of the rarest types of moonstone is the yellow adularia. The largest field is located on the territory of Shli Lanka, where this amazing gem is mined.

Varieties of moonstone

Mineral can be of several shades - lilac, blue, light gray and white. The surface of the stone has a golden tint and a specific flicker. There are rare specimens with a characteristic star-shaped pattern or the effect of a cat's eye. Stones with a yellow tint are the rarest. Black moonstone in nature does not exist, although unscrupulous sellers offer the buyer such a product.

A beautiful three-dimensional color depth has a classic stone with a blue tint. When the mineral rotates in the rays of light, it is revealed especially brightly. Collectors especially appreciate these stones. The cost of such gems is higher than that of other varieties of moonstone. Minerals that have a multi-colored color and imported from India are less valuable than blue minerals.

When creating jewelry, moonstone is used quite often. Among European bohemia, about a hundred years ago, adularia was very popular. Rene Lalique - the famous master of jewelry from France became famous thanks to the creation of jewelry from this mineral. His works can be seen in private collections and some museums around the world.

The cost of products with a moonstone - carnations, bracelets, pendants, earrings is affected not only by the price of the precious metal, but also by the size of the stone itself, as well as its degree of purity. Hue adular plays an important role in pricing.

The healing properties of the mineral

Since ancient times, people believe that using stone can protect yourself from the negative effects of moonlight on the human body. According to lithotherapists, people who constantly carry a moonstone with them can prevent panic attacks, outbreaks of uncontrolled anger, and get rid of insomnia and epileptic seizures. Many specialists in alternative medicine call the moonstone a natural sedative.

Traditional healers claim that this mineral can heal and improve the functioning of the genitourinary system. It has a positive effect on the endocrine and digestive systems. Moonstone is able to facilitate the process of procreation and improves blood flow.

The magical properties of the mineral

The name of the stone speaks for itself. The mineral is directly related to lunar energy. Many owners of this beautiful stone, upon careful examination, find a small, unclear spot that has a white color. So it is noticed that the size of this spot on the stone depends on the phase of the moon. She is the patroness of the gem.

Magical practitioners believe that the moonstone acquires the most powerful magical properties at night during the full moon. During this period, the mineral has the texture of ice. It is during the full moon that using this stone is recommended to perform magical rites and rituals.

Owners of an adular notice mystical abilities - their intuition rises. People born at night on the full moon feel it especially strongly.

Serious family quarrels, family breakdowns, scandals can be avoided if both spouses have moonstones with them.In the period of the waning of the moon, all products and figures made of mineral that are in the house are best hidden. This can get rid of the negative influence of stone in a period when the mineral is able to feed on the energy of people living in the house.

Moonstone compatibility according to zodiac signs

The moon is considered the patroness of the zodiac watermarks. Therefore, for them, this stone fits perfectly. Before buying a gem, you need to familiarize yourself with the effects that it brings to different signs.

The moonstone will not bring any benefit to Capricorn and Aries. Esotericists argue that a mineral can even take vital energy from them, that is, it will only harm. This explains the fact that some Aries and Capricorns note the absence of any incentives, the loss of strength when wearing jewelry with such a gem.

Peace and coziness can be found with the help of stone Taurus. Also, the mineral will help them tidy up the nervous system. Rosary or pendants with adulary Taurus will be especially useful.

Due to the moonstone, Gemini will find peace. It will help them eliminate psychological trauma and stress.

Cancer can get rid of a state of constant concern with the help of adularia.

If you need to make important decisions, Leos will become more balanced. They will be calmer and gain wisdom.

Virgo moonstone will give a strong marriage and happiness in your personal life.

The inspiration for new achievements with the help of moonstone will be acquired by Libra. They will be able to find their own life path and destiny.

The energy of the stone will allow Scorpio to climb the career ladder and will contribute to the development of the business.

Sagittarius moonstone helps to find a way out of difficult life situations. Also, the mineral increases the social status of its owner and helps to develop.

Aquarius become less stubborn with stone. He helps this zodiac sign in socialization and finding a common language with people.

Moonstone will help fish to improve morale, and will also be a loyal assistant in business development.

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