Fashion jewelry and jewelry 2018
For millennia, people have believed in the magical power of precious stones. This was confirmed by the legends of healed and acquired new abilities. That is why, since those days, amber jewelry is believed to make a woman irresistibly attractive to a man, amethyst helps people avoid drunkenness and gives the owner a strong will of the leader, emerald increases childbearing, ruby protects from misfortune, topaz protects its owner from madness.
Every century has its favorite sacred metals and stones. The Egyptians wore emerald, turquoise, amethyst and crystal ornaments. The Romans revered diamonds and sapphires above all else. The times of the Renaissance and Baroque brought to the stage rubies and topazes. The outfits of the inhabitants of the Rococo era shone with diamonds. Later, they began to pay attention to the beauty of semiprecious stones, and in the post-war frenzy, usually elaborate and exotic items from platinum with sapphires, diamonds and emeralds went to “cheer”.
Today, the young heiresses of grandmother's jewelry absolutely do not know what to do with artificial rubies, which were very popular in Soviet times. They were expensive, and now not a single thrift store will even give a "penny broken." Therefore, it’s worth considering how best to use the metal into which the “Cold War stone” is set: maybe you should give it to a jewelry workshop and make an elegant little ring based on modern catalogs, or maybe save it as a memory of your beloved great-grandmother and her hard life .
I must say that the difficult life of our grandmothers taught them a lot. They certainly didn’t run for the slightest reason to the workshops, dry cleaners, laundries and did not call a team of floor cleaners to prepare the house or apartment for the guests to meet. They were able to do everything themselves. So they treated their “treasures” from the old jewelry box, unlike us, carefully and knowledgeably.
The main trend of 2018 - large earrings
Women's earrings have always been and remain unchanged companions in life. And in 2018 they acquired simply incredibly huge sizes. What materials, colors and shapes were used by famous designers when creating female earrings.
New collections of jewelry and jewelry from world brands: beauty is available to everyone
Amazing collection of jewelry “ROSE DES VENTS” from the fashion house “DIOR”
In 2018, jewelry designers of the DIOR haute couture house offer fashionable women to pay attention to branded jewelry in the form of an eight-pointed wind rose. Unusual combinations of precious stones, gold textures and various shapes were first used to create products. Gold grains framing the wind rose medallion resemble ship ropes.
For the first time, the SERGEY ZHERNOV brand has released a jewelry collection called HAIKU RINGS. Silver and gold are shaded by fire agates, rubies and semiprecious stones - Moldavites. New 2018 jewelry - iridescent metal.
Stylish Precious Accessories - 2018 by BURBERRY
The most notable accessory in the collection of the BURBERRY brand is fashion jewelry in the form of pins, large brooches and single earrings.
British actress Keira Knightley became the face of CHANEL's new GALLERY COLLECTION jewelry and sculptural collection, in which strict graphic chains came together with octagons. Even specially semi-blurry photographs demonstrate the confidence and magical power of jewelry.
BULGARI: the updated DIVAS ’DREAM jewelry collection
Gems of various shapes adorn the updated BULGARI DIVAS ’DREAM collection.Brightness and original interpretation are in perfect harmony with precious stones that can emphasize a feminine character.
Fashion Jewelry by CHLOÉ and SAINT LAURENT
Asymmetrical earrings, golden multilayer rings from the new CHLOÉ jewelry collection and stylish silver jewelry from the SAINT LAURENT collection are perfect for a boho style.
Jewelry-2018 from "DOLCE & GABBANA"
The world brand DOLCE & GABBANA has once again proved to the whole world that with the help of fashion jewelry you can create a romantic, feminine image filled with love.
We clean jewelry and bijouterie: expert advice
Carefully cleaning out jewelry and bijouterie is a delicate and delicate matter. If you approach it incorrectly, you can ruin your precious jewelry forever. In order not to make fatal mistakes, use the advice of professionals.
Gold jewelry
Dip the gold jewelry in soapy foam and gently wipe it with a soft toothbrush, especially carefully - places near the fasteners. Wash the chain in an ordinary small plastic bottle, for example, from Coca-Cola. Just shake the bottle lightly until the dirt comes off. Then gently wipe the washed items with a towel. Amazing gold jewelry in 2018 is offered by Dutch artist and jeweler Jacqueline de Yong and the fashion brand DENIS MUSIC JEWELERY. Earrings, necklaces, rings, brooches, cufflinks and bracelets with a texture resembling shriveled potatoes are presented at jewelry exhibitions. Bright accents on the products are arranged using gold adhesions and enamel.
Pearl jewelry
Pearls - both natural and synthetic, protect from contact with sharp objects. Keep it separate from other jewelry by wrapping it in a soft cloth. Wipe the pearls with velvet from time to time.
Glass and Plastic Jewelry
Glass jewelry should be cleaned with dissolved washing powder and then rinsed in running water. Wipe the glass with a soft towel. But wash plastic jewelry without detergent chemicals.
Amber and ivory jewelry
Amber, ivory can be safely cleaned in warm soapy water. If the ivory jewelry turns yellow, put the product for ten minutes in a weak solution of chlorine, and then gently rub it with a soft cloth.
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