Features and types of male manicure
Well-groomed hands and nails should be not only in women, but also in men. This is especially true for those doing business or negotiating. Do not forget that untidiness of your hands can create the wrong impression of you as a partner and cause some inconvenience in everyday life. Therefore, we offer right now to learn about all the features and rules of male manicure.
Features of manicure
First of all, manicure for men is a hygienic procedure. Experienced experts recommend doing it at least once every two to three weeks. In most cases, this depends on the scope of work or on some individual characteristics of each.
As for the features of manicure, then first of all, pay attention to the shape of the nails. It should most accurately follow the contour of each finger. The ideal option is a neat semicircle. Remember that in the world of male manicure there is only such a solution.
The next feature is the thickness of the nails. Unlike female marigolds, male almost never exfoliate. The thing is that they are much thicker and stronger. Therefore, their processing requires a little more time and effort. It is also worth taking care of the availability of suitable tools. For example, files with a coarser spraying.
As for the processing of the cuticle, it is often used for this special means for softening. Thanks to this, the duration of the procedure is significantly reduced, which for many is a significant advantage. Also note that men's manicure sometimes includes softening and eliminating calluses, so you may need to exfoliate.
The last, very controversial point is coverage. Many men are categorically against any coating on their nails. But still, we note that special colorless varnishes are used for this. They protect the nails from external influences and help them look attractive for a longer time. By the way, such a nail polish is completely invisible.
Male manicure: possible options
There is more than one manicure option, therefore, we suggest that you consider in more detail the features of each of them. This will help determine the most suitable option for yourself.
Classic manicure
Despite the fact that men are strong and strong-willed, many of them are afraid of various devices for nail care. Therefore, this option is suitable only for those who are accustomed to using scissors, files, tongs and other tools.
Please note that the classic manicure is best suited for those men who have a fairly dense cuticle, and their hands are slightly launched. Also, this is an excellent option if they have corns. Each master will remove them without problems using a special device or tool.
As for the procedure itself, first of all, the marigolds are steamed in a bath with sea salt. Only after this, the master begins processing the cuticle. Basically, it is carefully cut with sharp scissors. Particular attention is also paid to the lateral ridges on which the skin is keratinized.
The next stage is the correction of the length of the nails. If necessary, this is done with scissors, but most often a nail file with high abrasion is used. To remove bumps on the surface of the nail plate, you can use a special buff for polishing. Also, if desired, the master can apply a colorless varnish to protect the nails.
After a fairly strong impact on the nails and cuticle, the master must apply a special oil or cream. Hand massage is also possible for complete relaxation after the procedure.
Hardware manicure
Another version of manicure that suits holders of rough skin is hardware. It consists in using a special tool without preliminary soaking in the bath.
That is, for starters, a special tool is applied to the cuticle and side rollers, which helps to soften them. After that, the residues are removed with a cotton pad, and keratinized skin is processed using the apparatus. This option almost completely eliminates the risk of skin damage and microtrauma. It can also be used to remove corns or lightly polish nails.
The last step is to apply a moisturizing oil or cream. This is very necessary after such an impact. If desired, you can apply a layer of protective varnish, which is completely invisible on the nails.
European manicure
Every year, European manicure is gaining more and more popularity. It is often called unedged, since no cutting tools are used in the process. In fact, this is a really good solution, since the risk of infection and getting cuticle microtrauma is almost completely eliminated. However, it is suitable only if the hands are in good condition and without expressed problems.
At the first stage of male unedged manicure, a special emollient is applied to the cuticle. With its help, the process is faster and more efficient. But if it contains fruit or other acids, then you should not keep it for too long. Otherwise, there is a chance of injury to the skin. After a few minutes, the master necessarily removes the remaining funds with a cotton pad. Only after this begins the direct work with the cuticle. It is pushed back with an orange or plastic stick.
The shape and length of the nails is adjusted only by a nail file. It is very important to work in one direction. After that, oil or cream is necessarily applied to the cuticle. If desired, a relaxing massage can be done.
As you can see, male manicure is also necessary. After all, after the procedure, the nails will have the correct shape, and there will be no burrs and calluses on the skin. In addition, after such a procedure, the hands as a whole look more attractive, and in the modern world this is very important.
How do you feel about manicure? Do it yourself or visit a master?
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