Wallpaper for the bedroom 2018. Wallpaper for the bedroom: fashion trends and color scheme 2018
The bedroom has always been and remains the most personal and comfortable space in any apartment or house. After all, it is in this place that everyone rests, regains strength and retires with his favorite book or film. Therefore, the design of this room should be taken as seriously as possible, so that as a result you get not only stylish, but also a cozy, suitable in spirit interior.
An important role in this is the decoration of the walls. Of course, there are many styles that look original and unusual. For example, the loft style involves brickwork, due to which the room looks completely different. But still, most people choose wallpaper for wall decoration. This is a fairly simple solution, but at the same time practical. However, before acquiring one or another option, we recommend that you study in more detail what kind of bedroom wallpaper will be in fashion in 2018.
Fashion trends 2018
If earlier neutral, but at the same time strict design options were relevant, then now is the time to reconsider such views. Designers offer to become a little closer to nature, to get rid of the cult of consumerism and excessive luxury. Surely you noticed that in the past few years, fashion trends have dictated environmental friendliness and minimalism. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that this also affected the sphere of interior design.
Bright contrasting combinations faded into the background. In 2018, take a look at pastel shades with natural textures. Thanks to this, a special cozy atmosphere can be created in the bedroom without any problems.
A combination of wallpapers of different shades will also be relevant. This allows you to visually divide the room and place accents favorably. If desired, you can combine wallpapers with different prints. But you need to do this only with the help of a designer, so that the combination is really good and suitable for your bedroom.
Wallpaper for the bedroom: color scheme 2018
Of course, one of the main stages in creating a stylish, modern bedroom design is the choice of a suitable color scheme. We recommend that you make a choice not only based on personal preferences. Try to focus on the degree of natural light, because a lot depends on this.
For example, if the bedroom windows are on the sunny side, then you can not be afraid to use a cold palette of shades in the interior. After all, sunlight will be quite enough. Delicate blue, mint or even metal is an excellent solution for a small room.
On the contrary, if the bedroom does not have enough sunlight, then it is better to look at the calm, soft shades with a warm undertone. Due to this, you can make the room more comfortable. Pay attention to the wallpaper in beige, chocolate or pastel green.
In addition to sunlight, you need to consider the size of the room. For example, if the bedroom is quite small, it is better to choose a wallpaper in bright colors. Due to this, you can visually adjust the space and make it larger. And it will be beneficial to place accents with various additional accessories, textiles and other decor.
In many modern bedroom designs, snow-white interiors prevail. In some cases, they are complemented by darker shades, such as gray and black, or are used as the main ones.
What wallpaper to choose?
For the manufacture of wallpaper different materials are used, which inevitably affects their quality and cost. Therefore, try to choose the most suitable option based on financial capabilities and their appearance.
Vinyl wallpapers
Vinyl wallpaper replaced the once popular paper wallpaper. Today it is the most popular option for decorating living quarters, including bedrooms. In addition, there are several options for such wallpapers, due to which they look completely different.
For example, hard coating allows you to simulate various textures. Foam is considered the most popular, as it well disguises the irregularities of the walls and flaws. In turn, silk-screen printing looks very beautiful and modern. They are considered durable, so their service life will be quite large.
Non-woven wallpaper
If you are looking for environmentally friendly and wear-resistant wallpapers, then look at the non-woven. There are not only options with various patterns, but also monophonic, which are intended for painting. In addition, they are very convenient to use, since the glue needs to be applied to the wall, and not to the wallpaper. Due to this, the risk of tearing is reduced. Agree, this is really true, especially for those who make repairs on their own.
The liquid wallpaper
A rather unusual option that is becoming increasingly popular is liquid wallpaper. They are sold in dry form and are bred with water before use. The indisputable advantage of this type is the ability not to leave seams and joints on the wall. Due to this, they look holistically. In addition, liquid wallpaper is durable and durable.
Textile wallpaper
It is textile wallpapers that look very beautiful and respectable. Therefore, their cost is an order of magnitude higher than the other options. Despite this, they have significant disadvantages. For example, such wallpapers do not tolerate moisture and even spots may remain from the water. They also need special care, as they are subject to dust. From time to time they need to be vacuumed to extend the term of operation. It should be noted that this wallpaper is very difficult to glue, therefore, we recommend inviting specialists who will do it better.
In most cases, the disadvantages of textile wallpaper exceed their advantages. Therefore, if you like just this option, then combining textures is a great alternative. That is, you can use them for one or two walls, as well as make interesting decorative inserts. It looks no less beautiful and original.
Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, we recommend gradually abandoning too bright colors. In 2018, it is worth paying attention to neutral shades, which will be an excellent base for experiments with decor.
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