Step by step: how to make a pedicure at home?

In conditions of a fast pace of life, it is very important to monitor the health of your legs. First of all, it is worth choosing comfortable, not tight shoes. In addition, so that the legs always look well-groomed, you need to regularly do pedicures. To do this, it is not necessary to visit the salon, because such a procedure can be done independently at home. Therefore, today we offer to consider each stage in more detail and talk about their features.

Foot bath: the most popular options

The first thing to do before the procedure is to clean the nails from varnish, as well as prepare all the most necessary tools. After that, you can begin to soften the skin with a warm bath. There are several of the most popular options, which we will talk about later.

The simplest but at the same time effective foot bath necessarily contains sea salt. It favorably affects the feet and softens the skin well. To do this, add a few tablespoons of salt to the water. Do this procedure for at least five minutes.

Perhaps one of the most popular is the tonic bath. It can be done very easily, since there are not too many ingredients. In warm water you need to add a few tablespoons of sea salt, as well as essential oil. It is better to use peppermint oil or lemon, orange. Each of the options in its own way has a good effect on the condition of the skin.

Also well affects the skin of the feet of the bath with baking soda. In this case, the water should not be too hot. Depending on its quantity, you need to add soda, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

For those who do pedicures after the end of the working day, we recommend a relaxing bath. To do this, add tincture of chamomile or calendula to the water. They have a similar effect, so you can choose any. After such a bath it is felt that the skin is hydrated, and the legs are more relaxed.

In general, it is believed that keeping your feet in the bath is not worth too long. Often the duration of the first stage depends on how quickly the skin is steaming. But on average, fifteen minutes will be enough. After that, gently wipe your feet with a towel and you can safely proceed to the next step.

Cuticle and Nail Treatment

Since the next step is to work with the cuticle and nails, it is very important to prepare the tools. In this case, you will need scissors, wire cutters, as well as an orange stick. By the way, it’s not at all necessary to use such sticks, if you have a special silicone stick for pedicure, then choose it.

First you need to trim the free edge of the nails, but not too short. It is very important not to make the nails very rounded to prevent ingrowth into the skin. Sharp corners with a high abrasive file. Only then can you start working with the cuticle. Use an orange or silicone stick to move the cuticle. If necessary, you can use a special tool for softening. It must be applied for several minutes, after which the residue is removed with a cotton pad. Using a stick, clean the nail plate so that there are no cuticle residues on it.

The nails will look more shiny, smooth and well-groomed if treated with a double-sided nail file for polishing. This should be done carefully so as not to injure the nail plate. By the way, thanks to polishing, the nail polish will last much longer.

Foot care

When the fingers and nails are already processed, it's time to start skin care of the feet. Pumice or a special file is best for cleansing.It is better to use the file in one direction so that the skin does not become even rougher. If the skin is not softened enough, then apply a special tool or do a foot bath again. Just ten minutes will be enough for you to do further pedicures.

Some girls prefer to do hardware pedicures. Of course, this procedure is very effective and allows you to process the entire surface of the legs. According to the masters, thanks to this, the skin grows a little slower, which significantly saves your time and finances.

Nevertheless, the hardware pedicure has its drawbacks. The first and rather powerful argument is, of course, cost. Often it is quite high, especially for professional devices. But still, we note that there are several cutters in the kit. Such a device has a long shelf life, so you will forget about purchasing additional tools for a long time.

Also note that it can be difficult for beginners to deal with all the nuances of working with such a device. Therefore, if you want to purchase it, we recommend that you sign up for basic training. Thus, you will possess the necessary information and all the nuances of the work.

In any case, no matter what version of pedicure you do, it is very important to apply cream on the skin after the procedure. He will moisturize her and also make her softer. If you wish, you can do foot massage, which will definitely relax your legs.


The last stage of the procedure is varnishing. It is not necessary to do it at all, instead, apply the remedy on the nails or colorless polish for shine.

To make it convenient to apply varnish, it is worth using dividers for pedicure. The next thing to do is degrease the nail plate, and also apply the foundation. This will help level the surface and make the nails more attractive. Only after that it is necessary to apply varnish and wait until it dries completely. If desired, you can apply a top coat, thanks to which the varnish lasts on the nails a little longer.

In fact, every woman can do a pedicure at home. After all, the process is very simple and does not take too much time. Therefore, we recommend that you allocate time for such a procedure at least once every two weeks. Only in this way will your nails and feet look well-groomed.

Do you do pedicures on your own or visit a salon?

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