
Nose piercing: Varieties, beautiful jewelry and the best photo examples

All girls try to decorate their face by any means. And one of the extreme, but the most common ones is nose piercing. Such a puncture of the nose has its fans and opponents. Of course, there are many types of piercings and jewelry for this. We will consider them in more detail now.

Varieties of Nose Piercing

Piercing involves piercing the nose. However, there are many varieties of this type of jewelry, so deciding on this step, you should first decide on its format:

  • wing piercing where one or both sides can be pierced. It is also called a nostril piercing or side piercing;
  • septum - puncture of the septum of the nose;
  • Septril - piercing the lower part of the tip of the nose, in which the earring is removed from the septum of the nose down;
  • bridge - a puncture of the nasal septum between the eyes, eyebrows or on the nose;
  • piercing the tip of the nose of one of the nostrils upwards, which is performed without damaging the nasal septum;
  • austin bar - the name of this species comes from the name of the man who first began to wear such a piercing. It is made by horizontal puncture of the tip of the nose;
  • Nasallang - piercing the wings and nasal septum.

Do not forget that all of these types of nasal piercing can be perfectly combined with each other.

Classic nose wing puncture

The most popular among all varieties of nose piercing is a puncture of the wing, as it is the simplest and most relevant form. This face decoration option completely heals from 4 to 6 weeks. Regarding earrings, with such a piercing you can choose absolutely any shape. This type of nose piercing is considered the most modest and not catchy. But when deciding to get rid of the piercing, you won’t be able to avoid traces. The scar on the outside of the nose will definitely remain slightly noticeable.

Bold look of a nose piercer - ring

A ring piercing is not for everyone. Most often, this decision is made by people who were in different youth areas, such as punks, goths, emo and others. It is not recommended to perform such piercing for women over 30 - 35 years old, as this may look out of place and sometimes funny. Although for lovers to surprise and delight in their appearance, there are no barriers. Girls with nose piercings in the form of a ring attract the eyes of passers-by and amaze with their appearance.

Varieties of jewelry for nose piercing

Jewelry for piercing is very important, because a lot depends on the choice of earrings. Earrings for the nose can be different not only in appearance, but also in shape. Among the most common are:

  • classic rings - they are most often used for wings or septum;
  • Nastrils - used only for the wings of the nose;
  • half rings - a common type of earrings for the septum;
  • tunnels - bold and catchy decorations that are used to create holes of different sizes on the wings of the nose or septum;
  • labret and microlabret - this kind of earrings, reminiscent of cloves. They are used purely for the wings of the nose;
  • various bars, bananas, circulars - they are used for any type of piercing.

Initially, craftsmen recommend using jewelry made of medical alloys, titanium, and bioplastics. After complete healing of the hole, you can change the earring to any other, for example, made of wood, silver, platinum, gold and other materials.

Golden nose piercing in the photo

Gold always emphasizes the nobility and grace of a person, therefore, the best option for earrings in the nose will, of course, be jewelry made of gold.The most common types of gold earrings for use in nose piercing are cloves and snails. They do not cause allergic reactions and do not lose their attractiveness over the years. Gold cloves with a drop or a small ball will not be so noticeable and will be suitable even for business office images.

Diamond piercings

Diamond piercing is also popular. The pebble will always look neat and elegant. And due to the light glare of the sun, you can easily draw attention to the puncture of the nose. A diamond can be absolutely any size, depending on the desire of the owner.

Nose Piercing with Earring - Carnation

Choosing a carnation for nose piercing, you can completely rely on your personal preferences and tastes. This type of earrings has a lot of varieties. Often there are options for connecting a clove with an earring in an ear in a beautiful chain. This format looks very bold and catchy. Stud earrings have different shapes, from simple dots with a pebble to images of animals and plants. Regarding the fastening from the inside, it also has variations - a hook or a ball on the tip of the earring.

Simulated piercing

There are times when customers are undecided whether they want to do a nose piercing or not. In order not to make hasty decisions that you have to regret, use the snag. These piercing options are attached using clips, magnets, suction cups or glue. As a rule, at first glance, such a trick is difficult to distinguish from a real piercing. Having made such a test, you can probably decide whether to make a puncture, and in which particular place.

Nose piercing cost

The prices for this work are different. Much depends on the chosen salon. The main thing is to carefully choose the master who will perform the piercing. The price of a classic puncture of the wing will cost from 500 rubles, a puncture of the nasal septum costs from 1500 rubles, the nose bridge is estimated at 1600 rubles. Some salons include an earring for piercing. The cost rises from the degree of complexity of the work. You can pierce your nose not only in professional expensive salons, but also in private clinics or multidisciplinary hospitals.

When choosing a place for nasal puncture, you should carefully consider your decision. If you wish, you can make not one hole, but several at once, because there are a lot of options. There are many jewelry for the nose, for every taste. Do not be afraid to differ from the rest in your personality!

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