Why hair turns gray and how to avoid early gray hair
Gray has always been considered a sign of importance and wisdom. Unfavorable ecology, frequent stresses contribute to the appearance of gray hair in a modern person by the age of 20-30. Every year, the amount of bleached hair increases and over time, they prevail over the natural color. Almost no one succeeds in preventing the appearance of gray hair, but it is possible to influence the factors that contribute to this physiological process, thereby prolonging the beauty and youth. We will talk about the causes of gray hair and how to deal with it in today's article.
Why is this happening?
Human hair color is determined by the following pigments - eumelanin, osimelanin, pheomelanin, and a group of triochromes. All of these names are a type of pigment called melanin. It is produced by melanocytes cells located in the hair follicles and the lower layer of the epidermis. Pigment synthesis is associated with thyroid hormones, mediators of the nervous system, sex hormones and the functioning of the pituitary gland.
The predominance of eumelanin determines the black or dark brown color of the hair, osimelanin - a light tone, pheomelanin - shades of henna. Red tones are the result of the predominance of a group of triochromes. The hair color of any person is determined by a mixture of the above pigments. Keratin, which is the basis of hair rods, is dyed by them. And depending on how much each hair bulb receives melanin, the intensity of their shade changes. The volume and combination of eumelanin, osimelanin, pheomelanin and triochromes is determined genetically.
Even before the birth of the baby, melanocytes begin to work. With age, they regress. After 30 years of age, their work fades by 12-20% every 10 years. Because of this repression, gray hair appears, i.e. due to the lack of pigment in keratin, the hair completely bleaches over time.
Causes of gray hair
In the process of life, a person is affected by various factors, including hair, which are subject to them. All of them are divided into:
- internal - metabolism, stressful situations, age, genetic characteristics;
- external - an environment with its adverse conditions.
There are the following causes of gray hair:
- Ecology. Poor ecology contributes to premature aging and the development of various diseases.
- Heredity. Gray hair in most people appears at the same age as their parents.
- Stress and depression. An increase in the amount of adrenaline in the blood is often associated with nervous breakdowns. Its excessive amount ceases the connection of keratin and melanin. In addition to this, nervous strain contributes to premature aging and weakening of the immune system.
- Racial affiliation. In Negroids, gray hair appears later, and in Mongoloids and Europoids, at an earlier age.
- Thyroid problems. A metabolic disorder is caused by a disease of this organ of endocrine secretion.
- Avitaminosis. A deficiency in the body of manganese, selenium, iron, zinc, copper, minerals, iodine, vitamins A, B, C causes hair bleaching.
- Poor nutrition.
- Skin diseases.
- Pathology of the kidneys and digestive organs.
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Bad habits.
- Taking medications. The metabolism, immunity negatively affects the use of antibiotics Hydroquinone, Chloroquine, Rezokhin and phenylthiourea.
- Inadequate care. With improper care of the scalp and hair, their pigmentation is weakened.This includes the use of aggressive care products, exposure to cold and sun without a hat, and the use of hot water.
Gray hair characteristic
Ash-gray hair becomes with a significant decrease in pigment, and after the loss of all melanin, they turn into completely white. In people who smoke a lot, gray hair has a yellowish tint.
In addition to the dyeing function, melanin also gives hair strength, elasticity, and protects the hair shaft from external adverse factors. Therefore, gray hair, in addition to bleaching, loses its properties, becomes dry, brittle, tough, naughty when styling.
Prevention of the appearance of gray hair
Nobody has yet learned to restore the former shade of gray hair. You can only dye your hair in the selected color. But if you strictly follow certain rules, you can stop the progression of hair bleaching, get rid of single gray strands, preventing early graying.
The maintenance of health, youth and beauty contributes to proper nutrition and a balanced diet. To prevent graying in the diet, foods must be present that contain six essential minerals:
- iron - cocoa, eggs, beef, buckwheat, legumes, apples, sea kale;
- copper - pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, almonds, green vegetables, beans, eggs;
- iodine - seaweed, persimmon, sea fish, blackcurrant;
- zinc - egg yolks, oysters, whole grains, mushrooms;
- calcium - greens, wheat, nuts, soy, dairy products;
- chrome - wheat flour bread, wine.
The following vitamins should be included in the daily diet for full pigmentation of hair:
- E - viburnum, spinach, wheat, pistachios, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds;
- beta-carotene - the liver of animals and birds, spinach, fish, cabbage, carrots;
- C - Brussels sprouts, wild leek, bell pepper, berries, apples, kiwi, rose hips, citrus fruits;
- inositol - legumes, kiwi, prunes, meat, nuts, melon;
- folic acid - wild leek, broccoli, hazelnuts, spinach, beans, walnuts, peanuts, liver;
- In - sea buckthorn, walnuts, beans, dairy products, eggs, mushrooms, liver, sardine, mackerel, rabbit, pork, lentils, cashews, pine nuts.
The above vitamins and minerals not only affect the proper pigmentation of the hair, they also contribute to maintaining their health. Hair will be strong and healthy when eating foods that contain all the necessary trace elements.
In addition to all this, the diet should contain foods containing Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids:
- almond;
- oats;
- olive oil;
- salmon;
- fish fat;
- flax seeds.
Drinking mode
Hair follicles react extremely sensitively to a lack of fluid in the body.
The reason for graying hair may be a lack of fluid, which makes it difficult to assimilate and receive nutrients. In order for them to be healthy and shine with vitality, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.
Proper hair care
Noticing the first gray hairs, it is important to pay attention to certain rules:
- In frosty and hot weather, you must wear a hat.
- If possible, minimize the use of curling irons, styling products, aggressive paints, irons, hair dryers.
- Hot water negatively affects the condition of the hair.
- The scalp should have normal circulation, so complex styling should be avoided, as well as braids, tails, the use of elastic bands, and hairpins.
- It is allowed to use masks, conditioners, shampoos that do not contain aggressive components.
Salon treatments
At present, beauty salons perform modern procedures with which you can stop the appearance of gray hair. These include:
- microelementary mesotherapy;
- ultrasound therapy;
- plasmolifting;
- laser therapy.
The use of vitamin serums and nourishing masks such as Intensive Energizing Complex, Dikson POLIPANT COMPLEX, etc. can complement hardware treatment methods.
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