Rules for nail care at home

Even the most beautiful design will look messy on scruffy nails. This is not surprising, because you need to not only give them the current form, but also regularly do the necessary procedures. To do this, it is not necessary to visit the salon every week. We have prepared for you the most current tips for caring for nails at home.

Features of nail care at home

First of all, it is worth noting that caring for nails is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to do it regularly and literally in a month you will be able to notice the first changes for the better.

To make the nails look attractive, you need to adjust their shape at least once a week. The same goes for the cuticle. Soften it regularly with a special cream or balm. In the event of barbs, be sure to treat them with alcohol and only then trim. Even if you do not paint the nails with varnish, they will look neat.

It is also very important to carefully treat the nails and hands in general. That is, try to protect them from the cold. To do this, always wear gloves and in no case apply cream before going outside. Otherwise, they will be even more overdried. Also, the hands are quite badly damaged by exposure to various chemicals. Therefore, make it a rule to wear disposable gloves. Using only these recommendations, you will significantly transform the skin of the hands and the condition of the nails.

Marigold baths

Perhaps one of the most effective home-based nail care products is special baths. They can be different in composition and depending on your needs.

Salt bath

The most popular for a long time is considered a bath based on sea salt. It favorably affects the nails and helps to strengthen them.

To do this, you need to make a solution consisting of warm water and several tablespoons of sea salt. For those who are faced with the problem of yellowness of nails, we recommend adding lemon juice to the bath. This will help to whiten them a little. Mixing the ingredients is best in a small container. Marigolds must be kept in this bath for five to ten minutes. It is better to do it two to three times a week, not more often.

Oil bath

The next most popular is the oil-based bath. It is taken in order to prevent fragility of the nails, as well as nourish them with trace elements.

Castor and olive oil are often used. They must be mixed and heated in a water bath. But in any case, the mixture should not be too hot. Lower the marigolds into the container for ten minutes. If they exfoliate, it is best to add lemon juice to the bath. Doing this procedure is worth at least twice a week.

To slightly accelerate the growth of marigolds and make them stronger, a bath from a mixture of the following oils will help:

- wheat germ oil - 10 ml;

- jojoba oil - 10 ml;

- lemon or orange oil - 2 ml;

- rose oil - 2 ml.

You need to do it only once a week. If desired, you can alternate with the previous option.

Another option for a firming bath involves mixing several tablespoons of olive oil with lemon juice and two to three drops of iodine. The components must be thoroughly mixed and dipped in a mixture of nails for literally five minutes. It is better to wash off the remains with the simplest water without using soap.

Rules for a good manicure

You can make a good, high-quality manicure at home. However, if you notice that the nails become too brittle or dull, then these are signs of mistakes that you make.

First of all, pay attention to the nail polish remover. It must be without acetone.It negatively affects the nail plate and provokes delamination. Therefore, we recommend that you purchase a more gentle product with oils.

For those who constantly stain marigolds and make various design options, we recommend pausing. Long-term use of varnish affects them badly, so try to take breaks. Do not apply varnish, and at this time use strengthening pharmacy products. They will help to restore them a little.

It is also worth more carefully choosing a nail file. Recommends to abandon the use of metal, as they negatively affect the structure of the nail plate. Take a look at glass nail files. They gently file nails and do not injure them. A good option would be a file based on cardboard or rubber.

Regardless of the material from which you purchased the nail file, you need to know how to use it correctly. It is best to file the nails in one direction. Otherwise, you will contribute to their delamination. Also, do not do this after steaming or oil baths. Otherwise, it will lead to their fragility.

In addition, it is very important to properly handle the cuticle. At first, it is always necessary to soften it and only after that it can be gently pushed back with an orange stick. The next step is to work with the barbs. They need to be processed carefully using special forceps. Scissors are far from the best option. But before doing this, be sure to treat them with an alcohol solution.

Particular attention should be paid to processing tools. You need to do this even if no one else uses them. In any case, there is a risk of infection, and the consequences can be serious. Therefore, an alcohol solution is the best solution in this case.

Caring for the beauty and health of nails, use the rules and recommendations provided. But do not forget that their condition depends on your daily routine, as well as nutrition. Therefore, try to ensure a good sleep, and also fill the daily diet with healthy products and do not forget about the required rate of water consumption.

And how do you care for your nails: in the salon or at home? Share your experiences and tips in the comments.

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