Rauchtopaz. Properties, types of mineral, which suits the sign
Rauchtopaz is one of the most unusual and mysterious minerals that has long been loved by magicians and psychics who use it to conduct their rituals. The stone has an unusual color, ranging from light smoky to rich brown and has a special aura, so jewelers choose it to create elegant jewelry.
Varieties and color of rauchtopaz
In nature, most often there is a transparent stone with a delicate brown tint. Although you can find other types of rauchtopaz:
- The stone can be completely transparent or dark, characterized by moderate transparency.
- The hue of the gem can vary from light, similar to citrine, to very dark, resembling a morion. When sunlight enters the surface of the rauchtopaz, it can acquire a green or purple hue.
- Of particular importance is the color saturation of the mineral. Jewelers prefer bright, brilliant stones of saturated color. When processing rauchtopaz, it is possible to completely discolor it or change its shade.
The magical properties of rauchtopaz
Since ancient times, rauchtopaz has been one of the most energetically strong minerals. Therefore, it was often used by magicians and sorcerers to conduct rituals and communicate with the other world. Women used it for love spells.
At the same time, the magicians themselves caution against the use of rauchtopaz, since in inept hands it can bring a lot of trouble, because it has huge energy that a beginner can not cope with. Because of this, a person is able to become a hostage to a stone, finding himself in a world of illusions, which the mineral contributes to.
It is believed that the darker the shade of rauchtopaz, the stronger the stone. Young girls are advised to choose light minerals, and older women have brown or dark gems. Smoky quartz amulets make their owner more courageous and help him cope with various troubles.
If you put a pebble under the pillow, then a person can see prophetic dreams. In addition, after the night, he will feel alert and strong.
The healing properties of rauchtopaz
Even ancient people noted the positive effect of the mineral on the general condition of a person. Today, specialists in alternative medicine recommend purchasing it for those who suffer from various ailments. It is believed that the stone is capable of:
- improve the endocrine system;
- normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys;
- Helps improve hearing
- eliminates swelling;
- removes toxins;
- strengthens the immune system;
- helps to cope with a depressive state;
- protects children from nightmares, relieves hyperactivity disorder and improves concentration.
Rauchtopaz is recommended for people who are trying to get rid of various types of addiction (drug, alcohol, nicotine).
Who is suitable for rauchtopaz
Astrologers are sure that rauchtopaz is ideal for creative people, especially Capricorn. The silver frame is able to enhance the energy effect of the stone on a person. And since the mineral has a strong energy, not every zodiac sign can wear it:
- Aries, especially men stone will give prosperity and success in business.
- For Taurus, this stone is neutral. But, if someone likes him very much, then he can be worn at special occasions.
- Gemini rauchtopaz will always protect and protect. Using this jewelry you can achieve rapid career growth.
- And Cancers need to completely abandon such a stone, since it is able to settle insecurity in the representatives of this sign.In addition, in Rakov, rauchtopaz can lead to an imbalance in the spiritual component.
- To look at the amulet with rauchtopaz is Leo - men. He will help them become wiser and more successful. A female lion is better off.
- Maidens who will wear jewelry with rauchtopaz can become more confident and practical.
- The mineral can inspire creative Libra to conquer new heights.
- He will help scorpions to tune in a positive way and find inspiration.
- Sagittarius stone will protect against spleen and depression.
- Aquarians, who will wear an amulet with a rauchtopaz, will be able to find harmony with the outside world and moderate their ardor.
- Astrologers argue that the ideal relationship with the stone will be with representatives of the Capricorn sign. He will allow them to open their potential and gain confidence in their own abilities.
- Fishes can only wear light crystals.
Rauchtopaz is considered a special stone, which is able to give its owner calmness and to establish harmony with himself and others. It is recommended to be worn by those who are subject to depression and a bad mood.
How to wear a stone
Experts are sure that it is best to choose minerals of light, brown or red-brown shades. Dark rauchtopases, especially those in which there are black patches, are considered magical. Therefore, they must be worn very carefully so as not to attract trouble.
Mineral is more suitable for people over 30 years old. To enhance all its positive qualities, the gem is framed with silver. Copper and other metals are not suitable for this. And so that all the magical properties of the stone are preserved in full, raukhtopaz is advised to wear as a talisman in an unlimited form.
Periodically wearing jewelry with this stone is advised to those who often experience depression and are not confident. As soon as the emotional state changes, the stone needs to be given rest and temporarily not used.
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