TOP 10 best schools in Moscow: selection criteria and opinion of the Department of Education of the Russian Federation

Every parent wants his child to have the best: toys, kindergarten, school and much more. A good education in our time is the key to success in life. At school, we receive basic information on which the future depends. Hundreds of good schools function in Moscow, but how to choose the one in which the child will receive the first knowledge, best friends and excellent teachers? We will help a little to deal with this issue and decide on the choice of a Moscow school for your kid.

Rating of Moscow schools - 2018: selection criteria

The main criteria for choosing a school in Moscow are:

  • teacher training level;
  • feedback from students and their parents;
  • USE and GIA results.

This year, a new criterion was added - work with children with disabilities. For all of the above items, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of Moscow educational institutions in 2018. We will consider the TOP-10 of the best schools in Moscow, according to the Department of Education of the Russian Federation.

10. School 1329

The rating of Moscow general education institutions is opened by school No. 1329. Only a few years ago this was an ordinary school, not distinguished from the rest. But she was considered as such until a physical and mathematical class was developed in her. Qualified teachers from Moscow State University were invited, who responsibly prepare children for olympiads and tournaments. After the announcement of the results of the All-Russian Olympiad in 2018, this educational institution can be proud of its students and boast five prize-winners in physics, four in mathematics and nine in law. Unfortunately, in order to study at this wonderful school, you will have to take exams. But on the other hand, it is at school No. 1329 that your child will be able to receive, in addition to education, sports skills. At the school there are many school sports sections and even archery.

9. School number 1568

The full name of the school №1568 is “Pablo Neruda Lyceum”. Despite its “youth”, the Lyceum stands firmly among the best educational institutions. About twelve years ago, the director of one of the lyceums founded this school and took the best teachers to it. The first set did not exceed fifty students. The discipline in this school is monitored very strictly. All violations are immediately warned by the parents. Paradoxical as it may sound, school 1568 will have to study not only for children, but also for their parents. There are very few excellent students, because for unfulfilled homework a deuce is put in the journal, which significantly affects the final grade. The school specializes in the natural sciences, information technology, mathematics, and the study of Spanish and English.

8. School number 57

In 2016, a lot of negative information was said about this school. Terrible scandals have led some teachers to be put on the wanted list. The directors changed twice. But, despite this, the school continues to be one of the best in Moscow. Becoming a student at this school is quite difficult. The competition is very cruel. Parents who want their child to study here enroll their children in developmental education groups. About three hundred children go to pre-school classes, but this does not guarantee admission. Not everyone will be able to pass the most severe competitive selection in the first class. School No. 57 is considered elite, albeit with a tarnished reputation.

7. Lyceum "Second School"

The school has always been with a physical and mathematical bias. Back in the USSR, the best teachers were gathered here. More than 60 years have passed since the founding of the school; it remains one of the best in Moscow.The teaching technology here differs from school in that teachers do not use school textbooks, but have their own scientific developments. They train their students on the principle of a university. Instead of lessons - lectures and practical work. According to the results of the All-Russian Olympiad, “Second School” won 7 prizes in physics, 7 in economics and 13 places in mathematics. Unified state exams showed a rather good result - more than 85% of children gain more than 220 points in three subjects. Passing exams for admission is very difficult, especially according to student feedback it is difficult to cope with oral math.

6. College of Technology No. 21

Hearing impaired or deaf children study at college school number 21. Here they receive primary, secondary and vocational education in the direction of: auto mechanic, designer, carpenter, programmer, etc. This school currently has vast experience working with children with disabilities. By the way, not only with the hearing impaired, but also with children psychologically and emotionally unstable. Thanks to this school, such children receive not only a worthy education, but also a further placement in a good job.

5. Lyceum №1580

Lyceum No. 1580 was founded under the leadership of Bauman University. As everyone knows - this school is with a physical and mathematical bias. If you wish, you can deepen your knowledge of computer science and English. It is recommended that those children who are planning to enter one of the faculties of Bauman University in the future study. As statistics have shown, 90% of schoolchildren are easily credited there. Moving to high school, teachers prepare graduates for student classes as much as possible, conduct lectures and introduce grade books. In addition to general educational knowledge, children can also receive spiritual education. The educational institution has its own rock band and theater studio.

4. School number 1514

In 1952, educational institution No. 1514 was founded, in which emphasis was placed on mathematical sciences. But after the opening of the cultural department, students can choose a different profile. For example, humanitarian (study of literature and foreign languages) or cultural (history, philosophy or Latin). In the 10th grade, you can choose a natural science focus. All directions are strong in this school, which is proved by victories at the Olympiads. Teachers constantly arrange children's holidays, games and excursions. During the summer holidays, children go for internships in the chosen direction in science. This institution is not easy to get into. A huge competition (4-5 people per place) and complex exams allow only talented children to be recruited.

3. School number 179

One of the oldest schools with a physical and mathematical direction is school No. 179. Today, the educational institution can be proud of other areas: a biological and mathematical profile and engineering. Another school is famous not only for its excellent education, but also for its thorough knowledge of ordinary subjects, for example, the Russian language. The statistics of passing the exam is not very impressive, but when entering university, the graduates of this school have no equal. The class consists of no more than 20 students, and sometimes a little more than ten. Entering school, you will have to take a written math exam and an interview in the chosen direction.


2. School number 1535

School number 1535 was founded in 1929. To this day, all Soviet traditions have been preserved in it. Here you can choose any direction in specialization: philological, biomedical, psychological, economic, physical and mathematical, social and humanitarian profile. This school has a very deep study of foreign languages, because children often win competitions in French, Chinese and English. School number 1535 can be called amazing, because only here they study chemistry in English, and rehearsals in the theater are held in French. If you wish, you can learn Arabic.

1. HSE Lyceum

For the first time, this lyceum at the university won the first place in the list of the best schools in Moscow in 2018.This beautiful institution easily replaced the previous leader - school No. 1535. The peculiarity of this educational institution is that it practices the Western system of education. Pupils are divided into groups not exceeding 20 people, and they themselves choose the subjects that they will study. Perhaps it was this system that contributed to the Lyceum at the Higher School of Economics to climb Olympus. But many ill-wishers say that the lyceum won the first place in the ranking of the best schools in Moscow only due to the large number of graduates who successfully passed the exams and showed excellent results at the Olympiads during the year.

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