Rose quartz: Properties of the mineral, suitable for the zodiac sign
Rose quartz is a natural stone. It is considered one of the varieties of opaque white quartz. Of similar stones, this is the most expensive and beautiful mineral. It was known a thousand years ago and was discovered by archaeologists in the cities of Ancient Mesopotamia. The found pink quartz was in the form of beads, so it is assumed that the stone was used to create jewelry. It was also used in cosmetology. The stone was crushed into powder, which was subsequently added to the cream for the body and face. After applying such a tool, the skin became velvety and tender.
Today, rose quartz continues to be used in cosmetology. But not only this stone is appreciated. Esotericists claim that this gem is the most important talisman of love.
The magical properties of pink stone
Quartz, which has a pink hue, has various magical properties. Esotericists have established this a long time ago. The energy of love that comes from stone is especially strong. The mineral is considered female. It is advised to use to search for the second half and attract love. Cooled feelings can also be revived with a pink stone.
Rose quartz is suitable for absolutely all women, regardless of their age. To the fair sex, he will help to find happiness and attract love. In addition, the mineral adds charm and charm to them, so its owners become more attractive to men. A woman who wears rose quartz is always surrounded by the attention of the opposite sex. The mineral attracts true love.
The second destination of rose quartz is protection against witchcraft and evil forces. Around its owner, the mineral creates a powerful barrier, and he will not be afraid of any negative impact.
This mineral protects the family from scandals, betrayals and quarrels. It is enough to lay out crystals of rose quartz in different places of the home. The stone gives peace and improves mood. He strengthens the positive character traits and corrects the negative in his master. In addition, this kind of quartz arouses compassion, sensitivity, helps to realize the true purpose of a person in life, protects against wrong actions and mistakes.
Creative people this stone is a must. He will help them realize their talents and give inspiration.
Rose quartz is still considered a stone of illusions. There were times when the owner of the mineral ceased to see the real world. At the same time, it is difficult to get rid of such an illusion, having got into its network. "Rest" from the stone is necessary in any case, i.e. Do not wear it constantly. It is important to take breaks, and after a while, quartz can be used again.
The healing properties of quartz
The beneficial properties of rose quartz have been demonstrated in the field of medicine. This is an effective tool in the treatment of any mental wounds. Mineral relieves of tantrums, depressed mood, depression, feelings. It is considered a good tool for sound sleep.
The unstable emotional background of rose quartz easily normalizes, thanks to which the owner of the stone can survive stressful situations without any serious consequences. In such cases, the mineral must be worn as close to the heart as possible, and put it under the pillow at night.
The stone has another unique property - it is able to prolong life, as well as strengthen health. With this mineral, no disease is fearless to humans. It effectively slows down the aging process, eliminates various rashes, and rejuvenates the epidermis. To do this, it is necessary to lower rose quartz in a glass of water in the evening, and in the morning wash it, the remaining liquid should be drunk.
Rose quartz removes excess fluid from the body, normalizes blood sugar levels, eliminating harmful impurities, and improving composition. Specialists in stone therapy recommend the mineral for the treatment of pancreas and kidney pathologies. The stone also has a positive effect on the genitourinary system.
In addition to all of the above, the mineral perfectly affects the work of the cardiovascular system. With the help of stone, a stroke and heart attack is prevented. Rose quartz helps women while bearing a baby. The stone protects not only the expectant mother, but also the baby from evil forces. Pregnancy with its help proceeds without complications, and during childbirth the mineral relieves the woman from suffering.
The stone is effectively used in the fight against excess weight, it contributes to weight loss. For this reason, it is used in various cosmetology centers for carrying out procedures aimed at weight loss.
But this stone also has its contraindications. It should not be chosen for those who are diagnosed with malignant tumors.
Zodiac Signs Compatibility
As a talisman, the mineral can be used by all the signs of the zodiac without exception. It has many positive characteristics. But there are signs for which the mineral is just perfect.
Such lucky ones are Libra and Taurus. Representatives of these signs can feel soft, but very strong energy on themselves at once. Rose quartz will help them find love, give happiness and good luck, protect them from any negative impact.
This mineral can be used by representatives of other signs. A stone will bring happiness to any person, help to find true love. But all this takes time.
If the mineral will be used for magical purposes, it is better to wear it in the form of jewelry. For medicinal purposes - in the form of a pendant. A rose quartz bracelet should be worn on the right hand. Only then will it work as it should. A ring with a pink stone must be put on the middle finger.
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