TOP 10 largest birds of the planet

The variety of birds around the world, their sizes, shapes, colors are simply amazing. Among the birds there are tiny individuals, as well as heavyweights and giants. The article will list the largest birds on the planet.

Wandering albatross

This bird is a flying large bird. The mass of an adult reaches 16 kg. Albatross is capable of speeds up to 80 km / h. Hovering in air currents, can be in the sky for a long time. Due to their endurance, they could fly around the globe in about 46 days.

The albatross spends almost its entire life at sea, with the exception of the nesting period. The islands of the southern hemisphere are considered the birthplace of these birds. Here they create their nests. The wandering albatross chooses his partner for life - once. They feed on the inhabitants of the sea. Sometimes in the diet can be carrion.

King penguin

It differs from the emperor penguin by its brightness of coloring, weight and size. With a body length of 1 meter, the weight of the king penguin reaches 16 kg. Very curious birds, they are willing to make contact with a person, they do not pose any threat. Their diet is made up of marine life - fish, crustaceans, plankton. It happens that in the colony where the king penguins nest, conflicts arise. Most often this happens between males because of the female.

After mating, the female lays one egg. Both parents take care of him and sit out in turn. King Penguins are home to the islands of Antarctica.


Bustard is one of the largest birds in the world. In addition, she is also very beautiful. The body length of the bird reaches 1 meter, and weight - 16 kg. The bird knows how to fly, but prefers to move on the ground more. She has very strong legs, on which there is no plumage. Also, the bustard does not have the coccygeal gland, which is responsible for the grease necessary for plumage. The bird lives in meadows and plains, in the steppe zones of Eurasia, North Africa, from Mongolia to the Pyrenees. In places with dense vegetation, the bustard makes nests.

The bird is omnivorous; it can feed on both small animals and vegetation. Cleverly disguised due to its color.

Mute swan

Mute swan is one of the largest representatives of the duck family. With a body length of 2.5 meters, it has a body weight of up to 22 kg.

At the moment, the bird is listed in the Red Book. Swans are found on artificial ponds, in captivity they feel quite comfortable. Has a snow-white plumage. Only a bright red beak dilutes the whiteness. It feeds on everything that it finds under water and on water - roots, algae and others.

Migratory bird, lives in Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Asia, Europe, Russia.

Emperor penguin

You always have to pay for something. So in the case of the emperor penguin. Due to its impressive weight of 50 kg, it does not have the ability to fly. Such small wings are not capable of supporting it. It feeds on the inhabitants of the sea. Thanks to good vision, he is able to find food at a depth of 550 meters.

Emperor penguins live only in Antarctica. They are very resistant to harsh conditions. A streamlined body, subcutaneous fat, allow penguins to move under water and survive at low temperatures. The number of colonies inhabited by penguins reaches 10,000 individuals.

Big gang

Like an ostrich, a large rhea has very strong legs and can run fast. He uses his wings only for balance - he cannot fly. In height, the large rhea reaches 1.5 meters, weight - 30 kg. There are three fingers on the legs of the bird. One of them is equipped with a sharp claw, which is necessary to protect the bird.

The diet of this feathered is diverse - seeds, leaves, plants, fruits, roots.The menu may also include small vertebrates and insects. In dry seasons, it can do without water, while picking up food with a high liquid content. The male Rhea nandus hatches eggs, he also takes care of the offspring. Territory - from Patagonia to Brazil.


Emu is very similar to an ostrich. The weight of the bird reaches 55 kg. He loves ponds and high humidity, but can do without water for a long time. Omnivorous. Emu are considered real family man. Males take special care of their offspring. They train chicks to survive and get food. Emu polygamen. The male hatches eggs together with the female. It lives in Australia.

Orange cassowary

It differs from the previous representative of the cassowary by a little more weight and the presence of a brightly colored orange neck. The male always has a smaller size than the female. The weight of the male is 38 kg, the female weighs 58 kg. Orange cassowary is also omnivorous. Everything that catches his eye can serve as food. To continue the genus, the male selects several females. It is interesting that the male independently grows his offspring, and the female, having left the family, is simply looking for a new partner. Mostly lives in New Guinea.

Helmeted Cassowary

Because of its growth on the head of the bird, she received this name. This is the hardest member of the cassowary family. Among the largest birds of the planet, with its weight of 85 kg, the helmet-bearing cassowary takes the second place. The bird has a hair-like plumage, the head and neck are distinguished by a bright color, a comb crosses the entire head. The thickness of the strong legs of the cassowary is even greater than that of the ostrich. On three fingers there are long sharp claws, which are used as a means of protection. It is found in the forest areas of the islands of Seram and Aru, Northern Quinland, New Guinea.

Plant foods are included in the diet, but small animals may also be in the helmet-bearing cassowary diet.

African ostrich

In the first place in the nomination of the largest bird on the planet with a body weight of 156 kg, the African ostrich wins. Due to the lack of a keel, he cannot fly. The reason for this is the poorly developed wings and the large size of the bird. In return, the African ostrich is endowed with powerful and long legs. With their help, the bird can move at a speed of 70 km / h and cover vast distances.

This is a pretty strong bird that can fight back anyone who becomes a threat to her life. His cowardice and burying his head in the sand are just myths. Many predators bypass the ostrich and respect its strength. With its paws, a bird can break a tree or cause a serious blow to an adult lion.

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