TOP 12 of the poorest countries in the world

When you see pictures or footage on television news channels in which thin children in poor countries eagerly drink dirty water from a puddle after rain, the soul breaks. Regrettably, many of these stories are far from being staged. Residents of the most poor countries do not even have an idea about the existence of exquisite dishes, healthy food, medical treatment, and recreation. On the whole planet there are more than a dozen poor countries in which several factors serve as the cause of poverty, for example:

  • limited resource extraction opportunities;
  • lack of proper climate for farming;
  • ongoing political conflicts leading to endless wars;
  • revolutions and coups.

If we turn to history, we can see that in order to bring the country above the poverty line, it is necessary to take radical measures. Many of us live in fertile territories, where they forget about the existence of the blessings endowed with their country. Often you can hear the expression: "Better only where we are not." Today we will demonstrate with illustrative examples how much worse the population of certain states lives on Earth.

The Central African Republic is the poorest country in the world.

For several years now, the Central African Republic has been at the top of the list of the poorest powers on Earth. Endless coups and revolutions drove the country into poverty. Residents of the republic are trying to engage in agriculture, fishing, and self-mining, but this does not help much out of poverty. The unemployment rate in the country is going wild. Units of impoverished local population are involved in small-scale production.

Eritrea - A Poor African State

The political system of the state of Eritrea negatively affects the country's economy. In Eritrea, all residents of the country, regardless of gender, are liable for military service. The only way to “deviate” from military service is to enter a higher educational institution. But, unfortunately, few can afford to study at a university. Eritrea is a country where tourists have nothing to do, since most of its territory is closed for entry. The indigenous population is trying to survive at the expense of agriculture, but it is difficult for them, since the list of crops that can grow on the soil of Eritrea is very limited. At present, the main rates for raising GDP are made on the development of livestock and fisheries.

One of the 10 poorest countries: Burundi

Countless coups, political scams, corruption and lawlessness have made the state of Burundi wretched. Fertile soil is not used, although cattle breeding has gradually begun to develop in the country. However, will it be able to remove the country from the list of the poorest states?

Afghanistan is Asia's poorest country

The state of Afghanistan led to a catastrophic situation. Although the country has huge reserves of natural resources such as gas and oil, but this does not allow the country to move at least one step towards a more positive economic standard of living. Locals do not live here, but exist.

Guinea is the poorest country in West Africa

Guinea is a poor country with 11 million inhabitants. Paradoxical as it may sound, Guinea has a huge potential for extracting expensive resources, but the presence of natural wealth keeps people below the poverty line. Political strife will drive the country into poverty even more. The population survives due to farmland, but receive a small income from their sale.

Congo is one of the poorest countries in 2018

The Republic of the Congo has a democratic system, but the ongoing wars prevent the country from making at least some attempts to boost the economy through production. Since 2002, foreign investors began to develop uncountable reserves of natural resources in the bowels of the Congo. I really want to believe that the mined gold, cobalt and diamonds will somehow increase the level of well-being of local residents.

One of the poorest countries in Africa: Mozambique

Like Madagascar, the country of Mozambique was once a colony, but after gaining independence it became one of the countries with virtually no economy. The communist regime and the planned economy did not lead the country to an improvement in the economic situation, which was also finally achieved by a long war.

Moldova is the poorest country in Europe

Moldova has such an undeveloped economy that it is on the list of the poorest countries in Europe. In Moldova, agriculture is well developed, but the unrecognized republic of Transnistria is pulling the country down the economic ladder.

Liberia is a poor country in Africa

Liberia is a state in which 30% of its inhabitants are unemployed, and those that survive at least somehow are engaged in registering ships. In a poor country, no one is engaged in the extraction of useful natural resources, which are abundant in the depths of Liberia. The country does not attract tourists, since there is no civilization infrastructure here.

Malawi is the poorest country in East Africa

Malawi is a country that owns a large number of minerals that no one seeks to develop. The state receives the main income from small business engaged in the cultivation and manufacture of tobacco and tea. The local population survives due to their small agricultural plots.

The poorest African country - Niger

A significant supply of uranium did not make the African country Niger fortunately wealthy. In the eighties, the cost of uranium fell so much that the country stopped attracting foreign investors. The main income of the state at the moment is brought by the cultivation of millet, but this does not affect the local livelihoods.

Madagascar - one of the poorest countries in Africa

The popular animated film "Madagascar" shows us the fun, idle, colorful life of fairy-tale characters. Vivid pictures that make us believe that Madagascar with its capital Antananarivo is a fairly wealthy state. In reality, the picture looks exactly the opposite. In 1960, the colony of Madagascar gained independence, but after that the country's economy fell sharply. The main source of state revenue is agriculture, textiles, tourism and the extraction of useful resources. It is precisely on the latter that the current government is betting, which allows us to believe that Madagascar will emerge from the status of the poorest countries in the world.

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